Chill out guys , thats an american site with american ideas . Oh yes and i am aware Asda are owned by walmart and it also involves Tesco's who together are the two biggest supermarket chains , but this is good old blighty .
Tony cant even deal with simple problems like people claiming benefits and still earning £20 k a year at another job . ( i know its a car site and this is political but read it anyway ).
There is something called RIPA , which the Police use for observations and generally doing things quietly .The sort of things that the piece talks about would need The home secreataries authority on an indiviadual basis . That isnt going to happen .
remember Human Rights - Sherry Blairs little baby , it goes against that in many ways . Right to privacy - WHOOPS . The right to freedom of movent - WHOOPS .
If in doubt VOTE them out . ( Labout that is )
If it did come in and laws were changed , speeders would be faulked , I would be banned before i ever got out of my road .
RFID - No thanks !