A big welcome to viper900dodge but please remember that this is a site for grown ups and it would be nice to keep it that way. So I therefore uphold the criticism which says we don't want text language (i.e. u instead of you). If you cannot be bothered to do it properly, don't do it at all.
from The Old Git
Fran is correct in her earlier post, this is a site for motor race fans, not pedants. Age isn't important, tolerance is. Posts should be sufficiently coherent to be understandable (unlike some contributors, on occassions!), but perfect use of Queen's English isn't essential. Having said that, anyone posting in txt spk will be requested (by the mods) to desist, or risk losing their posts.
Flaming someone for any reason, whether it be their age, their opinions, poor grammar or spelling isn't productive or smart.
I asked Viperboy to review his contribnutions before hitting enter, that advice applies to anyone. Not just to check readibility, but also to ensure that your comment isn't open to mis-interpretation, and possible offence. I can pick out at least four comments from the past two weeks (and none of them are Viper's) which I'm sure read differently to the way they were meant, and could be construed as implite, to say the least. (And don't forget to include smileys to put your comments into context, where appropriate).
There is no intention to stop healthy debate - I'm sure we've all had a good laugh at some of the threads here - I know I have! Just sometimes, a bit of respect and understanding would go a long way...
Steve and I have enough on our hands keeping the spammers at bay. That's given us intimate knowledge of how to Ban users. Enough said!