I'm not sure that flooding the ACO with emails from individuals requesting the re-instatement of these monitors is the best way to go. Can we not get a resposible body, eg Grand Fromage (probably the only responsible body we have!!), to lobby the ACO on our behalf as the representative of over 1500 people - I think this would carry more weight than the 100 or so emails that would otherwise be generated.
Almost like a petition you mean......Dear ACO, .......this request is also the feeling of 1500 CA memebers, etc. hank you for yuos consideration, etc.
I can't see that it would be very expensive for the ACO - they already have the 'drivers' in place, and repeating monitors in all the garages, VIP suites, press rooms and ACO enclosures. Surely just an extension to the network that is already there, and a few dozen monitors.
That is exactly what I wast rying to get at, but got caught up in my own waffle.