What no Dunlop Bridge, Don't ever remember it not being on the poster
1999. Picture was of cars covered outside their pit garages. No Dunlop bridge. Caption BMW vient, Toyota vient, Chrysler et Mercedes viennent, Nissan vient et Audi vient. Et vous, vous venez?
2000 Caption La legende s'ecrit sous vos yeux. Very dark picture of a car at night, brakes glowing. No Dunlop bridge.
2001 picture of number 8 Bentley being followed by number 1 Audi, with a red clock showing 4 o'clock superimposed. No Dunlop bridge.
Bit of a pattern there then?
Admittedly 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005 all had the Dunlop bridge.
I *knew* one day it would come in useful, that I have copped out decorating my office properly by putting up loads of LM posters...