Hello to all!
I've been surfing this site for a while but been too busy to make a significant post.
I too am another one of the folks that followed Chop and the gang. This past year I went to Sebring, USGP, and Mid-Ohio for Alms and the Runoffs. Its still my first year at the new job so my traveling was pretty limited. I heard a few of you met the gang at Road Atlanta this year. Its basically the same group that went to Sebring, and hopefully will be making the trip overseas. This weekend we're all meeting in Columbus to Watch football and sort of get on the same page logistically concerning the race next year.
If anyone should happen to be in the tailgate lot between the Shott and the soccer fields, look for a beat up orange Minni Winni with 2 TV's and a big white canopy. Beers on me