If the ACO specify the size of the pitch in advance, and one permit allows one pitch, then what is the problem. Simply buy the correct amount of permits for the pitch size you require. I guess this may even work out cheaper for some?
After hearing now what has happened to the Liverpool Boys on their way home this type of comment gets me very upset.
MB, the same as many campsites for the duration of the infamous 24 is about people devoted to Le Mans as they have been for many many years.
Have you bothered to notice what efforts groups like the Liverpool Boys, Beermountain, JP Chenet....to name but a few, make to their pitches in order to envoke frivolity amongst those that they know and those they don't?
If numbered pitches came into being on MB it would ruin the whole ethos of the site I fear.
All good things come to an end but only after some half wit has complained to the ACO.
It is not about cost - nobody is trying to cheat the ACO or other Le Mans enthusiasts - groups like the Liverpool Boys spend lots of time and energy in getting things just right on their site in order to entertain various visiting parties.
I watched the Le Mans film at Team Drinking Hollands site, which was opposite the Liverpool Boys on the Friday night. We were offered drinks and made very welcome - this would not happen if MB was changed.
Please do not make complaints to the ACO. It would be such a travisty to lose the spriit of what is MB.
RS2 Babe (serious head on-so sorry)