It sounds like I need to get amongst the spiders then Rusty!
I f**k*ng think you f**k*ng should fella, get that f**k*ng shovel out and f**k*ng get down that f**k*ng shed right f**k*ng now!!!
It is a f**k*ng shame that the f**k*ng french f**k*ng side shows have f**k*ng disappeared, f**k me, they were the f**k*ng cracking f**k*ng business. f**k*ng Hinch has f**k*ng fond f**k*ng memories and f**k*ng scars from f**k*ng being f**k*ng shot in the f**k*ng arse from f**k*ng one of the f**k*ng owners of the f**k*ng shot gun f**k*ng stalls. Well, f**k me, he f**k*ng wouldn't f**k*ng give us a f**k*ng we f**k*ng shot the f**k*ng prizes...what the f**k did he f**k*ng expect the f**k*ng pikey fr*nch c**t.