So... the deed is done! Leave request approved, hotel reservation confirmation received, "Chunnel" booking made! :-)
Taking the 5.50am train from Folkstone on Thursday morning, so should arrive by lunchtime! :-) In time, I see, for the Legends & main qualifying sessions! Staying in the Hotel F1 Arnage Sud... I'm sure I'll meet at least some other GA members there and/or at the circuit!
Was going to say "I'll bump into you" but hopefully not literally... Look out for "The Flying Scotsman" (sic) in a wheelchair with an electric bike attachment on the front! ;-)
BTW: If I can help any CAers while in Le Mans, and thereby repay some of my debt to the group, I'd be happy to do so... For my sins, I studied French and use it very regularly, so if you're get into trouble, lack the lingo & need a hand, please do ask!
See you on Thursday! Can't wait...! :-)