Randy was quoted in the press over here (I can't remember which one) :-
Last month, Bernard said the series had set out to offer fans ‘value, competition and entertainment’.
He added: ‘Putting Dan at the back of a 30-plus car field to weave his way through at speeds in excess of 215mph will certainly prove that.’
If you're familiar with the swiss cheese model of incident analysis I'm sure you can see at least a couple of contributory factors right there. In aviation and shipping there are usually 7 'holes' which line up to cause the loss of an aircraft, and I'm sure that this will be found to be the case here, there or thereabouts.
Nothing is meant by the use of aircraft as an example, it's just my particular field of experience.
It's so sad to think that sometimes change must be driven by the loss of life, regardless of who they were, or what people think of the individual involved, but safety in F1 took a massive leap forward following Senna and Ratzebergers accidents in Imola. Hindsight's always 20/20, but maybe the series was becoming proactive just a year too late.
Probably the most sensible and sober words written in this entire sorry thread.
Thank you Nick.