Mr Z is, of course, quite right (in the interests of national security) to be so subtly opaque in declaring the underpinning reason behind the failure of the immortal Commer's fuel system. Just remember that, some time ago, we developed self-sealing fuel tanks for a reason, and it wasn't just to prevent catastrophic fuel supply failure due to flak, but a prescient decision to avert disaster caused by any inadvertant meddling with fuel formulations......
But, according to today's news, we are about to embark on a journey into a brave new world of bio-fuels derived from algae. No, not the stuff that Algy made Biggles drink to beat off the marauding hordes from wherever, but the very stuff that the Commer and her ilk grow naturally during periods of apparently wilful, but deliberate, neglect by exposing them to the vagaries of the UK climate. Given the Commer's lineage and indubitable provenance, Mr Z could be onto something here that would outperfom even the current overinflated bonuses at Goldman Sachs.......
The Commer fuelled by a natural algae-derived propellant would represent an even more formidable champion of the right and the good. You have been warned.....
MG Mark