Hmm - practicing photography huh? It was so much fun staying indoors and watching the end of the race on TV when I should have been on the Mulsanne roundabout watching them come straight at me at 180mph - not. Anyway, photographing cars behind a pace car isn't really my thing. However, quite frankly I'm damned if I'm going to risk thousands of pounds worth of gear just for a few photos. As we all know, the rain was so heavy that it would have (and did!) get in everywhere, so it was galling but - there's always next year! But I did post in February that it would be a wet race - ask me again next year!
June has always been a rather 'fickle' month weatherwise, but it's funny that I can only remember the really good dry ones. Does that mean the rest were crap? In my book NO, but then this June, as I'm sitting here whatching 'stairrods' out of the window I'm beginning to wonder.
When you originally forcasted a wet one, what was the base criteria of your forcast?
Did you used to work for the Met Office and you were sidelined because you were always right unlike the Mr. Fish episode.