Gheheh those are in fact sweet, sweet memories from days long gone. The track has been raped and although it has the same lenghth as back in 1978 the layout is completely different. A few corners are still there but the surface is about half of what is used to be and the long straight towards the Tarzan curve now looks more like a pit. I still go there on a regular basis but it is the politicians that murdere the old track, ofcourse helped by ernie cos when something bad happens he is always around...
There was a documentay about the death of Roger Williamson on our local television recently....emotional but also VERY embarrssing footage....
I used to go there with my dad when you could still move around freely...that is even longer ago cos these days you feel like cattle if youvist a F1-event.
Bartus(who thinks even on tv it looks like sh*t BTW)