Felix, following comments on the Tee shirt thread I do hope you are going to trade in Euros and GBPs
Thanks you for your concern sir.
I was considering scallop shells but these have been devalued since they became common place in many of the sea front rock shops in Southend.
I was thinking about bringing one of those credit card machines to Le Mans in June (I'm hoping business will be BRISK) but I haven't worked out how to hook it up to the phone line.
I understand from other posters that there's plenty of free electric in MB campsite (I'll leave the generator at home) as the wires hang from the trees. Is there free phone lines as well?
My Auntie Gladys has a big glass bottle full of 1p and 2p coins so I'll have a good float if anyone needs change.
All these practical problems are doing my head in.