The problem is, that F1 design and understanding has moved on so significantly, that without these "gimmicks", to which I assume you are referring to DRS and KERS, there would literally be no overtaking at all.
The cars which raced in the 70's and 80's, and were overtaking all over the place, were not doing so because they were glorious designs - they were doing so because they were primitive designs, and there was a fundamental lack of understanding of downforce and aerodynamics at the time. These days, designers not only know how to make their cars aerodynamically efficient, but they know how to cause all sorts of issues to the cars chasing - thus effectively defending the car from the rear.
DRS and KERS take away that aerodynamic advantage - and to my eyes, over the last couple of years, have improved the quality of entertainment in Formula 1 tenfold.
A Balestre was a self important, egotistical idiot, who believed that F1 should be ruled by dictatorship, and that those who drove in races were simply puppets in HIS show.
I know all that really, I'd just woken up with my rose-jointed spectacles on.
And can I just say that I've never read such a serious post from you Brad!
Sadly, I believe that the muppets who run the puppets are all egotistical, it seems to be part of the job.