I concur with the comments about all the hard work Doris has put in over the past few years, and also concur with her decisions regarding the continued raising of funds in these economically difficult times.
To help the fund-raising, we have decided to transfer the bulk of the profit from the t-shirt/car sticker sales to the Charity Account. I can't put a figure on it at present until I collect all the money for the shirts, and until all costs (shirts, printing, P&P) are settled, but it is likely to be in the region of £3-400.
Any profit from merchandising has, for the past couple of years, been collected for the Server Fund. This fund currently holds sufficient to meet the expected calls on it for the next 12-15 months, even after paying out just over £1000 this time last year for the new server equipment (which continues to function very well
), so the decision was made to transfer the profit to charity.
This, together with income from the CA guide and any other activity at Le Mans, will hopefully boost the Charity account to a reasonable figure.