Well Smokie you missed a great weekend,with warm weather(75 deg Sunday) and good hotels and food.We covered almost 800 miles over the weekend as we took the longest route there and back.
Staying at the Hotel de France in Chartres was superb even though I almost ordered Sweetbreads !!Thanks to the waiter who could tell I was more of a staek sort of guy so he warned me off them.(Obviously I didnt tell Griff...till later)We met up with KP and Gilles at the hotel plus Rick of Maison Blanche in pit lane on Saturday.Sorry to those who we missed in the Sebring on Sunday but we met up with some other guys we new and the time just went by too quickly.
We had a long chat with Ron Fellows on Saturday(what a thoroughly nice chap)He's very confident that the Vettes will once again be victorious.
Then Sunday we were down at the Kart side of the Porsche curves when Mike Jordan came to watch.We had a chat about the TVRs to him,and he told us they had a few engine problems and wrong gearing but he also was optimistic about the race,even though him and Michael Caine had never driven at LM.
We had a good blast around the circuit on Sat and Sunday and AJ foolishly let Griff behind the wheel of the Vette.Well after a few sesssions we decided to call it a day because it seemed only a matter of time before one of us broke something.
Griff had a new digital camera too so he was acting the Bailey all weekend,taking about 100 pictures in all.Im sure some of them will appear soon.
Anyway for the serious reports check out