Bloody good job too Tom, Your a top man, don’t want any of that bar humbug stuff around here!!!
Rob, my literacy knows no boundaries - even county ones, although I am sure Dorset is a few editions behind on the Oxford English Dictionary.
For anyone who's wondering - he makes no sense in Berkshire either, and never has.... fortunately his illiteracy has followed him to Dorset and isn't contagious...
P.S Daddy I need to borrow some new car now has slick rear tyres, on account of the fact that everyone who travels in it wants me to show them what a doughnut is....Or maybe it was just me wanting to do them....I like rear wheel drive....
Anyway - It needs new tyres, and you said you'd pay...maybe, ish, sort of, not.....
Thanks Son, buy your own bloody tyres..............
Tip, dont bring it down to Dorset until you have, I got pulled on the bike the other day, an unmarked Blue BMW estate with the number plate recognition gear in it. I was legal, just that the central computer hadnt been updated with my tax (from sorn) and insurance details. I saw him pull to other cars, no problem, no tax or insurance is wrong, cause there the ones who will hit you, sods law.