Grimbergen and carbon fibre wafers for you at communion mate.
Anyway, re your Porsche #29. You got me hooked on that one, and I spent a good while hauling around the web. (I know, prayer should really be the answer, but I'm beginning to think I'm transmitting only, either that or He really should go Broadband). No 29, according to various sources was a Lola T292 ran by Societe ROC, and rather unfortunately bust a CV joint in the 23rd hour. Now, a few sources had a Carrera RSR #9 starting, but no-one seems to know what happened to it. One site has it doing 3 laps and then being DQ'd and another, usually informative, site actually says "Did this car start the race?" in the results column.
I have likewise conducted further independent research based on your response, your holiness.
I shamefully defer on the race number in question. It seems I'm hoisted petard-wise by a typographical error in my reference, the thoroughly useless, inaccurate and generally tawdry rag, scribbled by that bastard, Dominique Pascal. The 911 was indeed #9 - not #29. I should have cross-referenced and double-checked. It's an inexcusable performance on my part. Where's my hair shirt?