Yes there are a lot of tickets on Ebay that will not sell and people will be out of pocket. For the speculators that bought extra tickets to make a profit and stopped people like me getting the tickets that I wanted shame.
There was three Tertre rouge tickets on Ebay this week that I would have liked as I have camped there for the last 10 years (However the Aco decided to give me Houx annexe.)The Tertre Rouge tickets did not sell at £40.00 each so I emailed the chap and asked if he would like to sell them and he offered them to me for £300.00
so I said no I like tertre rouge but not that much. I was under the impression anyway that it was against Ebay trading policy to sell event tickets if the ticket expressly says that you cannot which the tickets do. See the reverse of the tickets for tems and conditions.