The Wokingham Boys
Mick the Sparky, Phil the Chippy & Roly the Rat Catcher (or to give him his council title....pest control officer!!!)
Travel plans:
Outward 23:15 Tuesday 8th Portsmouth-Caen
Return 16:45 Monday 14th Caen-Portsmouth
Should be midday Wednesday after stocking up with vital provisions en route the big shop for Thursday morning.
Houx Annexe if Roly gets the tickets OK
Nothing special going down this year as we had the usual whingers drop out complaining of not enough holiday and under the thumb excuses. So its the big red Fiat van again for 2004!
No plans except a chilled out week.....pop in for a cold one if your passing
I'm from Wokingham too, but not so much of a boy any more..., and not in need of a rat catcher!! smokie