Woe woe and thrice woe,
for it is written in the stars,
and the entrails of chickens and small furry animals,
that when forums start flaming people,
so that they leave for pastures new,
even if they had been a bit of a prat,
then the rule of Law breaks down,
and even the great Law of Vegas, will be in danger,
respect will wither, to the detriment of innocent and guilty.
Repent, repent, repent.
Let there be no more references to spelling mistakes,
Leave slagging off to those from the far lands, and their friends,
whose tongue is firmly in cheek.
Beware people who spread the seeds of discord,
otherwise the canker will spread and end in doom.
Woe, woe and thrice woe.
This oracle stuff is thirsty work, anyone got a beer?