Quote of the week, which you probably had to be there to find utterly sidesplittingly hilarious but I'll tell you anyway, has to go to Clive of the Brethren. We were at the drivers parade on friday standing outside a bar and had had a cheeky six pints of Kroney for lunch. He'd been to a novelty shop on the way into town and was now the proud possessor of a lollypop shaped like a ladies shaven, you know.... thingy. Just as we were packing up to leave he dropped it and and was horrified to see it smash to a hundred pieces on the pavement. The cl***is had rolled under a table and someone trod on one of the l**ia. There would be no repairing it. With a crestfallen look on his face he exclaimed "Oh f**k. I've broken my c**t".
Hahahahahahahahaha... such a shame I missed this!