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1  Club Arnage / 2007 and earlier / Re: Wanted 4 campsite passes on: March 26, 2007, 11:23:01 pm
Just Tickets.

I know the ACO lay out didn't show Technoparc this year, but apparntly it's still there and tickets are being or have been sold for it.
2  Club Arnage / 2007 and earlier / Re: Wanted 4 campsite passes on: February 17, 2007, 11:02:26 pm
No thank you.

For future refrence, we have settled on Technoparc. So Mods please feel free to do what you will with this thread.
3  Club Arnage / Help / Re: Camping Passes on: February 08, 2007, 12:54:40 am
So far I've only been twice. So obviously I'm still somewhat of a novice compared to most of you chaps here.

In 2005 we had Technoparc... which is basically field with a tap and a toilet. but apart from that not to bad. We got there on the Wednesday evening whilst it was still nearly empty, and could pick and choose our spot.

Last year 2006, we went to Bleu, which has slightly better toilet facilities and a lot more taps. Personally I found this to involve less walking than Technoparc. Although it's quite difficult sometimes getting on bleu because the Lotus club have made it their own, so to speak.

We had intended to have Karting Nord this year, and were planning to arrive on the Monday, in an attempt to nab a spot by the fence to give ourselves the luxury of being able to watch some track action from our gazebos in the case of coming down with the lazy bug during the race. Unfortunately for use, down to my inexperience, this is not to be for this year, and we shall be returning to Technoparc, for one year only we hope. And shall probably arrive on the Tuesday instead. We’ll go a day later than planned because there will be no need to rush to grab a sport by the fence!
4  Club Arnage / Help / Re: Camping Passes on: February 07, 2007, 11:22:34 pm
Lol... what the crowds there like?

I'm considering mocking up some kind of rudimentry shower for the campsite... nothing to fancy.. just something to help have a quick wash in the mornings.

Some kind of water bag/container conected to a bit of shower hose/head.
5  Club Arnage / Help / Re: Camping Passes on: February 07, 2007, 10:44:47 pm
Our main problem with Beausejour is that it is pretty much in the middle of no where, and a huge campsite. Although having taken a stroll through there in 2005 I can appreciate that it does have showers, and catering etc. But it’s huge and just goes on for miles. We just wanted to be a bit nearer to the action etc.

Mr Lawnmower, it sounds like you probably ordered a fair bit earlier than myself, and thus had a bit more flexibility. Where as I thought I had ordered fairly early but not early enough it seems. We’re not really interested in grandstand tickets etc, we just want to secure the basics and organise everything else ourselves.

I’m not faulting any particular person who happens to have the boredom of trying to make the best out of bad job, of course I know they don’t intentionally not give people what they want. It just would have been helpful for them to say  “look chum… there’s no way we’re going to be able to supply you with these” and show the alternatives. Yes I know this is pre allocation etc so nothing is set in stone, but they must have some idea. After all all the 3rd party agencies I’ve spoken to are quick to advise shopping around to cover yourself. I.e. not just assuming you’ll be perfectly happen to be in the middle of no where.

Not to worry, the milk is spilt now, no point in continuing to cry over it, We've sorted out some tickets to Technoparc via Just Tickets instead, which despite it's lack of shower facilities is a slightly shorter walk to the village. And I'm sure we can find ways of making the site more comfortable for ourselves. We did stay there after all in 2005.

I guess I will just have to be anally early in planning for 2008 and beyond.
6  Club Arnage / Help / Re: Camping Passes on: February 07, 2007, 08:37:54 pm
Well what ever. We've learnt from it anyway, and will be making changes in the way we organise in future.
7  Club Arnage / Help / Re: Camping Passes on: February 07, 2007, 12:02:32 am
To be honest I don't think I'm being unfair. If they knew it was going to be a problem allocating what someone requested, they should give prior warning, not just assume people will be happen being plonked in the middle of nowhere as an after thought with no alternatives. I'm sorry if someone doesn't agree with that point of view, but that is how I and my group see it.

We thought we were being better organised this year by being early, but somehow we have ended up worse off, than when we have done things later. So ofcourse we are going to be pissed off.

Had I had a better idea more than 6 months ago now that the ACO would stuggle to allocate my request, I certianly would not have gone through with it, and would have no grounds to feel hard done by.

As it happens, we are set to book Techno Park through Just Tickets tomorrow, providing ofcourse they haven't sold out since I spoke to them this morning.
8  Club Arnage / 2007 and earlier / Wanted 4 campsite passes on: February 06, 2007, 02:12:16 pm
Ideally Karting Nord.

Willing to settle for Bleu.

Contact Jimages or Martyn.
9  Club Arnage / 2007 and earlier / Re: For Sale - 4 x Bleu Nord Tickets on: February 06, 2007, 02:09:46 pm
My group would probably take all 4 off you.

Because in our view Bleu is significanty better for us than beausejour.
10  Club Arnage / Help / Re: Camping Passes on: February 06, 2007, 02:06:50 pm
I'm in Martyn's group and had taken charge of the campsite etc, ACO proving to be spectacularly useless.

I emailed them this morning just to make sure of the allocation they gave us, and they have replied thus.

Dear Sir, Yes, it means when you ordered Karting Nord was fully booked. Best regards,

Why the hell they couldn’t have actually informed me of that when I ordered last year (not long after the 2006 race), is beyond me, because it has messed up quite a bit. In the future I shall not be wasting time with the ACO ticket service, I shall let my overdraft take care of things with just tickets good and early.

I have looked at Page & Moy, and whilst it is an option to get us on our preferred campsite, it doesn’t fit our plans at all well, and adds significantly to the cost for each person., which for many of us simply isn’t an option. With their self drive packages they take care of the ferry, but only with a 5 day return ticket. We plan on being there longer.

So realistically our options at the moment to avoid Beausejour, are techno park or being lucky enough to buy of someone else.
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