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1  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Still here and ready for Le-mans on: April 07, 2008, 11:53:30 pm
All the best.......,
Why do you think I'm 'Bionic'(?)!.......I had a mitral valve repair and also was out of hospital very my case five days after the old fashioned (pre keyhole) top to toe chest open surgery.
Do as much excercise as you can BUT DO NOT OVERDO things. It will only set you back.
Perhaps we'll do the 'scar show' at LM this year?HuhHuh
Keep your pecker up.
2  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Beer!! on: May 29, 2007, 11:59:24 pm
Most are acceptable, but a few years ago on our site a  Brit group seemed not to be be terribly 'compus mentis' (?). There was a vast quantity of AMSTERDAM NAVIGATOR being quaffed at all times throughout the weekend which seemed to keep them in in a semblance of 'sonambulism'. They had picked up what appeared to be three months supply and were intent on supping it in three days.
Having assisted them in attempting to shift the 'beer mountain' I can safely say that it might not be 'top of the pops' for me!
Packs a punch though!
3  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Pray for sunshine... on: May 29, 2007, 10:00:20 pm
I was going to ask for guidance as to whether wellies are the order of the 'weekend', but you got in before me!
Seems that we tax collectors will have to make use of the brolleys , though!
See you all there!
4  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Hurrah! I'm going this year!!!!!! on: January 17, 2007, 08:51:14 pm
The big issue before you go is one of 'practice ' isn't it! What are your plans for preparation for the 'BIG WEEKEND'? Grin Grin Grin Grin
5  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Youngs Brewery R.I.P on: September 29, 2006, 09:08:03 am
The memories of the 'Party Sevens'!......... Don't you remember when you were going to a 'less popular' venue that the can would be shaken, not stirred, to ensure that when opened in the kitchen 5 out of the seven pints would spend the next two hours dripping onto peoples heads......
I know it was peurile but I was younger then!


When hosting parties the dreaded 'sevens' were always taken outside to be dealt with.......It always surprised me why so many were sold since you only ever seened to be able to drink two pints out of every seven!...Good marketing ploy I suppose!


6  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Youngs Brewery R.I.P on: September 28, 2006, 08:13:04 pm

From distant memory you got a 'passport andhad to get it stamped in all Young's pubs within a certain time (one month?) and you were then awarded a tie, other paraphinalia and ......a barrel of Youngs! I must admit that realism/cowardice took over and I never undertook the task!

Did any CA members?

I am sure that they would have fond memories (!)


Gales did a similar thing about 20 years back. Never made it round the whole lot but got the T-shirt for visiting 50+


How many times did you overdo things in the attempt?
Now with clearer memory a couple of colleagues started the Youngs round but overrefreshed in the first few so decided that the wallets would take too much of a bashing.........

How's the South without Gales, or are gales forecast?

7  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Youngs Brewery R.I.P on: September 27, 2006, 10:56:39 pm
usual excuse on here is to blame it on the voices, it seems to work most of the time.
They always seem to say "Just one more, just one more!"

Sometimes you just have to give in! Grin

8  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Youngs Brewery R.I.P on: September 27, 2006, 10:35:51 pm
Seem to have partaken again tonight (or so the computer would say!). My last posting seems to leave something to the imagination......
Had a pint of Youngs on the way home.....could be the last...

9  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Youngs Brewery R.I.P on: September 27, 2006, 10:32:58 pm
very fond memories of brewing day, what a stink, what great beer, not sure, but I seem to remember a passport system, whereby you visited all Youngs Hostelleries and have you passport stamped the net result was a certificate, never did get round to all of them, it was fun trying though.
From distant memory you got a 'passport andhad to get it stamped in all Young's pubs within a certain time (one month?) and you were then awarded a tie, other paraphinalia and ......a barrel of Youngs! I must admit that realism/cowardice took over and I never undertook the task!

Did any CA members?

I am sure that they would have fond memories (!)

the mob i was working with at the time we were based near smithfield market, one brave chap had a stab at it, are you sure it was just a month?  we were fond of a few sherbets at the time but even so it would be pushing it.

Could have been longer, but I seem to recall that none of the crew that I was partook of refreshment with had the nerve to try......., and these were those who would think nothing of 'defrosting' their vehicles standing on the bonnets! (then being the passengers!)

10  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Youngs Brewery R.I.P on: September 27, 2006, 10:14:38 pm
very fond memories of brewing day, what a stink, what great beer, not sure, but I seem to remember a passport system, whereby you visited all Youngs Hostelleries and have you passport stamped the net result was a certificate, never did get round to all of them, it was fun trying though.
From distant memory you got a 'passport andhad to get it stamped in all Young's pubs within a certain time (one month?) and you were then awarded a tie, other paraphinalia and ......a barrel of Youngs! I must admit that realism/cowardice took over and I never undertook the task!

Did any CA members?

I am sure that they would have fond memories (!)
11  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Youngs Brewery R.I.P on: September 27, 2006, 09:53:35 pm
Oh to remember the lunches of pints of 'mixed' (1/2ordinary-1/2special for the unitiatiated) or Ram&Spec for the latecomers.....
I have some hazy recollections but I presume that that's all the fault of the Ram&Spec!

The 'mixed' won't ever be quite the same methinks!


Cheers all
12  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: Wellies on: June 23, 2006, 12:17:06 am
I don't know what to say........ Shocked
Having left the WELLIES behind in all good faith I was SHOCKED by Wednesday's weather!
During the latter part of the evening I gave the 'powers that be' a piece of my mind, considering the deep thought that had gone into my packing!
Hey further problems!
I'll try to work the same magic next time if needed.
Hope you all enjoyed the party (race/event???)

13  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: swimming pools on: June 13, 2006, 03:49:40 pm
So,.......all plans have to be altered....
How much inner beer would equate to the cooling effect of a 'pool??
Any suggestions?
 Embarrassed Grin
By the way I have just returned from 'extricating' son from Uni for the summer (circa 400miles). Weather..... T storms so standard of other drivers XXXXXXbad!
Just managed to survive the experience.
Will have another few miles to do before the ferry so NO chance of a cooling beer now,    but just anticipating Le Mans first!!!

Anticipating seeing you all there!...and lifting a few.
14  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: swimming pools on: June 12, 2006, 04:25:55 pm
Thanks LM,
My French ain't that much cop neither, at least as far as that site is concerned!
'spose we'll just have to reach for the fly spray a bit more often (or do I mean refreshment Undecided)...It's that time of day again!
G(&)T's all round is it?
We'll show'em, anyway...... Cheesy
15  Club Arnage / General Discussion / Re: swimming pools on: June 12, 2006, 02:49:24 pm
Can any of you more 'legal' types explain what :-
Water restrictions apply
In order to preserve the water reserves and apply the water restrictions currently in force, the use of temporary swimming pools will be forbidden during the week of the ’24 Heures du Mans’ on all of the sites and camping areas dedicated to the event. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

I know some of us might be slightly dense but where do you feel that the line might be drawn. Undecided
We frugal tax chappies have a GT go faster paddling pool (none of the sly comments please!) which could IN NO WAY  be described as a SWIMMING pool!

Do you think it's worth a try??? Embarrassed, if only for the feet!

At least the beer will be cold......or have they got another 'cunning' plan?

Cheers All.....mine's a pint!
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