Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Brian on August 16, 2009, 09:44:33 am

Title: Any body out there
Post by: Brian on August 16, 2009, 09:44:33 am
jesus, it's quite on here, where is everyone :(

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: smokie on August 16, 2009, 09:59:02 am
Probably in bed, it is Sunday you know!!  :)

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: wishy on August 16, 2009, 10:07:24 am
Hi Blobby,

Some of us are up and around........but if in doubt as to where everybody is,also visit Facebook


Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Werner on August 16, 2009, 10:13:36 am
... just trying to organize the breakfast, morning everybody!

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: landman on August 23, 2009, 09:10:08 am
Now THAT brought a smile to my face this morning.  ;D

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: landman on August 30, 2009, 11:33:00 am

Not my niece, my wife's step-sister.

She's always welcome at Christmas when she unwraps her new underwear.

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: landman on August 31, 2009, 09:17:31 pm
Steve, can you put it back for a few minutes please?

I was down at Beaulieu looking at Cobra's (see Facebook).

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 31, 2009, 09:45:57 pm
Paul - not guilty.

Saw the Cobra on your FB.  As our beloved government is putting up fuel again tonight, I hauled the Black Beast out of the garage for a fill up - ended up hooning around in the sunshine using it all up again  ;D

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: landman on August 31, 2009, 09:52:38 pm
There was an even nicer - dare I say - original one inside the main collection. It was an "F" reg example which I reckon must be late 60's?

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: smokie on September 01, 2009, 12:24:38 am
Paul - I didn't save the pic, there are plenty more like it all across the internet if you need to see one...  ;)

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: bob on September 01, 2009, 09:52:11 am
FS, That was removed? In the words of Victor Meldrew, I don't  believe it !!.

    That's so tame I wonder where this forum is going?

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: landman on September 01, 2009, 10:20:46 am

Was just getting my suit on & missed it again.  :o

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Nordic on September 01, 2009, 01:22:20 pm
FS, That was removed? In the words of Victor Meldrew, I don't  believe it !!.

    That's so tame I wonder where this forum is going?

28 (0.012 per day) posts since you joined.

I dont believe it.

Smokie and SB dont need the hassle of being questioned about this, they give their time freely and run a pretty good fourm based loosley on motorsport, I am sure there are many other sites you can get a fix.

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Brad Zarse on September 01, 2009, 01:28:58 pm
based loosley on motorsport, I am sure there are many other sites you can get a fix.

Motorsport??  Is that the annoying noise I can hear when I go drinking with my friends in France?

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Nordic on September 01, 2009, 01:53:43 pm
based loosley on motorsport, I am sure there are many other sites you can get a fix.

Motorsport??  Is that the annoying noise I can hear when I go drinking with my friends in France?

I understand the race even goes on thru the night!

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Doris on September 01, 2009, 03:12:45 pm
based loosley on motorsport, I am sure there are many other sites you can get a fix.

Motorsport??  Is that the annoying noise I can hear when I go drinking with my friends in France?

No Brad, that's your voice.   >:D


Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Steve Pyro on September 01, 2009, 05:48:33 pm
Same old same old  ::)

Silly season again.

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Andy Zarse on September 01, 2009, 06:01:39 pm
...engaging in extra matrimonial affairs whilst away...


Who? When? And more to the point, with whom!! ;D

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: landman on September 01, 2009, 09:56:57 pm
In fairness to both Steve and Tom they are in a tricky position.

I am one of the admins on and have to try & balance good-natured banter against the risk of upsetting the humour-challenged minority who report a post at the drop of a hat.

However, correct me if I'm wrong, this is an adult website and if there are some members that are easily offended then they should accept that they are in the minority and if they don't like it, then they have a choice.

I recently had a member suggest that I remove the word "raped" from a post, which was used when another member accused his employers of installing a humongous carkit in to his new company car, thereby, in his opinion, ruining the interior.  In context - and allowing for the fact that he does not use English as his 1st language - I thought that the word was "ok" [note: I am not condoning such behaviour] and left it in situ.  But one complaint meant that the word "raped" was placed on the banned word list, along with many others, including Citröen [don't ask, it's a long & very boring story].

So in a very long & somewhat roundabout way I'm suggesting that, yes remove any offensive photos, but please wait 'til I've seen 'em. Please?  ;)

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: nickliv on September 01, 2009, 11:42:13 pm
OK. My £.02

My daughter likes motor racing, and we enjoy, well we did enjoy looking at CA for pics of cars that members have taken.

On one occasion we encountered something a little more graphic than an LMP with the engine cover off.

As such we now don't look at CA together anymore, and this is a shame. She's 4 years old.

There are many other places on the internet where one can access anything they desire, and if you don't like moderation then there are other unmoderated forums you can visit.

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Nordic on September 02, 2009, 08:46:28 am

However, correct me if I'm wrong, this is an adult website and if there are some members that are easily offended then they should accept that they are in the minority and if they don't like it, then they have a choice.

IMHO, this is not specificy an 'adult' website and because of that I am allowed to browse it at work.

I would hate to lose that access because there are some lady bits (or tackle hanging about) on display. Is it really worth it?

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: landman on September 02, 2009, 08:47:44 am
To clarify: I meant a website for adults, not an "adult" website.

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Robspot on September 02, 2009, 08:54:09 am
There's a thread called Girls Girls Girls marked OPEN WITH CAUTION AT WORK. If you need to post that sort of picture to enhance your Club Arnage experience (and believe me I have in the past  ;D ) then why not put it in there. At least that way people won't stumble across it when browsing seemingly innocent threads.

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: landman on September 02, 2009, 08:58:34 am
I believe that Blobby now has his original question answered; namely "Is Any Body Out There".

Clearly the answer is a resounding "yes".

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Piglet on September 02, 2009, 09:54:09 pm
LOL, I wondered when you'd start on me FS.   

FWIW, I didn't complain about the other thread or anything on this one, although the image on the other thread did give the young lad who was our runner who was standing behind me in Race Control at Donington a bigger eyeful than he thought he was likely to get from a supposedly motor sport connected site.  (I don't get paid to be there so hopefully that won't offend anyone who thinks I was skiving on someone else's time?) 

It really is same old same old isn't it?   And then folks wonder why the forum is quiet these days.

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: mgmark on September 02, 2009, 11:27:14 pm
Please let's don't head into a slanging match.....

GIRLS thread - first post 1 May 05, last post 14 Feb 09, 678 replies, 46319 views.
Modern Commer Replacement - first post 20 Nov 03, last post 30 Aug 09, 2013 replies, 75339 views.

Tells a story of sorts, that maybe the flesh element is not as important to people now than it was when the first thread above was started as, at one point, it was top of the tree of replies and views compared to the Commer and, indeed the others listed here (, which now show that the popularity of the first thread above is in 7th by relies and 6th by views, with top of the tree by replies being "Word Association" with 2658 replies, and top by views being the Joke thread at 103754 views.  

In terms of the threads and ratios, that works out at replies/views for those threads above as:

GIRLS 1.46%
Commer 2.67%
Word Association 4.14%
Jokes 1.92%

Which means that GIRLS generated the most views but the least contributions from the forum, but all of the others generate more active participation from the forum.

So, after all that statistical bo**ox, which at least has some science behind it, "The purpose of Club Arnage is to provide a web-based forum, that is renowned for friendship, openness, humour, honest information and the absence of advertising and commercial gain, as a home for any individuals who share many and various dreams and interests that make up the Le Mans 24-hour race, and much else that takes their fancy besides".  Add to that the posting guidelines ( and moderators who are, compared to many other forums, quite relaxed in what is permiitted, we are, I think, quite fortunate in having a forum that most of us can access at work as well as at home, and which is moderated by those giving up their time to do such a usually thankless task.  

Conclusion after all that?  What did or didn't happen, or was popular, in the past is never a really reliable indicator for what should happen now or in the future, so go with the ebb and flow.....

MG Mark  

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Andy Zarse on September 02, 2009, 11:33:20 pm
Please let's don't head into a slanging match.....

GIRLS thread - first post 1 May 05, last post 14 Feb 09, 678 replies, 46319 views.
Modern Commer Replacement - first post 20 Nov 03, last post 30 Aug 09, 2013 replies, 75339 views.

Tells a story of sorts, that maybe the flesh element is not as important to people now than it was when the first thread above was started as, at one point, it was top of the tree of replies and views compared to the Commer and, indeed the others listed here (, which now show that the popularity of the first thread above is in 7th by relies and 6th by views, with top of the tree by replies being "Word Association" with 2658 replies, and top by views being the Joke thread at 103754 views.  

In terms of the threads and ratios, that works out at replies/views for those threads above as:

GIRLS 1.46%
Commer 2.67%
Word Association 4.14%
Jokes 1.92%

Which means that GIRLS generated the most views but the least contributions from the forum, but all of the others generate more active participation from the forum.

So, after all that statistical bo**ox, which at least has some science behind it, "The purpose of Club Arnage is to provide a web-based forum, that is renowned for friendship, openness, humour, honest information and the absence of advertising and commercial gain, as a home for any individuals who share many and various dreams and interests that make up the Le Mans 24-hour race, and much else that takes their fancy besides".  Add to that the posting guidelines ( and moderators who are, compared to many other forums, quite relaxed in what is permiitted, we are, I think, quite fortunate in having a forum that most of us can access at work as well as at home, and which is moderated by those giving up their time to do such a usually thankless task.  

Conclusion after all that?  What did or didn't happen, or was popular, in the past is never a really reliable indicator for what should happen now or in the future, so go with the ebb and flow.....

MG Mark  

Hear hear!

This ridiculous pissing match is becoming tiresome in extremis. :(

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Brian on September 03, 2009, 12:28:02 pm
Got them talking though, time now to move on i think  ;)

Title: Re: Any body out there
Post by: Brad Zarse on September 03, 2009, 02:13:02 pm
based loosley on motorsport, I am sure there are many other sites you can get a fix.

Motorsport??  Is that the annoying noise I can hear when I go drinking with my friends in France?

No Brad, that's your voice.   >:D


It could be worse....I could have been asleep.

Now if you want a lift at the weekend I suggest you shhhhhh!  :-*