Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: nickliv on August 12, 2009, 10:11:04 pm

Title: Perseids
Post by: nickliv on August 12, 2009, 10:11:04 pm
We're due to have the years best meteor shower tonight.

If it's dark where you are, and the clouds are obliging, get out and have a look.

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: smokie on August 13, 2009, 12:02:07 am
It's dark here, which direction do I look?

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: garyfrogeye on August 13, 2009, 12:12:00 am
Up  ;D

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 13, 2009, 12:26:58 am
 :) And north...

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: nickliv on August 13, 2009, 12:13:06 pm
Where it is reportedly grim.

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 13, 2009, 12:16:54 pm
So.... did anyone see anything?

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: Nordic on August 13, 2009, 12:26:33 pm
Where it is reportedly grim.

Went to Green lane, London yesterday, upnorth can't be as grim as that surley?

Didnt see any, too cloudy, too much street lighting....... oh and I was asleep.

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: Fran on August 13, 2009, 01:00:44 pm
Where it is reportedly grim.

Dont get me started!!!!

I went to Jodrell Bank last weekend and saw it there - although it wasnt at its peak we saw plenty!


Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: BigH on August 13, 2009, 01:18:57 pm
I had a look for these as well! - but had no luck. After a while, my thoughts started to turn to Jodrell Bank too...

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: garyfrogeye on August 13, 2009, 01:35:42 pm
Don't get me started on Banks!

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: nickliv on August 13, 2009, 04:05:15 pm
T'was cloudy up here. Best time was apparently between 2 and 4 AM. Last night was the peak of the activity, but you should still see plenty.

Title: Re: Perseids
Post by: landman on August 13, 2009, 11:19:21 pm
Saw three of 'em and two satellites.

Quite impressive in a rather geeky, anorakl-wearing way.

More tonight as it's a clear night darn ear in 'ampshire.