Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Leftie on July 23, 2009, 01:06:09 am

Title: Now I know.......
Post by: Leftie on July 23, 2009, 01:06:09 am
I now know the anguish that Peter and Deidre were going through a while back. I wish them both all the best and hope to see you soon.

With my situation, last year I was seeing a Chiropractor to straighten my back, but when work dried up, could no longer justify the expense. So 2 weeks ago I went to my Doc about a foot problem and mentioned my back problem in passing hoping I could get treatment (physio) on the NHS.

Within 24hrs I had xRays, 4 days later called in for blood tests and to see the Specialist - she's not happy with the Doc as she did not organise the tests.

Full skeletal scan next wednesday as they think I have Myeloma which is a bone marrow cancer.

I am shi**ing myself at the outcome of the scan. Obviously the blood tests showed significant amounts of stuff I shouldn't have such as paraprotien etc.

Peter, I now know the anguish that you went through. I didn't understand before for which I now apologise.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: LangTall on July 23, 2009, 01:45:23 am
Holy sh*t Leftie. I know through my better half what you (and Peter) are going through. Wishing you all the best.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Piglet on July 23, 2009, 07:48:20 am
Oh sh*t....I'm so sorry to hear this Leftie.  Fingers crossed in a big way for you xxx

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Bob U on July 23, 2009, 09:34:15 am
Bloody hell Leftie I'm so sorry to hear this. I wish you all the luck possible to help you deal with this and I'm sure you have many friends on CA that will be thinking of you

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Doris on July 23, 2009, 09:53:40 am
Oh man, that sucks!  Stay strong Leftie.  As Bob says, your many friends on CA will be thinking of you and keeping our fingers crossed for you.


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Andy Zarse on July 23, 2009, 09:58:55 am
Christ that's awful, absolutely shocking news of the very worst kind. I really hope the tests come back negative. Fingers crossed, pecker up and all that kind of thing.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: nickliv on July 23, 2009, 10:26:12 am

Fingers (and everything else) crossed for you.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Weena on July 23, 2009, 11:01:50 am
Thinking of you Leftie  :-*

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Werner on July 23, 2009, 11:33:20 am
I'll think of you, Leftie. I hope this scan will proof that everything is OK

I'll keep fingers crossed



Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on July 23, 2009, 12:00:16 pm
Thats terrible news mate. We have everything crossed hoping that the results come back negative. Thinking of you.

Rex & Claire

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: garyfrogeye on July 23, 2009, 04:35:48 pm
Sorry Leftie, I read your first post too quickly as the anguish that Peter Andre was going through and I just couldn't see the similarity ::)
Wishing you all the best and fingers crossed too.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: knetter on July 23, 2009, 04:55:49 pm
Damn, that really sucks! Fingers crossed nothing will show up on the scan, hang in there buddy!!!


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: LuxExpat on July 23, 2009, 05:21:14 pm
Here's hoping the scan shows it's not Myeloma.


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Lee Self on July 23, 2009, 05:32:01 pm
wow. Prayers for good scan results.


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Paddy_NL on July 23, 2009, 07:03:07 pm
Geez Leftie, that sucks big time! Fingers crossed here too for a positive outcome...

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: hgb on July 23, 2009, 07:50:53 pm
Oh dear, I pray that everything will turn out well.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Black Granny on July 23, 2009, 08:37:29 pm

keep thinking positive- all the best and I'll be in touch soon

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: BigH on July 23, 2009, 09:17:13 pm
'Orrible news Leftie, but it doesn't sound like the fat lady has burst into song just yet. Let's hope the tests come back ok, the very best of British luck mate.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Lawnmower Man on July 23, 2009, 10:03:19 pm
That's terrible to hear.   We'll be thinking of you.  Please keep us up to date on how things are.

Our thoughts are with you.


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Brad Zarse on July 23, 2009, 10:43:42 pm
Sorry to hear your news Leftie - Fingers crossed for a positive outcome.

Peter - good to see you around here - hope things are going OK.....


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: mgmark on July 23, 2009, 10:49:43 pm
Leftie - and peter - thoughts are with you both.

MG Mark

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Leftie on July 24, 2009, 12:06:12 am
Many many thanks for the kind words, they are a booster.

Just an update, 24hr urine sample in the lab, letter today booking an ultrasound and chest xrays for next Thursday.

Saw cancer specialist last Friday (a rather gorgeous unmarried asian lady with deep black eyes, looking forward to being under her >:D).

Not sure yet when the bone sample will be taken but will let you know.

Peter, the doc said initially any chemo will be taken orally as they think they caught the beginning of it. Which I suppose is good news.
Have had back pains ever since my accident in '76, where my back hurts most is not the area of concern although that aches regularly as well. It's not easy to tell deep musculary pain from a bone pain.

With regard to the 'bense jones paraprotein' , I'm halfway there with my name - Jones.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Snoring Rhino on July 24, 2009, 12:42:42 am
Sorry to hear your news Lefie, fingers crossed for you and if confirmed (hope not) hope its been caught early.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: smokie on July 24, 2009, 01:13:31 am
Keep your spirits up Leftie...

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Steve Pyro on July 24, 2009, 02:15:04 am
Here's hoping the best for you and the tests.  Keeping thinking positively.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: TobyAnscombe on July 24, 2009, 07:59:11 am
As Steve said - keep thinking positively and I'll add myself to the fingers crossing list....

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on July 24, 2009, 09:07:57 am
I wish you all the best, hopefully they caught it early enough to treat it effectively

keep your spirits up!

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Bob U on July 24, 2009, 12:10:03 pm
  Peter, it's good to see you back again. I hope all is going well. Over the years I have known a good few people, my Mother included, who have suffered from various forms of cancer. It never ceases to amaze me how they have all talked about it in such a matter of fact manner. Whether the disease bring out some inner strength or it is a way of copeing I don't know but it is great to see you offering Leftie advice even though you are going through all that sh*t yourself.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Perdu on July 24, 2009, 03:49:25 pm
blimey I stay offline a day or so and hell busts out


I sincerely hope you get the best news mate

and if it turns out you do need the business, my fingers are as firmly crossed as all others

and Peter, you prolly dont know how good it is for us all to have you here talking to Leftie and helping him this way

Not ashamed to say my prayers are for you guys

chins up (both mine are)

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: SJ on July 24, 2009, 04:28:03 pm
'Bin trying to think of something useful to say for a day or so.... Perdu has summed it up perfickly ;)

I hope news is good Leftie & keep fighting the good fight FS, thoughts with ya both!

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Brad Zarse on July 24, 2009, 05:32:13 pm
Sorry to hear your news Leftie - Fingers crossed for a positive outcome.

Peter - good to see you around here - hope things are going OK.....

Brad, going OK is subjective, recent thrills have been, pan flu type three, viral pneumonia, partial stroke, infected thrombosis in my neck jugular vein, have been some of the high spots, plus the usual temperature spikes of 40 degrees C, in a wheel chair as the treatment leaves you f**ked.

Blimey - I wish my Dad would be a bit more expressive when he updates me - although I suspect some of the words used above would scare the s*** outta him in terms of length - so that's probably why I don't get to hear..... You know - the complicated ones, like Pan and Flu......  >:D

Keep your spirits high Peter - Sounds like a cliche, with no medical fact behind it, but I do believe that the fighting spirit is what kept the members of my family going through cancerous episodes - everything is worth trying........ That Ferrari isn't going to drive itself...and given that I've only ever seen it in the flesh once, I'm hoping for a Le-Mans re-union for it in the next few years.

Will be round with flowers, grapes and all the other crap that people give you when you're ill, that are no good to anyone, as soon as you're allowed out of captivity isolation..... although that might be a reason to extend your isolation I guess ;)

Take care

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Snoring Rhino on July 24, 2009, 10:16:48 pm

Blimey - I wish my Dad would be a bit more expressive when he updates me - although I suspect some of the words used above would scare the s*** outta him in terms of length - so that's probably why I don't get to hear..... You know - the complicated ones, like Pan and Flu......  >:D

Take care


Brad and All,
It's very difficult to find the balance of updating the forum with a long haul and complicated treatment and the ups and downs of it in the correct medical terms and the implications illnesses that we would recognise by name only.  Especially when when Peter has the necsary positive attitude to "bloody well beating it" and taking on these issues in his stride and keeping him self in the best condition to take on the battle. Good to see you back on line Peter, you old bugger, You are an inspiration to all.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Leftie on July 24, 2009, 11:14:03 pm

You gave me more advice and knowledge in those two paragraphs than the doc' and as you have been 'there' your words and the way they the written mean the more to me.

Many thanks and give my regards to Deidre.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Queen Vic of the Melans on July 26, 2009, 12:50:32 pm
Sorry to read this Leftie, truly awful news.  Best wishes to you and to Peter.  Stay strong!x

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: lady pig-pen on August 07, 2009, 02:00:40 pm
Leftie i hope all your tests have gone well xxxxx,  Peter, Rex and I would love to come visit you when we are allowed/your up for it (you can even talk about cars  ;) ) xxxx
it's horrible to think how many people, even in our small group, have had their lives touched by cancer....I remember when Marius was going through all of this someone put a post on about joining the Anthony Nolan Trust, which I know alot of people did (myself included), it's really easy you just pop off to the doctors and have some blood taken and even though you aren't being a direct help to anyone you may know, by joining I felt as though maybe one day I could help someone going through something similar, so all those ca'ers who haven't joined, if you can, do  :)

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Jules G on August 07, 2009, 02:59:01 pm

Sorry to hear the truly awful news, thoughts and prayers are with you. Fingers crossed.

Jules G

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Leftie on August 09, 2009, 02:24:13 am
Firstly, I am heartened by the many kind words from my freinds on here.

News update.

Well, I've had a load of xrays and tests, nothing intrusive yet, no biopsy. Initial prognosis is 'multiple myeloma', sh*t, I get all of them!! Seriously though they aim for the worst and hope for less.

Booked in for CT scan on 18th August, that means Computerised Tomography!! being an engineer, I understand the computer bit and the 'ography bit, the TOM bit I'm worried about.

My GP is on hols at the mo, as I've been told the she will tell me the news one way or the other. if she asks for Ruth to be there, I know I will break down.

So, keeping my pecker up with this enforced extended holiday (unemployed) the house is nearly finished and ready for sale in Surrey and to hell with everything I'm planning next years holiday with Ruth cycling in Brittany. I even totally rebuilt my bike and nearly finished hers.  I'm still planning on going to LM as well as I missed the CA massive this year.

I'm just keeping my hopes up.

BTW, when I walk into the worst hospital in Surrey with my appointment letter, I am straight to the head of the queue much to the anoyance of people that may have been there an hour or more. I'll never complain about the DHS again.

Again, many thanks to friends for the support, I will keep everyone posted when further news is available.


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: nickliv on August 09, 2009, 08:34:02 am

good to hear from you, even better to hear you in fighting spirit.

the 'tom' bit is nothing to worry about. it's a way of getting good quality, hi res pics of you. it's sort of like very clever parallax, but with x rays. the  x ray tube is placed at one side of a hoop, with an array of x ray detectors opposite it, you go in the middle and it all spins round you to get 'slices' of you. it's a bit noisy, but less than MRI. you shouldn't  be claustrophobic, as the 'ring' you'll  be in is only about 2 feet thick, and your head ought to be out, apart from if they do your noggin too, obviously.

all the best mate. get your best letching shirt ready, I hope you need it ;)

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Leftie on August 20, 2009, 01:03:49 am
My CT scan was cancelled for Tuesday because it broke down, it was rescheduled for 5pm today.

Got a call from consultant at 9.25 this morning wanting to know why I didn't turn up. Told her the above.
9.30 this morning got a call from radiographer wanting me there within an hour.

1300 got a call from consultant about previous tests and arranged meeting for Friday 1000.

Previous tests etc showed NOTHING WRONG but still have to wait for CT scan report.

So, in anticipation, many thanks for all the best wishes from friends and particularly Peter who gave me more info' in 30 mins with first hand experience than I have been told by the NHS.  Many thanks mate. You have accommodation pre booked at the next Emsworth Indian night.

We are still not out of the woods yet though, as we don't yet know why a spinal vertebrea (D6) is reducing/collapsing.

On Friday, I will be insisting on 6 monthly scans so that 'progression' can be measured.

Again, many, many thanks for the good wishes. These have worked and 'Him/Her' upstairs has listened.

I'm now getting slowly pi**ed.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Snoring Rhino on August 20, 2009, 08:23:01 am
Billiant news mate (we hope), hope you have a sore head this morning ;D

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on August 20, 2009, 08:29:33 am
wow, that is good news! best wishes and hopefully these testresults prove to be 100% correct!

fantastic news!

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Doris on August 20, 2009, 10:24:25 am

Brilliant news!

Enjoy the hangover. 


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on August 20, 2009, 10:58:23 am
Great news mate. I'll have a drink for you tonite. Looking forward to the next curry night.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: nopanic - neil on August 20, 2009, 11:00:50 am

I'm now getting slowly pi**ed.

Hope that is under Dr's orders.

Great news, like everone else say's - enjoy the hangover.


Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on August 20, 2009, 01:41:50 pm
Fantastic news Leftie  ;D

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Perdu on August 20, 2009, 11:44:21 pm
It's such good news to hear this mate

I'll raise a can too, and for you Peter.  :)

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: Leftie on August 21, 2009, 09:42:14 pm
Well folks,

My hangover lasted about 5 minutes, - I fell asleep again and refused to wake untill everything OK.

Good meeting with the lovely specialist today.

No Myeloma, but as I said we are not out of the woods yet.

I have what possibly could be the pre-curser though - MGUS (monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance ) this is a non-cancerous (benign) condition but depending on regular tests to monitor level of paraproteins, hopefully it will stay that way.

I have also been diagnosed with Osteoporosis. No bloody wonder my back hursts.

Seeing GP next week to find a way forward with treatment etc.

Many thanks to everyone for your support and wishes.

Title: Re: Now I know.......
Post by: LangTall on August 24, 2009, 11:49:33 am
Not out of the woods, but still way better as expected!