Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: Rich - Team Gulp Racing on September 15, 2003, 09:59:06 am

Title: Goped scooters
Post by: Rich - Team Gulp Racing on September 15, 2003, 09:59:06 am
Our team are looking at buying some petrol driven Gopeds (or similar / cheaper versions). Maybe even electric motors - but not sure about whether they'll get us far??

Can any one recommend (from their experience) which type is best and any UK suppliers who do good deals? Obviously we want them as cheap as possible, but need the quality so they don't fall apart over the Le Mans terrain.

Rich - Team Gulp Racing

Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: am1 on September 15, 2003, 02:19:04 pm
First time on this thing, just seen your mail, me and a chum are looking at selling our genuine goped branded peds at this very moment, bought especially for lemans 03. Both need the cash and are based in west yorkshire. Mine is a yellow liquimatic and his a can't remember.... but can find out.


Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: smokie on September 16, 2003, 11:20:48 pm
...and the price is...?

Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: am1 on September 17, 2003, 02:38:35 pm
Prepared to negotiate....... The genuine branded ones aren't cheap as you will see from any uk site, GOPED have the monopoly. We did a lot of shopping around before we bought. Even tried to look at getting them from the USA.

I need in the region of £400, can't speak for me mate but it will be more as his has alloys and a few fancy trick bits. Mine has clutch which is a must, or you have to push off and it dies when you stop.


Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: Robbo SPS on September 17, 2003, 02:54:12 pm
On exchange and Mart via there Online shop , you can buy electric scooters , 10mph for 5 hours for .......


Not bad really . Just no loud cans etc

Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: Russ on September 19, 2003, 01:47:19 pm
Kinda related...

We used mountain bikes to get around this year. not quite so compact in/on the back of the van, but wouldn't go without them in future.  And whilst the gopeds look the part, they don't really cope with the dust and steep slopes very well. Great for the tarmac of course, but we saw some guys getting into trouble up some slopes and after passing a load of people looking cool, their heads were a little lower when they came back 5 mins later after finding the path came to a load of steps...

I can imagine AM1 isn't going to give them any bad press if he's trying to sell, but he might be able to tell us if he found these types of things a problem?

Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: am1 on September 19, 2003, 04:08:16 pm
no no, honestly best policy.......Did struggle a bit with the bid hills, apart from that they seem ok, used them on the camp site grass and loose ground.... My mate had a 40+ cc version which coped better I have to say. They did look cool though, very nice all them parked up at the champers tent, very ding dong.......

Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: andy a on October 14, 2003, 10:37:10 pm
hi rich,

 just read your post....we got some sooters from       this year...think if you but a few they are about £200 each

hope this helps


Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: Casanova on October 15, 2003, 11:13:41 am
Hi Rich and others.

We purchased 12 petrol scooters from and they were brilliant, we got everywhere on them even at night, we strapped some little LED flashers on them and away we went, best thing was they seem to run forever on a tiny amount of petrol (Guess 30 Miles to 900 ML tank!)

We got them for £220.00 Each Delivered to our doorsteps! They even came with a flashy Aluminium deck with Turbo Scooter etched on to it!

They said that this year they are going to be taking orders for groups to have their own "Group Name" etched into the decks as to look even smarter!

When we got back from Le Mans this year we took our scooters to a car boot and got £250.00 each for them! Winners all around!

Someone mentioned 40cc scooters, I think turbo-scooter does a 43cc version as well, lots more power for the hills etc etc.

Right since this has me in the mood I am going to get a price from turbo-scooter for 15! Yes 15!! Scooters with our Club Name etched onto them.. I will get back to the group and comment on prices!


Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: smokie on October 15, 2003, 09:36:06 pm
I wonder who will be the first to suggest Club Arnage scooters? Not me, for sure...

Title: Re:Goped scooters
Post by: Gilles on October 16, 2003, 09:28:00 am
I wonder who will be the first to suggest Club Arnage scooters? Not me, for sure...

Me either...
... I've enough difficulties these days with the campsite !

Maybe in a few weeks, when I would have more time...