Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Piglet on June 04, 2009, 08:28:07 pm

Title: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Piglet on June 04, 2009, 08:28:07 pm
Well....this is the point where we ought to be packing up the camping kit and getting ready to leave for Le Mans but we're not....I'm still not sure how it feels not to be going, it's OK at the moment but by next week it might feel worse!

Have a great time everyone, I want to hear ALL the stories, the dirt and the gossip when you all get back and I want to see ALL the photo's  ;D

We'll be in the garden for LM weekend, unless it's really pissing down in which case it'll be the pop up tent in the living room!   

Have a great time everyone, have a beer or twenty for us, we'll have a few for you as well  ;D

...and given last year's experiences - drive carefully!

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Lord Steve on June 04, 2009, 08:45:07 pm
I feel for you and anyone else who's not going mate. I missed last year through some "local difficulties" and it was torture. Add to that getting a ticking off on here by Andy Zarse for missing the best race in years and reading reports from everyone on their return really hacked me off.
Keep Eurosport on, don't go to bed, drink yourself stupid and demand regular texts from those there.
Chin up and make sure you are with us next year.

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Robspot on June 04, 2009, 08:46:37 pm
I'm still not sure how it feels not to be going

I'll tell you how it feels not to be going.


I was convinced I wouldn't be that bothered but then someone started that stupid driving music thread and I searched youtube for some of the songs listed (that I didn't know) and stumbled across some music that got me right in the mood, except of course IN THE MOOD FOR WHAT?


I hate you all. Have a great time won't you. By the time the race starts I should be nicely into the construction of my wife's new raised beds  >:D

I'm coming back next year and I'll be making a big impact (not BobU sized but quite big anyway  ;D )

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: hgb on June 04, 2009, 08:57:16 pm
Sorry to hear this, Amanda, but thanks very much for the BUMP at PH. It didn't went unnoticed. Keith won't be at LM either, I guess. Have a great party in the garden, we will have a toast on everybody staying at home.

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Robspot on June 04, 2009, 09:10:09 pm
Sorry to hear this, Amanda, but thanks very much for the BUMP at PH. It didn't went unnoticed. Keith won't be at LM either, I guess. Have a great party in the garden, we will have a toast on everybody staying at home.

Who's Amanda?

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Piglet on June 04, 2009, 09:16:46 pm
Sorry to hear this, Amanda Anita  ;D , but thanks very much for the BUMP at PH. It didn't went unnoticed. Keith won't be at LM either, I guess. Have a great party in the garden, we will have a toast on everybody staying at home.

Close  ;D

(don't worry, it's normally Annette!)

KK isn't going either, if I'm not going he isn't !  ;D

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: hgb on June 04, 2009, 09:19:27 pm
Oh god, the first name slip even before I'm there... well, Piglet then. It's been a too long time, obviously.

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Piglet on June 04, 2009, 09:20:28 pm
Oh god, the first name slip even before I'm there... well, Piglet then. It's been a too long time, obviously.

Yes, much too long, we didn't get to Spa last year and we're not going this year either!

Hopefully next year will be a bit more back to normal!

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: hgb on June 04, 2009, 09:22:00 pm
It's been a pleasure to make you laugh, Anita.  ;D

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Martini...LB on June 04, 2009, 11:51:03 pm
It's been a pleasure to make you laugh, Anita.  ;D

Yeh, nice one Anthea  ;D


Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Weena on June 05, 2009, 12:59:37 am

I'll tell you how it feels not to be going.


The Melans will miss you  :'(

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Simon13 on June 05, 2009, 08:41:56 am
Theres no way of softening's horrible, wait till 3pm on Saturday.  Thankfully I am going this year, but missed one a couple of years ago and couldn't function.  I just wandered around the house mumbling incoherently - very similar to being there actually! :D

Try and make the best of it!!  Spend the time writing a strongly worded letter to Mr G Brown

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on June 05, 2009, 09:00:07 am
All the best to everyone going, you will of course have a blast  >:D
I've been harbouring a last minute plan to jump on the bike and ride down, but alas I have just learnt of an important business exhibition on the Friday and Saturday. So bang goes that plan, I will do my best not to be to depressed over next week, and will console my self with a good deal of Leffe from Sainsburys and spark up the BBQ. :-[

Stay safe Guys and Girls, we need you for next year....

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: geoffd on June 05, 2009, 09:01:43 am
Bad luck for those not going, but I bet half (if not more) of you will be online looking at ferries by friday afternoon, thinking that if you get a late one you'll be there in time for the race, and working out return times so you can be back at work (if you have a job of course) on Monday morning!

I decided not to go in 2004 after picking the race back up in 2000 after a bit of a gap through the 90's, and I was like a bear with a sore head all weekend, had RLM on constantly and drove my wife mad, so much so that she said I had to go in 2005  ;D Not missed a year since, so maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all!

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: smokie on June 05, 2009, 11:07:30 am
Have a ball everyone, but be safe. This time next week I'll be in Chicago at the Blues Festival (or will I still be in bed? Haven't worked out the time difference yet!). I'll see if I can find LM on Speed over the weekend.

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Andy Zarse on June 05, 2009, 03:00:43 pm
I feel for you and anyone else who's not going mate. I missed last year through some "local difficulties" and it was torture. Add to that getting a ticking off on here by Andy Zarse for missing the best race in years and reading reports from everyone on their return really hacked me off.
Keep Eurosport on, don't go to bed, drink yourself stupid and demand regular texts from those there.
Chin up and make sure you are with us next year.

Steve, I do hope you don't feel I singled you out last year.  >:D This year there's so many "no shows" it would have been a waste of breath berating them all. Most folk have perfectly plausible excuses, teacher's notes etc, although some people, mentioning no names like KevMk3  ;), are nothing short of lilly livered wimps who just can't hack it.

As you rightly say, last year was the best for ages, so this year's likely going to be complete crap. Thinking about it, I'm not even sure I can be arsed to go myself.  :(

Keith and Althea, hope you have fun in the garden guys!  :D

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Fran on June 05, 2009, 03:07:10 pm
so this year's likely going to be complete crap.   

Good to see the spirit of Victor Meldrew Zarse lives on even if he can't be arsed to turn up himself.


Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on June 05, 2009, 03:11:30 pm

I'll tell you how it feels not to be going.


The Melans will miss you  :'(
Myself, Claire and Alex will have a drink for you. Infact we will have several drinks for you..... every day! ;)

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: SimonH on June 05, 2009, 03:26:25 pm
Have a ball everyone, but be safe. This time next week I'll be in Chicago at the Blues Festival (or will I still be in bed? Haven't worked out the time difference yet!). I'll see if I can find LM on Speed over the weekend.


Dad's in Florida so missing the race this year. He sent me a link to let me know he'll not miss the race, Speed have some coverage on the TV and the rest is online from the looks of it....times are all Eastern,

Saturday, June 13
8:00 a.m. - Le Mans Pre-Qualifying on SPEED*
8:30 a.m. - Noon - Le Mans 24 Hours on SPEED (Live – The Start)
Noon - 4:30 p.m. - streaming coverage with
4:30 p.m. – 10 p.m. - Le Mans 24 Hours on SPEED (Live – Day Into Night)
10:00 p.m. – Midnight - streaming coverage with

Sunday, June 14
Midnight – 10:00 a.m. - Le Mans 24 Hours (Live – The Finish)

*Denotes Tape Delay

Hope that helps.....

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: smokie on June 05, 2009, 03:40:00 pm
Thanks Simon, now all I have to do is work out the time difference...  ::)

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: gturner on June 05, 2009, 03:56:07 pm
It's 5 hours behind Britain, so the Speed coverage would start at 1:00pm.

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: gturner on June 05, 2009, 04:01:34 pm
I do feel bad for anyone who has to miss this year.  I remember the first year I decided to skip the Canadian GP; I spent the week trying to follow the Montreal papers to see the off-track activities and basically throwing mini-tantrums about where I was "supposed" to be.  Then the race ended out being the crazy one with Kubica's giant crash and the field all jumbled.

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Doris on June 05, 2009, 04:15:52 pm
Thanks Simon, now all I have to do is work out the time difference...  ::)


Stop trying to pretend you're actually going to watch some of the race while you're in Chicago.  God knows you never do when you're actually at Le Mans!   :P


Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Bob U on June 05, 2009, 04:36:21 pm
Or Florida ::)

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: smokie on June 05, 2009, 04:47:56 pm
Hmmm - you have a point there  ::)

At least I now know the time difference and didn't have to look it up  ;D

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Piglet on June 05, 2009, 08:09:33 pm
Well, I sent KK to Tesco yesterday to buy six boxes of Stella - that should be enough for the two of us I think? (on top of the stack we already have anyway!   Haven't got any Leffe though so that might be a mistake, we do have a couple of cases of Samour so that might balance things up.   ;D

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Lord Steve on June 05, 2009, 09:14:03 pm
Have a ball everyone, but be safe. This time next week I'll be in Chicago at the Blues Festival (or will I still be in bed? Haven't worked out the time difference yet!). I'll see if I can find LM on Speed over the weekend.
About 5 years ago I found myself, albeit a little sloppy, in Blue Chicago. I can't remember the name of the band but the average age of the band must've been 60. The lead singer was an elderly lady who sang a song for "the very drunk Englishman". The slowest, heaviest, electric blues I have ever, ever, ever heard.
You enjoy it mate - a part of me wishes I was there as well. (To be honest, that's B******s,  I'll make do this year with the sound of the Astons)

Title: Re: Have a good time everyone and travel safely!
Post by: Lord Steve on June 05, 2009, 09:18:25 pm
I feel for you and anyone else who's not going mate. I missed last year through some "local difficulties" and it was torture. Add to that getting a ticking off on here by Andy Zarse for missing the best race in years and reading reports from everyone on their return really hacked me off.
Keep Eurosport on, don't go to bed, drink yourself stupid and demand regular texts from those there.
Chin up and make sure you are with us next year.

Steve, I do hope you don't feel I singled you out last year.  >:D This year there's so many "no shows" it would have been a waste of breath berating them all. Most folk have perfectly plausible excuses, teacher's notes etc, although some people, mentioning no names like KevMk3  ;), are nothing short of lilly livered wimps who just can't hack it.

As you rightly say, last year was the best for ages, so this year's likely going to be complete crap. Thinking about it, I'm not even sure I can be arsed to go myself.  :(

Keith and Althea, hope you have fun in the garden guys!  :D
I deserved the beration (is that a word) last year because my non-attendance was my fault. However I intend to "go large" this year to make up. I'm travelling with Ade (ajw) and staying on Houx with Bas so, for the most part, I'll be wandering about free to experience the things I might have missed in my previous 13 trips.
Looking forward to a beer with you on Saturday night at the Courbe.