Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lord Steve on May 19, 2009, 07:09:25 am

Title: Restaurant - advice required please.
Post by: Lord Steve on May 19, 2009, 07:09:25 am
My train back to Paris doesn't leave Le Mans until 4pm on Monday 15th and I've decided to treat myself to a civilised lunch before boarding. Can anyone recommend a good restaurant (it will have to be in town as I'm on foot) where I can while away a couple of hours over three courses and a decent bottle?
Thanks in anticipation

Title: Re: Restaurant - advice required please.
Post by: Gilles on May 19, 2009, 09:13:31 am
try the "FLAMBADOU", good little civilized table  with South-West courses.

You'll find exact location in the CA Guide.

Title: Re: Restaurant - advice required please.
Post by: Lord Steve on May 19, 2009, 09:33:31 am
Thanks Gilles - I'll certainly have a look!

Title: Re: Restaurant - advice required please.
Post by: Bas on May 19, 2009, 12:23:52 pm
We always have dinner there on Friday after the parade, has been a tradition ever since Gilles took us to the place in 2003, so we could book you a table and if you want, we'll drop you off there on Monday Steve, as we will be heading into town to store (some of) our camping gear.

Takes me back to one of the most relaxing returns from Le Mans I ever had.
In 2004 I opted for travel by train, so on Monday morning I took the TGV to Paris, then a taxi to a restaurant near the Gare du Nord where a nice 3 course meal, a bottle of wine and a few digestives awaited.

Then a 4 hour nap in the train to Holland and I felt totally relaxed when I got home somewhere in the afternoon, this in stark contrast to the knackered self that usually returns from the 24h week.

Title: Re: Restaurant - advice required please.
Post by: Lord Steve on May 19, 2009, 12:34:06 pm
Hi Bas
That's my idea of a nice way to end the trip!
We usually have a 4/5 hour drive to Calais, an overnight stay in a hotel, then I've got a 4/5 hour drive home once I disembark the shuttle in Folkestone. With work the next day I'm always totally knackered by the time I get home.
Thanks for the offer to drop me off on the Monday - that's very much appreciated.

Three weeks tomorrow mate!


Title: Re: Restaurant - advice required please.
Post by: Canada Phil on May 20, 2009, 06:35:17 am
Hi Steve I hope it is open on Monday I would check and yes it will be good.

Title: Re: Restaurant - advice required please.
Post by: Lord Steve on May 20, 2009, 06:43:06 am
I've had a look on their website and it all looks excellent but I was thinking more of a good bistro, something a little less formal. Don't forget I'll have spent the previous four nights in a tent and will be replete with a large rucksack. I don't want to offend the other diners!!!

Title: Re: Restaurant - advice required please.
Post by: Bas on May 20, 2009, 10:49:35 am
I've had a look on their website and it all looks excellent but I was thinking more of a good bistro, something a little less formal. Don't forget I'll have spent the previous four nights in a tent and will be replete with a large rucksack. I don't want to offend the other diners!!!
Don't worry Steve, it's not a formal restaurant at all and if you're worried about the "odeur de camping" that might surround you after your stay on Houx, they have a sunny terrace where you can have lunch also.

Ohh and yes they are open on Monday.