Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: pretzel on September 04, 2003, 10:52:47 pm

Title: Small World
Post by: pretzel on September 04, 2003, 10:52:47 pm
So, there I was at work today chatting with the engineer installing a new facility I had ordered, as he sat down for his lunch at the fold out picnic table he had brought with him. Talk turned to cars. Turns out he is well into hot rodding (2 V8 powered custom cars at least, and an vintage motorbike) and does lots of events.

Oh, said I, I am a car nut too and often attend racing events and am a regular at Le Mans. Next year will be my 11th, go with a bunch of mates etc. etc....

Me too he replies - I go with a bunch of mates and we always camp on MB (occasionally photocopied passes!), take the camper, complete with power, lighting, flag poles, xmas tree, turkey etc. etc..

Have you heard of Club Arnage?  I enquired. Well yes he replied, but I don't go on the internet very often as I spend so much time in the workshop on my cars. But my LM mates are always on there  - you may have heard of them. They are called Powermite, Canada Phil, KPY and a Frenchman called Gilles (amongst others).

His name - Mrs Doubtfire. He event told me how the nickname came about so now I know.

I should have sussed when I saw the full set of kitchen equipment in the back of his works van (self installed of course) and the fact that he takes a fold up picnic table out on every job that he was a seasoned LeMans'er.

Just goes to show that some days out of the blue someone you've never met before turns out to be an all round good bloke :)

Title: Re:Small World
Post by: Canada Phil on September 05, 2003, 05:21:45 am
Hi Pretzel, Good to hear Doubty is out and about working on his real job.
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Small World
Post by: powermite on September 05, 2003, 05:10:21 pm

Glad you enjoyed your encounter with Mrs D.You can see how well prepared he is and you havent seen half of his equipment(oo er missus!).
Next time you see him,do ask how the rock n roll dancing lessons are coming on.He'll be delighted that i have told you about that.

Title: Re:Small World
Post by: pretzel on September 05, 2003, 05:38:23 pm
Hi PM,

I can well believe it on the equipment front. I bet the camper he takes over to LM is impressive.

I will certainly mention the dancing lessons next time I see him  ;) Does this mean there will be some kind of rock 'n roll extravaganza on MB next year then?
