Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Piglet on November 03, 2008, 07:48:44 pm

Title: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Piglet on November 03, 2008, 07:48:44 pm
The landlord of the rental house we're in is having some work done to the outside of the house and the scaffolders turned up today.

They've scaffolded all around but I'm concerned about the pole that runs across the front door, it's no higher than six foot and I'm concerned that someone is going to walk into it and as we're the occupiers we're likely to end up with the liability.

Can anyone tell me if there is any legislation or regulation that deals with the safety of scaffolding that should be followed?

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Leftie on November 03, 2008, 10:15:49 pm
Hi Piglet,

Get onto the HSE website, then look down the guidance notes for scaffolding. It may take a bit of time downloading the pdf's.

I have a copy on the computer somewhere and will try and find it.

I haven't done H&S for a few years.


Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: landman on November 03, 2008, 11:00:11 pm
Ring the HSE direct, or try your local authority.

Were it the case that I still worked for a certain major house builder I would have rung the regional H&S manager.

Will drop the construction director a line & see what he knows.


Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Chris24 on November 04, 2008, 02:11:46 am
I asked my mate that is a chartered surveyer and he does alot with H&S as part of his job. Below ois his reply.

It should be at least 2m (6' 6") or at least to the top of the door casing.
Under current CDM Regulations 2007 the liability is not with the tenant but is with the Contractor who has ordered the scaffold.
He should inform his Landlord immediately

Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Doris on November 04, 2008, 09:26:38 am
I'll ask one of our regulars at the pub tonight.  He runs a scaffolding company so should have the answer.


Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Piglet on November 04, 2008, 10:06:20 am
Fab thanks all.

Not only is it not 6ft 6 (let's face it I noticed it was short and I'm only 5ft 3!) because you step up to the front door it's at least a foot short of the door height (although 3 foot or so in front of the door IYSWIM).   

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: knetter on November 04, 2008, 10:17:55 am
The important question here is, can you see the track from the scaffolding? ;D

If not, they did a piss poor job constructing it and next time you should consider hiring DFH for the job :P

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Piglet on November 04, 2008, 10:29:30 am
The important question here is, can you see the track from the scaffolding? ;D

If not, they did a piss poor job constructing it and next time you should consider hiring DFH for the job :P

I'd be bleeding impressed if you could see the track from our house!   ;D

...but yes, I think the Landlord should have hired DfH you guys would have made a much better job of it!

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: knetter on November 04, 2008, 11:08:39 am
Well, we would decorate it with your favourite teams and drivers! To make it more pleasing to the eye. ;D

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Piglet on November 04, 2008, 11:12:54 am
Well, we would decorate it with your favourite teams and drivers! To make it more pleasing to the eye. ;D

If you can get me Tom Kristensen on my scaffolding I'd be very happy  ;D

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: knetter on November 04, 2008, 01:25:28 pm
I'll email him to see if he is available ;D

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Chris24 on November 04, 2008, 10:46:46 pm
And DFH would have brought their own bar and a very good blues band as well, oh and about 400 people to have a big party at your home ! ;D

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Leftie on November 05, 2008, 01:43:33 am
He He He.

Nice one Roy.

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: mal on November 05, 2008, 09:31:34 am
I asked my mate that is a chartered surveyer and he does alot with H&S as part of his job. Below ois his reply.

It should be at least 2m (6' 6") or at least to the top of the door casing.
Under current CDM Regulations 2007 the liability is not with the tenant but is with the Contractor who has ordered the scaffold.
He should inform his Landlord immediately

Hope this helps.

Ultimate liability is not with the contractor but with the client, who commissions the work, which presumably is the Landlord. It is his responsibility to ensure he commits sufficient resource, time and funding to the site to enable the contractor to operate the work safely. He must be able to demonstrate this. Providing he can then it is the contractors responsibility to carry out the work safely.

Either way your recourse is through the landlord. If you dont get any joy then I would contact Environmental Health.

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: Piglet on November 05, 2008, 10:07:36 am
I'll email him to see if he is available ;D

Still waiting Roy  ;D

Scaffolding problem is now solved, spoke to the Landlord who someone round to have a look and the bar has been moved.    Thanks all for the advice. 

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: knetter on November 05, 2008, 03:59:50 pm
Sorry Anita,

He did not like the idea of getting a piece of scaffolding up his arse to properly secure him! Any others I can contact? ;D

Title: Re: Anyone know about scaffolding health and safety?
Post by: pool pugilist on November 06, 2008, 09:22:18 pm
Sorry I'm a little late on this one and Im glad you got it sorted...I am a manager of a scaffolding company in Sheffield, unfortunalty you must have had a scaffolder who thought about what was easiest for him rather than letting common sense prevail. There is no minimumn height for a lift, however the scaffolding company (Legally) should have prepared a Risk Assessment for their operatives and client which should have identified this obvious Hazard and the Control Measure would be to ensure the base lift was above the entrance or the entrance was isolated...sorry to bore!! ::)

In the good old days when I was on the tools the bottom lift on a street job was always set to the top of a bobbys hat!! We had a particular bobby in Nottingham in the early 80's who was 6'10 so you can imagine we built the bottom lift with the help of milk crates!!