Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Boorish Grobian on July 28, 2008, 07:07:47 pm

Title: The Single Worst Race I've Seen!
Post by: Boorish Grobian on July 28, 2008, 07:07:47 pm
After 37 years of attending motor races, yesterdays Brickyard 400 wins the award for the single biggest pile of crap I've ever witnessed on a racetrack.  Had some freebie tickets so the Mrs (who used to be a NASCAR fan), brother & sister-in-law, and myself went over for the day, and Jesus what a mess!  I thought the USGP tire debacle a few years ago was cock up of biblical proportions, but yesterday took the cake.  Goodyear brought such sh*tty tires to the meeting that the competitors couldn't manage more than ten or twelve consecutive laps at racing speed without them falling to pieces.  It turned into a f**king joke, NASCAR had to throw a "competition yellow" every ten laps for teams to come in and change tires.  Goodyear knew on Friday that tires would be problem, but did nothing, just ducked their heads into the sand and hoped it was resolve itself.  I'd love to blame this on the idiot grandson, but the speedway wasn't at fault this time, entirely on the shoulders of Goodyear and NASCAR.  But on the bright side, since my wife has thown in the towel on NASCAR after yesterdays events, I'll never have to attend one of these god forsaken events again.
Roll on Petit!

Title: Re: The Single Worst Race I've Seen!
Post by: Andy Zarse on July 28, 2008, 08:34:09 pm
God Fax, I'd loved it if you'd been around for the first five years of BRM's existence!

Title: Re: The Single Worst Race I've Seen!
Post by: chop456 on July 29, 2008, 07:54:46 am
Fax - I'm afraid you're wrong.  The race was just fine.  There was no similarity between the F1 debacle and this.  Everything was great.  Soylent green is people.  Move along.  Nothing to see here.


The Daytona Mafia and Mind Control Cooperative

The sad thing is that I believe most of their fans subscribe to that nonsense.

10 days until Road America.   >:D

Title: Re: The Single Worst Race I've Seen!
Post by: Boorish Grobian on July 29, 2008, 11:15:23 pm
All I can say to NASCAR fans is just keep drinking the Kool-Aid ;)
Andy, I think the birth of BRM would've made my head explode.
However, I would highly recommend the multi volume history of BRM by the late Tony Rudd and Doug Nye.  Absolutely fantastic reading for cold winter nights.
It should be sub-titled "How to shoot yourself in the foot, over and over again"