Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Steve Pyro on July 24, 2008, 12:31:28 pm

Title: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Steve Pyro on July 24, 2008, 12:31:28 pm
He's been awarded £60,000 in damages. (

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: hgb on July 24, 2008, 12:36:29 pm
No, he's lost it... his dignity, I mean.  ;D

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Lazy B'stard on July 24, 2008, 12:40:57 pm
Now he's proved his point he might show a little dignity and duck off and crawl back under a stone somewhere. Horrible man.

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: termietermite on July 24, 2008, 12:48:41 pm
A derisory amount as these things go.  Hope he thinks it was worth it.  Not.

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Nobby Diesel on July 24, 2008, 02:15:38 pm
A derisory amount as these things go.  Hope he thinks it was worth it.  Not.

I can't imagine it was ever about the amount. If his privacy has been invaded, then he was right to challenge the paper in the court IMO.
I think he will feel it was absolutely worth it.
As has been said, he may or may not be a horrble little man, it may be a derisory amount, but what he does in his private life is no concern of mine or the News of the World.

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Kpy on July 24, 2008, 02:15:48 pm
A derisory amount as these things go.

As these things go the award is anything but derisory:

The £60,000 award is a new record for damages for a breach of privacy in a case decided by a court. The previous highest sum was £14,600 awarded to Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas over unauthorised use of their wedding pictures in Hello magazine, in May 2003.

Out-of-court settlements have gained higher sums, but even there the highest to an individual was £37,500 paid to Sienna Miller by The Sun for pictures of the actress nude on a film set.

A settlement of £58,000 was agreed to be paid to Elizabeth Hurley, Hugh Grant and Arun Nayar by Big Pictures (UK) Ltd, Eliot Press SARL, Associated Newspapers and News Group Newspapers for invasion of privacy while on their holiday in the Maldives.

Max is still a dirty fascist pervert in my book, and unfit to run the FIA.

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: termietermite on July 24, 2008, 02:21:34 pm
Then I stand corrected, Christopher.  Although I doubt it's much money to him.  What I cannot fathom is why he thought it was worth it, as it just prolonged the media exposure of the whole sorry saga.  If he wishes things to be private, then the best thing to have done, imo, would have been just to wait for the papers to find some other celeb' to harry.  It'll all be chip paper soon, after all.

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Kpy on July 24, 2008, 02:34:13 pm
As the Independent put it back in June:

Mr Mosley is an eminently dislikeable character. He has shown himself, in the past, to be a snob of the most odious sort. He supported his fascist father, Sir Oswald, far more keenly than the bonds of filial loyalty demanded. And a question mark hangs over whether his talents justified his rise to such an eminent position in motoring circles.

But NOTW went too for in publishing the video. They should have published an article saying that Max resorts to S&M prostitutes, has his arse shaved, get whacked till he bleeds, does some whacking himself, spends £75,000/year on it, and waited for Max to reply or sue them. Then they could have published more evidence. They certainly should not have attempted to blackmail the girls who were not in on the original video hit.

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Lord Steve on July 24, 2008, 03:04:01 pm
I never get invited to Max Moseley's parties.

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Lorry on July 24, 2008, 04:21:38 pm
Kpy has it spot on and I don't get invited to that sort of party either.

NOTW should have put it all on uTube, and then commented.  I still think that there is more dirty washing to be aired, but I'm surprised it wasn't leaked during the trial.

Perhaps a deal was been done with the FIA Mafia, whereby Max stays to the end of the year, and NOTW were jumping the gun.

I really don't care what he does with prostitutes, but are there other sessions behind closed doors that could harm F1.  I think we should be told

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Bentley boy on July 24, 2008, 04:46:28 pm

I really don't care what he does with prostitutes, but are there other sessions behind closed doors that could harm F1.  I think we should be told

What worried me is what someone wrote that this could be the open door that poisoned dwarf needed to wrestle more power away from the FIA.

Which evil would we prefer max will be history soon anyway, oh to be replaced with someone with even more Ferrari bias ooouch ;D Tin hat ready  ;D

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Lazy B'stard on July 24, 2008, 05:08:41 pm
I like Bernie!
(Runs and hides)

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Lorry on July 24, 2008, 05:18:44 pm
What worried me is what someone wrote that this could be the open door that poisoned dwarf needed to wrestle more power away from the FIA......
It is alleged that he has already wrestled most of the money away from the FIA.  Did Max turn a blind eye to this, and did Max receive anything back.  It is alleged that money changed hands.  Can anyone explain how the unpaid president of the FIA lives a millionaire lifestyle?

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: nopanic - neil on July 24, 2008, 07:21:04 pm
What worried me is what someone wrote that this could be the open door that poisoned dwarf needed to wrestle more power away from the FIA......
It is alleged that he has already wrestled most of the money away from the FIA.  Did Max turn a blind eye to this, and did Max receive anything back.  It is alleged that money changed hands.  Can anyone explain how the unpaid president of the FIA lives a millionaire lifestyle?

one word -Expenses

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Dangermouse on July 24, 2008, 09:08:37 pm
Don't you believe it's expenses.........try a huge bung from Bernie.....and everyone else if this is to be believed........Oh.....and I don't think they've sued the author of THIS piece!

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Chris24 on July 24, 2008, 10:47:36 pm
Well thats another 24 orgies paid for then courtesy of the News Of The World. ;)

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Lorry on July 24, 2008, 10:56:27 pm
Its a strange world isn't it.  One of the reasons Max became involved in Motorsport, was that nobody realised he was Oswald Mosley's son.  Now everyone knows him as Oswald Mosley's son who likes orgies

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: garyfrogeye on July 25, 2008, 01:05:46 am
Am I missing something here. ???
Isn't paying for prostitutes against the law? therefore if it is, shouldn't he lose the right to anonymity if the act that was reported is illegal?

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: nopanic - neil on July 25, 2008, 01:20:48 am
Am I missing something here. ???
Isn't paying for prostitutes against the law? therefore if it is, shouldn't he lose the right to anonymity if the act that was reported is illegal?

So are we saying Lawyers and prostitutes are similar - Good one can be brought for the right money  ;D

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Lazy B'stard on July 25, 2008, 08:30:36 am
Right then, I need to get rid of my mortgage. I have a video camera, a journo friend, a good lawyer and a replica gestapo dress uniform (that belonged to Walt Disney). Anyone know any filthy hookers in the north east?

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Fran on July 25, 2008, 08:58:50 am
Anyone know any filthy hookers in the north east?

Darn - if only you had said north west!   >:D

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Bentley boy on July 25, 2008, 09:52:39 am
Well thats another 24 orgies paid for then courtesy of the News Of The World. ;)

£60,000 won't even pay for the amount of grovelling he'll have to do to his missus  ;D

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: hgb on July 25, 2008, 12:13:18 pm
Don't you believe it's expenses.........try a huge bung from Bernie.....and everyone else if this is to be believed........Oh.....and I don't think they've sued the author of THIS piece!

Awesome article, a very revealing read.  :o

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Bob U on July 25, 2008, 12:51:15 pm
In  2004 Purnell persuaded Mosley to make a change in the Formula One engine regulations from V10 3-litre engines to V8 2.4-litre engines. It was a move opposed by everyone. The motor manufacturers, led by BMW’s Mario Theissen, flatly refused to go along with it. But with the help of Richard Woods, Mosley threatened BMW that he would interfere with the crash test ratings of its new BMW 5-series model.  The NCap crash test programme was run by an FIA affiliate. The BMW 5-series had had an unfortunate test and not gained the required four stars due to a technicality. The car was due to be re-tested. Mosley told Theissen that unless he backed his engine proposals the BMW would only get three stars. That would have cost the German car company billions of dollars in lost sales. Theissen was forced to go along with it and opposition to the new V8 engine evaporated. The unspoken of incident showed just how ruthless the pairing of Mosley and Woods could be. One insider said: “It became evident then that nothing was too grubby for them.”

Unbelievable :o   

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: SteveZarse on July 25, 2008, 04:57:32 pm

I pray for the day when they are all hoisted by their own petard.

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: smokie on July 25, 2008, 06:06:31 pm
 :police: :police: :police:

Just reading Bob's post, but as a general comment - without wishing to appear overly sensitive, but at the same time protecting CA against any litigation, please be mindful that anything you post may be construed as unfounded slander or whatever the offence is. It would be helpful if you included any link or source to something which supports any such allegations.

:police: :police: :police:

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Dangermouse on July 25, 2008, 10:40:14 pm
Smokie, rest easy, Bob U's post came from the link I posted earlier...

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: smokie on July 26, 2008, 12:12:03 am
Smokie, rest easy, Bob U's post came from the link I posted earlier...

Knew I'd read it somewhere before...  :)

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: nickliv on July 26, 2008, 10:11:02 am
However, we probably want to be careful writing things about a litigation happy lawyer with notoriously thin skin.

I mean, did you see those bruises?

Title: Re: Max Mosley has won his case
Post by: Lorry on July 27, 2008, 11:02:20 pm
Now lets be fair.  We really shouldn't be concerned about what people do in their own bunkers