Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: SpriteII on June 17, 2008, 10:26:26 am

Title: Best way to book for next year
Post by: SpriteII on June 17, 2008, 10:26:26 am
After a couple of years not going it's time we rectified that so I'm going to book for 2009 this week.

Any thoughts about the best way: phone, fax or email?

Anything someone who hasn't booked for a few years needs to know?  ACO stand still worth having?


Title: Re: Best way to book for next year
Post by: Piglet on June 17, 2008, 10:39:10 am
Go to the ACO website now, find the order form for 2008, print it, tippex out 2008 and amend to 2009, complete it with your first three choices of campsite then email or fax it back to the ACO.    The ACO will throw it in a box and in December will allocate you tickets for BSJ or Bleu Nord, they send you notification of the allocation and you chose whether to except them or not.

If you have someone who has ordered tickets previously put the order in their name as the ACO seem to work in some kind of priority based on the account number of the person ordering - the longer you've ordered the better chance of getting what you want. 

Oh BTW, our French campsite neighbours tell us that they already have their allocation for MB for next year and they've only been going for the last three if you speak French and have a French address to use I'd try ringing.