Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nordic on March 28, 2008, 06:10:04 pm

Title: Balestre
Post by: Nordic on March 28, 2008, 06:10:04 pm

The person who destroyed the Mulsanne has died.

More famous for the FISA v FOCA wars and his autocratic ways J-M B was a right pain, but no more so than his successor.

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Bas on March 28, 2008, 06:44:49 pm
RIP Jean Marie

The man did great things for motorsport and had an important role in improving the safety of our sport.

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 28, 2008, 07:59:22 pm
RIP Jean Marie

The man did great things for motorsport and had an important role in improving the safety of our sport.

And don't forget Hitler built the motorways...    >:(

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: amazing 1 on March 28, 2008, 08:13:24 pm
Can anyone help me with a link to the Peugoat's race team web site?

How is my friend Andy doing today?
Getting ready for the big one yet?

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Ade on March 28, 2008, 08:24:28 pm
Can anyone help me with a link to the Peugoat's race team web site?

Try this: (


Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 28, 2008, 08:58:12 pm
Can anyone help me with a link to the Peugoat's race team web site?

How is my friend Andy doing today?
Getting ready for the big one yet?

Hi mate, I'm a bit gloomy really mate, the weather's really crap and i wish I was back in NZ  :( now that is one great place, just a shame it's so bloody far away.

OTOH, yes we've started prepping for the Big 'un, just wish I could set to on the Commer if it ever stops fcking raining in this miserable dump of a country. God, anyone else think getting rid of this horrible winter's been a bloody long slog this year? Roll on spring! Roll on June!  ;D

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: amazing 1 on March 28, 2008, 09:26:55 pm
That sucks about your weather.
Let me know if you move to NZ,I will go with you.It looks like a great to partyI mean live.

I think we could get jobs at Doris's parents picking plums in the orchard.

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Petra on March 28, 2008, 10:57:12 pm
Erm, Andy and Randy, this thread is about a deceased person. Not quite so nice to be chatting like this me thinks.

Anyway, screw Balestre. From the not so objective views I read he was responsible for Senna having to start from the dirty side of the grid back in 90, despite having pole position, thus having no other choice but to drive into Prost right after the start of the race  :angel: Them frogs always try to give their fellow frogs the advantage over other, don't they?  >:(

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Lorry on March 28, 2008, 11:10:06 pm
..........Them frogs always try to give their fellow frogs the advantage over other, don't they?  >:(
How can you think that when Sarkozy has just had his head up Brown's ar$e.

Back to thread.  Balestre was hated by many as the FIA was so French, and not really international, so the Brits decided to take over led by errrrm Ecclestone & Mosley.  I forgive him

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Boorish Grobian on March 28, 2008, 11:36:29 pm
JMB could be a little dictator at times, and things during his tenure often disolved into utter chaos when he and Bernie butted heads (especially in the early eighties) but things were never dull, and F1 in particular was a far cry from the bullshit we're fed these days.  And personally I liked him for the fact that he basically told that pompous, pretentous ass Senna to piss off.  Last time I checked drivers do actually have a choice whether or not to deliberately drive into their opposition.

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Andy Zarse on March 29, 2008, 04:37:07 pm
Erm, Andy and Randy, this thread is about a deceased person. Not quite so nice to be chatting like this me thinks.

Anyway, screw Balestre...

Petra you are priceless!  :D

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Doris on March 31, 2008, 05:23:59 pm

God, anyone else think getting rid of this horrible winter's been a bloody long slog this year?

Hasn't it just!  On the plus side the clocks have now changed and it's dark in the mornings again so you can't see the crap weather until later in the day.   ::)


That sucks about your weather.
Let me know if you move to NZ,I will go with you.It looks like a great to partyI mean live.

I think we could get jobs at Doris's parents picking plums in the orchard.

Just say the word Randy and I'll put in a good word for you.   ;)   


Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: oldtimer on March 31, 2008, 07:03:31 pm
Last time I checked drivers do actually have a choice whether or not to deliberately drive into their opposition.

Fax, you and I have had disagreements on the topic of Senna in the past, but on this I completely agree with you.  There is never no choice but to drive into somebody whatever the track conditions.

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Petra on April 01, 2008, 12:18:39 am
I thought it would be obvious, but maybe I should point out at you that I wasn't being completely serious about Senna having no choice but to drive into Prost  :angel:

On the other hand, if it had been Prost starting from pole that day I have no doubt the grid position for pole would have been moved to the other side of the track within seconds after qualifying :-\

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Boorish Grobian on April 01, 2008, 01:10:20 am
Bit of a skeptic aren't you Petra (or just anti-Prost, can't really tell).  Senna got away with alot of bullshit, more than he ever should have been allowed to, under Balestre, so JMB couldn't have been that biased toward Prost.

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Leftie on April 01, 2008, 01:31:09 am
J-MB rest in peace.

With regards to comments about Prost vs Senna posted here. I have no real comment. And to be perfectly honest these should not be posted in an abiturary colume.

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Boorish Grobian on April 01, 2008, 03:00:34 am
Ordinarily Leftie I would agree with you, but so much of Balestre's legacy as president of the FIA is defined by his relationship with these two men, that I think the JMB, Prost, Senna "triangle" is worth scrutiny.  There are those, with some merit, who argued that Balestre showed a preference for his "golden boys" Prost, Piquet (who was beloved by Balestre), etc.  Senna was the most vocal in his criticism of the then FIA president.  But if one looks at the sort of on-track antics Balestre and the FIA allowed Senna to get away with, Senna's argument never held water.  When someone as powerful and controversial as Balestre passes on, there's bound to some looking in the review mirror, rather than just banal RIP's,

Title: Re: Balestre
Post by: Andy Zarse on April 01, 2008, 10:59:58 am
We had the " Great Club Arnage RIP thread" debate a few years ago, it got quite heated, understandably. I seem to remember the vague consensus was that, unless there is any indication otherwise, discussing the life and times and controversies surrounding the deceased was acceptable provided it was done with due respect. I don't think any of the comments here so far breach this guidline, but it is up to the Mods to call the shots on that. Read the excellent Obits columns in the Daily Telegraph and you'll get the general drift.