Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Muzorewa on March 03, 2008, 09:02:58 am

Title: T shirts '08 - comments
Post by: Muzorewa on March 03, 2008, 09:02:58 am
Is it just me, or have they spelt arnage wrong on the backs of the shirts........

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on March 03, 2008, 09:20:00 am
Is it just me, or have they spelt arnage wrong on the backs of the shirts........

Yip,we now belong to WWW.CLUBARNARGE.COM  ??? ;D

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: JDS on March 03, 2008, 09:37:57 am
Oops .......  :o ::)

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Muzorewa on March 03, 2008, 10:04:11 am
If they have some surplus stock, I'm sure the Jr's won't mind walking around with a spelling mistake on their backs  ;D

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Piglet on March 03, 2008, 10:35:00 am
The artwork shown on the other thread is correct "arnage" not "arnage" so presumably the printer's error - shame as he seems to have been really helpful and good.

I don't think I'm too bothered about having one that is wrong if it avoids shafting the printer man....

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Piglet on March 03, 2008, 11:33:54 am
The artwork shown on the other thread is correct "arnage" not "arnage" so presumably the printer's error - shame as he seems to have been really helpful and good.

I don't think I'm too bothered about having one that is wrong if it avoids shafting the printer man....

"arnage" not "arnage"  ???

sorry...not "arnarge" (as shown on the tshirt)

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: DelBoy on March 03, 2008, 11:59:39 am
I wondered when someone would notice.

These shirts are a special run for those going to Sebring - with an extra 'r' in the URL.  'r' for Sebring.  Ok, I'm Dyslexic as well   ;D ;D  You should be grateful that I'll not charge any extra for this as these undoubtedly will become collectors items and appreciate in value.

The prize for the first spotting of the error goes to LangTall, who PM'd me last night.  I checked with what I had given to the printer, and it definitely is a printer fault - what I gave him was correct.

Which leaves me in a bit of a quandry.  As Piglet has said, the printer has bent over backwards on these shirts with all the different options - which makes virtually every shirt unique.  He told me on saturday that they were taking much longer per shirt to produce than he had originally planned (and presumably costed!).  Also, he has contacted me about two of the images I gave him - they were not of sufficiently high resolution and I had to get better quality duplicates - he didn't have to do that, he could have just printed what he had.  Similarly, many of the sleeve flags I gave him he replaced from his own database because of the poor quality of the ones I supplied.     

The shirts affected are all those going to Sebring, and all of DfH's shirts, including those NOT going to Sebring.  All the remaining shirts will have the correct URL.

So it's your call - I could come heavy with the printer and insist he re-does all the incorrect ones, in which case you can forget about getting them for Sebring, or you can accept them as they are, and I'll see what he offers in 'compensation'.  I'm going to see him in an hour's time, so any input will be welcome.  My own view is that it makes very little difference - YOU know its spelt wrongly, but outsiders don't, and I wonder how many of us would have noticed if it hadn't been pointed out (see Christopher's comment below).  I certainly didn't notice, although I'm a bit too close to them.


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Christopher on March 03, 2008, 12:15:25 pm

In my defence at not spotting the error........I didn't pay attention to the wording......I was impressed by the image on the back.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: smokie on March 03, 2008, 12:20:06 pm
I'll take mine as it comes - CA shirt is a "must have" for "Serbring", I doubt many will spot the error. George is already out there, and probably won't be online before the event so I'll take his too. I'm also down to carry Phil's out...

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Bob U on March 03, 2008, 12:35:20 pm
Hhhmmm, I see mine has an "Important" sticker on it. Del, you are too nice to me 8)

BTW, spelling mistake? Who cares?

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: nopanic - neil on March 03, 2008, 12:45:50 pm
Can you get waterproof Tipex?  ;D

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: JDS on March 03, 2008, 12:56:59 pm
Well, if mine has a typo, so be it. The Jag design and the overall CA logo are great and that's all I'm interested in.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: jpchenet on March 03, 2008, 01:12:54 pm
Well, I think I might be the only to feel this way but surely teh whole idea of the website address on the back is to advertise THIS website and forum!  is not our site, and is owned by someone from the US. at present. At present it is just a holding/search page, but if they are on the ball and start seeing lots of hits because people are going to their site because they have seen the back of our shirts then they could easily put a Phishing, Gambling or Porn site up there which we would not wnat to be associated with.

How many shirts are we talking about Del?

I accept the printer has offered us many options and a great service, but we do expect a level of service too.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: DelBoy on March 03, 2008, 02:31:19 pm
Hhhmmm, I see mine has an "Important" sticker on it. Del, you are too nice to me 8)

BTW, spelling mistake? Who cares?

Of course you're important Bob.  And so is everyone else as they have the same label!!


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Piglet on March 03, 2008, 03:11:27 pm
I'm happy to have mine as they are.  KK is dyslexic and I am normally attached to a rucksack so I don't have a huge issue with the error!

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: rcutler on March 03, 2008, 08:17:28 pm

I am afraid that the shirts I think are not suitable for use. Web addresses that are not used are regularely checked for activity. A website that is not registered that gets lots of hits could be registered for uses that CA does not want to be related to.

I think the only option "being that you have done no wrong" is to speak with the printer and say that the shirts are not suitable and that new ones need to be printed.

If mine have the wrong address on then I will not be taking them to Sebring anyway.

It is a shame that correct ones will not be ready for Sebring though.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: DelBoy on March 03, 2008, 09:37:50 pm

I am afraid that the shirts I think are not suitable for use.

Why does that come as no surprise to me!!

I have already parcelled up and sent your shirts in the mail - and Yes, they have the incorrect URL on the back.

When you receive it, please return it, unopened, to me, and when you send me a cheque for the residue of Kiwipug's money, please deduct the postage from the amount.  As you havn't yet paid for these shirts, I have no need to send you any refund.

Anyone else??

The shirts with the wrong URL have also been sent out to the following:

Bob U (2)              Canada Phil                Doris
GAB (2)                 Martini (2)                   Nopanic-neil (2)
DfH (12)                Smokie

If any of these are deemed unsuitable because of the minor error in the URL, then please return them to me and I will send you a refund, and I will personally make up the cost of these to the Sever Fund.

The order book is now closed, and no more shirts will be printed other than to complete the original order for the non-Sebring people!


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: rcutler on March 03, 2008, 10:16:18 pm
I work hard for a living and resent people that that think almost good is good enough. Del has done nothing wrong but does not seem to want to insist on re-printing the shirts. (I know that these can not be done in time for Sebring, but I am not willling to pay for shirts that are not what neither me nor Del ordered).

I am getting rather tired of merchanising on this site so think I am off for a while. May have changed my views after Sebring and the British GT's at Outlon Park. But for now I think I am off for a while.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: jpchenet on March 03, 2008, 10:27:26 pm

I am afraid that the shirts I think are not suitable for use.

Why does that come as no surprise to me!!

I have already parcelled up and sent your shirts in the mail - and Yes, they have the incorrect URL on the back.

When you receive it, please return it, unopened, to me, and when you send me a cheque for the residue of Kiwipug's money, please deduct the postage from the amount.  As you havn't yet paid for these shirts, I have no need to send you any refund.

Anyone else??

The shirts with the wrong URL have also been sent out to the following:

Bob U (2)              Canada Phil                Doris
GAB (2)                 Martini (2)                   Nopanic-neil (2)
DfH (12)                Smokie

If any of these are deemed unsuitable because of the minor error in the URL, then please return them to me and I will send you a refund, and I will personally make up the cost of these to the Sever Fund.

The order book is now closed, and no more shirts will be printed other than to complete the original order for the non-Sebring people!


I'm sorry that you feel this way Del.

No-one is questioning your dedication or efforts to organise this. It is the printer that is in the wrong. He has not delivered what was ordered, and therefore the goods are not of merchantable quality and as a consumer you have the right to a replacement or refund.

You should certainly not be out of pocket through this exercise!! What happens if all 34 people cancel them? It would be ludicrous for you to have to pay out over £350 because of the printer's mistake.

The way I see it, the printer has the choice of:

1. Cancel/Do Not Charge/Refund any shirts that were printed wrongly and have them back if the buyer does not want a replacement (i.e. due to time constraints as with the ones with the US flag I originally ordered to take to the guys in Sebring)
2. Replace the shirts as ordered at no extra cost.
3. A combination of No.2 but also to let the people who have them printed wrongly keep the bad ones to use at Sebring until their reprinted ones are ready.
4. A discount os offered on the incorrect shirts that the buyer can then decide if they want to wear it that way or try to get something else printed over the top of the mistake to correct it.
5. Replace the t-shirts with a nominal cost to cover the now scrap item incorrectly supplied.

No. 3 would certainly be my preferred route but I would be willing to consider Nos. 4 and 5 as well if he is sensible. Let's not forget that the cost to the printer apart from his labour costs is probably less that £2.00 per shirt including the t-shirt itself and the ink.

And most importantly, this is the Printer's error and it is upmto him to put it right or cover any costs incurred!

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on March 03, 2008, 10:47:14 pm
I have to agree with JP there.

Del,you definately should'nt leave yourself out of pocket.

The mistake was the printers and its up to him to sort.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on March 03, 2008, 10:48:44 pm
I will have 2 of them in Large if they are returned... and pay full price.
Makes them somewhat unique I feel.
Dont care about names or flags etc... they can go into the pig Pen Archives.

Is it still too late for me to order the ones for me and Claire for LM??


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Chris24 on March 03, 2008, 10:49:03 pm
See ya Rick !

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Martini...LB on March 03, 2008, 11:21:14 pm
Hi Del
I am not going to Sebring, so if you have not posted them yet, don't break your balls rushing.

I will, however, be happy to accept the shirts.

In the world of advertising you only have a few seconds to grab someones attention, and I do not think that anyone who is interested in motorsport is going to stare at my butt and check the spelling.

Yes there is a cock up but most of the guys will have correct shirts, I think.

Just look at it this way, one years spelling mistake, next years duster.


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Martini...LB on March 03, 2008, 11:22:35 pm
See ya Rick !

Succinct and to the point Chris.

Congrats on breaking the 1000 by the way.


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Chris24 on March 03, 2008, 11:26:58 pm
Never even noticed that I had gone over 1000 posts ! Thats for letting me know Martin .

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Chris24 on March 03, 2008, 11:30:36 pm
I have PMed Delboy but will put a post on here too. Please don't shut up the order book just yet as some of us slow ones (Me , who tries to keep up with about 8 different web forums) has only just seen the final design as i missed it the other week as it was posted on a different thread than the original sketch.

I only started taking orders for them from my group yesterday and today, so please don't close the order book just yet.

Personally, if it was me , i would live with the spelling mistake and had to look three times to actually spot it.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: nopanic - neil on March 03, 2008, 11:31:53 pm

Del - I have (well Sam did the art work) worked how to sort out the T shirts.

Mark them as limited edition as well, and print this over the t-shirt.

I have an Iron and T-shirt labels - so I'm sorted

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: DelBoy on March 03, 2008, 11:42:47 pm
 ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Neil - how did you get your shirts so quickly - I only posted them this afternoon!

And you have got exactly the same duvet cover on the bed as well.  What a coincidence.

Seriously, thanks for all the support, guys - and I think Martin's comments really hit the nail on the head.


Edit:  And I apologise to the Mods - the 'For Sale' post should have been on the 'Sale or Swap' board.  Thanks to Neil for pointing that out ;D ;D

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Ade on March 03, 2008, 11:46:31 pm
The order book is now closed, and no more shirts will be printed other than to complete the original order for the non-Sebring people!

f**k!! I too work hard & was waiting to make sure I had enough funds in my bank before I sent my order & cheque, but it looks like I'm too late. Please don't shut the order book just yet 'cause if you do I'll have to go to BM, they have a lot more "merchanising" than here any way ;)

And green is not my colour

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on March 03, 2008, 11:47:14 pm
i will accept the tshirt :)

I have an idea to incorporate my nickname in it after Sebring if Paddy is willing to help, no problem :up:

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: DelBoy on March 03, 2008, 11:52:43 pm

Thanks to the overwhelming level of support from most people, I'll re-open the order book.   :angel: :angel:

Details as before.  I'll probably leave it open for another couple of months to catch any (more??) latecomers, but you'll still get the shirts in plenty of time for LM.


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Ade on March 03, 2008, 11:55:52 pm
Thanks Del

(  (


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on March 04, 2008, 12:07:12 am
Top news.
Can I still have the "Wrong" ones as requested please? ;D


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on March 04, 2008, 08:18:05 am
keep smiling Del ;D. One year due to a printing error all my shirts had the name BRAIN printed on them.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: nopanic - neil on March 04, 2008, 09:44:11 am
keep smiling Del ;D. One year due to a printing error all my shirts had the name BRAIN printed on them.

Thats terrible - Bwrian.  ;)

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Bob U on March 04, 2008, 10:12:35 am
I am getting rather tired of merchanising on this site so think I am off for a while.

Ok Rick, as a matter of interest, what percentage of CA merchandise has ever been f**ked up? Not a whole lot I suspect. It's not the end of the world for Christ's sake. Would you be so quick to critisise if yours was one of those was printed after the mistake was discovered?

If you brought a stamp with The Queens head facing the wrong way would you critisise and refuse to pay for it and storm off in a huff? I don't think so.

I understand what you say about wanting perfect products when you are paying but it's a T-shirt FFS. It will probibly be covered in blood, snot, beer stains and who knows what else when it comes back from Sebring and Le Mans anyhow.

Chill out life is too short to worry about simple spelling mistake

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: nickliv on March 04, 2008, 10:27:36 am
If Rick doesn't want his shirt, we should auction it off for the server fund. Imagine the fun that could be had pretending you were him.

I'll start


Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on March 04, 2008, 12:02:07 pm
Nick, be careful the name may have been spelt wrong, you would not want to walk around in a shirt that says Prick. ;D

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: nickliv on March 04, 2008, 12:03:47 pm
People generally get that impression of me anyway,, whether or not I've got it written on my T shirt  ;)

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: nopanic - neil on March 04, 2008, 12:15:29 pm
. It will probibly be covered in blood, snot, beer stains and who knows what else when it comes back from Sebring and Le Mans anyhow.

Chill out life is too short to worry about simple spelling mistake

Well thats next years T shirt design sorted -  ;D

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: BigH on March 04, 2008, 12:24:18 pm
Blood Snot and Stains!
What a band, takes me right back, it does.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on March 04, 2008, 01:49:23 pm
Nick, be careful the name may have been spelt wrong, you would not want to walk around in a shirt that says Prick. ;D
;D Haha! Im reading this on my lunch break at work on my mobile. Nice one Brian,you've cheered up an otherwise shi*te day

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Bob U on March 04, 2008, 05:49:37 pm
My T-shirts arrived today, and jolly nice they are too. Rusty's design on the back has copied really well.
The shirts are good quality and a generous fit, although I prefer to think I've lost some weight. If you haven't ordered one I strongly suggest you do ASAP

 I would be really pissed off if I was going to be at Sebring and not have one to wear. Oh well.

Thanks Del, great job.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Perdu on March 04, 2008, 05:56:10 pm
DelBoy I am very glad you are back in the fun clobber business. :)

It's a matter of a second or two's work to addify the extra R into something else* and the wrong ones are bound to have an added "Cachet" (note: french sounding word in case the ACO is watching!) later on

*with Tippex "tee shirt grade"

I'm not sure whether Gary Toby and I have our order in yet and I'd hate to lose out now

As for excessive merchandising... ???


I could show you some websites that don't let you out until you have bought something else, often delightfully obscene too. 8)


 Keep up the fine, fine, very fine ... work mate!

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: jpchenet on March 04, 2008, 06:32:21 pm
I am getting rather tired of merchanising on this site so think I am off for a while.

Ok Rick, as a matter of interest, what percentage of CA merchandise has ever been f**ked up? Not a whole lot I suspect. It's not the end of the world for Christ's sake. Would you be so quick to critisise if yours was one of those was printed after the mistake was discovered?

If you brought a stamp with The Queens head facing the wrong way would you critisise and refuse to pay for it and storm off in a huff? I don't think so.

I understand what you say about wanting perfect products when you are paying but it's a T-shirt FFS. It will probibly be covered in blood, snot, beer stains and who knows what else when it comes back from Sebring and Le Mans anyhow.

Chill out life is too short to worry about simple spelling mistake

In fairness Bob, I don't think Rick ever did state anything about any merchandising being f**ked up. And there's a big difference between buying a stamp printed incorrectly that could be worth millions compared to a Club t-shirt with the wrong URL on it that is worthless IMHO (obviously not in others) I doubt if a CA t-shirt will ever be sold at Sothebys!

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: jpchenet on March 04, 2008, 06:34:34 pm
See ya Rick !

Succinct and to the point Chris.

Congrats on breaking the 1000 by the way.


For the record so it is out in the open, I was the first one to cancel an order (it was me who had ordered the ones with the US flags as gifts for my hosts at Sebring). That was my choice whether to accept the incorrect goods or not, in exactly the same way that it was your choice to accept yours and it was Rick's choice not to accept his.

As for people giving Rick a hard time about his choice, if that's the way people are going to be on this forum then I guess I am tarred with the same brush, so I will be off too.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: Chris24 on March 04, 2008, 07:21:37 pm
Becareful that you don't fall over Ricks toys and dummy on the way out .

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - Design
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on March 04, 2008, 07:37:39 pm
WOW!!!  :o You could cut the tension with a knife in here :o

Its right about now we need a sarcastic and witty comment from the BigH  ;D

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - comments
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 04, 2008, 08:05:25 pm
It has been now accepted that there has been a URL printing error to the t-shirts.  Some are happy 'as is'.  Others have voiced their dissatisfaction.

Either way, in the democratic way in which this forum is run, all are welcome to voice their opinions.

However, this thread, which I have split off from the original 'T-Shirt Design' thread, appears to be descending into unnecessary and, perhaps, vindictive, snipes and comments that I would consider to be at a gutter level well below those that frequent this forum.

I am sure that, were we to be all sat around a camp fire having this conversation, these comments would not have occurred, and all differences of opinion would be ironed out over a laugh and a bottle of Leffe.

The mods try not to interfer that often but, in this case, I think it's time to put this one to bed.

Now lets all kiss and make up.

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - comments
Post by: Chris24 on March 04, 2008, 09:25:19 pm
However please don't take anything personal, we are all meeting up at Sebring next week and I and hopefully you wouldn't like anything like this get in the way of us all having a great time during our trip.


<As my earlier post, I WILL have the last word - thread closed and locked (you know it makes sense).  Now you all sod off to Sebring and have some sherberts for me - Steve>

Title: Re: T shirts '08 - comments
Post by: Steve Pyro on March 04, 2008, 09:37:32 pm
Thus ends the sermon according to me  ;D