Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Rusty on July 09, 2003, 03:13:01 am

Title: Maybe I'm getting old...
Post by: Rusty on July 09, 2003, 03:13:01 am
....but  I've just watched the F1 Magny Cour revisited prog.
I am now questioning my state of mind because I f**k*ng love motor racing, but this programme must have been made for infants, or is Jim Rosenthal a child molester?
I probably think it has somefink to do with me being an old c**t or sumfink.
Maybe we should have a poll on this and send it to the w**k*rs at ITV, failing that we could always send Trayboy along to give a representation.
By the way, I've also checked out the average age on Aysedasi's Ten tenths forum, I think we are into paedophilia here.Who is going to call the cops!!!!
Yes, I know PM, I've bin drinking agin, but I haven't bin on here for a f**k*ng long time, ( by the way, Trayboy is still out trying to pull a bird that the RORO ferry would feel easy with.

Title: Re:Maybe I'm getting old...
Post by: Canada Phil on July 09, 2003, 06:41:02 am
Hi Rusty, yes we are all getting old ::)
The Future is uncertain and the end is always near.
Rock On
Canada Phil

Title: Re:Maybe I'm getting old...
Post by: smokie on July 09, 2003, 12:09:27 pm
Hi Rusty, yes we are all getting old ::)
The Future is uncertain and the end is always near.
Rock On
Canada Phil

Phil - no deep and meaningful stuff please. Keep it at a level I can understand.  :) :) :) :)

Title: Re:Maybe I'm getting old...
Post by: mgmark on July 09, 2003, 11:04:11 pm
You're as old as you feel - do what you can while you can

Title: Re:Maybe I'm getting old...
Post by: Dave H on July 09, 2003, 11:45:00 pm
Hi Rusty, yes we are all getting old ::)
The Future is uncertain and the end is always near.
Rock On
Canada Phil

I knew I felt there wasn't something quite right when I first met this guy!
I knew I could place him somewhere - from the past, from Los Angeles, from all those crazy stage antics and anti-police sentiments.

I knew he wasn't dead... Canada Phil is Jim Morrison!

Title: Re:Maybe I'm getting old...
Post by: Rusty on July 13, 2003, 04:03:22 am
Jim Morrison rocks dude.