Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Doris on February 05, 2008, 10:04:01 am

Title: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Doris on February 05, 2008, 10:04:01 am seems we are still waiting for some people to cough up the dough for the items they won at last year's charity auction.

C'mon guys, it's been 8 months - near as damnit - and as I'm getting tired of chasing JPC to see where we're at with collecting the final monies I'm chasing you directly.  We need this money to be in the charity fund bank account asap so I can present the cheques Paddy made for us to the relevant charities and get the photos in time to put them in this year's guide.

We also need to start thinking about how the chairty fund will work this year and which charites we will support.  I'll sort out a separate post for that in a few days.

In the meantime, those of you who still owe get the money to me...please!

Yours in frustration

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Bob U on February 05, 2008, 10:11:07 am
Eight months?

Name and shame Doris, name and shame

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 05, 2008, 11:01:35 am
Eight months?

Name and shame Doris, name and shame

Quite right.  Come on you guilty people.


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Petra on February 05, 2008, 12:04:32 pm
Some people are just not good at paying things in time, like me :( (sorry Marius, I know... I really need to pay up soon)

Thank goodness I didn't buy anything at the auction ;)

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Doris on February 05, 2008, 12:24:19 pm
I will not name and shame as:

Firstly I don't have the list
Secondly I know some people have been on holiday, and that they are now working on getting a cheque (you know who you are  ;))

Additionally, JPC has just contacted me to say that as far as he is aware all other monies are paid, which is truly great to hear. 

Take note Guys n Gals - I will not be so tolerant this year.   :police:


PS:  I should have a mini rant more often.  I feel much better.   ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Fran on February 05, 2008, 12:31:39 pm
Secondly I know some people have been on holiday

On holiday since June 2007?  I want that job....  ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 05, 2008, 10:14:53 pm
I think you should give a definate time scale on naming and shaming, say 2 weeks and thats it, publish them. It's just not on to be a hero on the night and then bunking off, just not cricket chaps!!!!  (or chappeses) >:(

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Doris on February 05, 2008, 10:46:32 pm
I think you should give a definate time scale on naming and shaming, say 2 weeks and thats it, publish them. It's just not on to be a hero on the night and then bunking off, just not cricket chaps!!!!  (or chappeses) >:(

You had to mention cricket didn't you?  On the day that NZ got a good old fashionsed arse kicking off the Poms in the first 20/20 of the tour.   :'(


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Leftie on February 06, 2008, 01:10:37 am
I think you should give a definate time scale on naming and shaming, say 2 weeks and thats it, publish them. It's just not on to be a hero on the night and then bunking off, just not cricket chaps!!!!  (or chappeses) >:(

I agree with Ian, 2 weeks the name them.

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: mgmark on February 06, 2008, 10:03:44 am
I think you should give a definate time scale on naming and shaming, say 2 weeks and thats it, publish them. It's just not on to be a hero on the night and then bunking off, just not cricket chaps!!!!  (or chappeses) >:(

You had to mention cricket didn't you?  On the day that NZ got a good old fashionsed arse kicking off the Poms in the first 20/20 of the tour.   :'(


Oh dear, and there she was feeling all better after her rant.  Now you've upset her again....and she says she's not going to be as tolerant this year...  ;)

MG Mark

MG Mark

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 06, 2008, 03:22:11 pm
Being a complete ignoramus when it comes to Cricket I claim innocence, however I might just have to bid on something this year and hold off payment until I have been disciplined fully and justly by Miss Doris the Dominator.  :o

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Robspot on February 06, 2008, 03:45:45 pm
I'm sure she would provide that service anyway for a small fee  :-*

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Doris on February 06, 2008, 04:07:12 pm
Being a complete ignoramus when it comes to Cricket I claim innocence, however I might just have to bid on something this year and hold off payment until I have been disciplined fully and justly by Miss Doris the Dominator.  :o

Uh oh, looks like my secret's out.  May as well bring the whips, chains and stilettoes with me this year then.    ;)


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: mgmark on February 06, 2008, 05:17:07 pm
Being a complete ignoramus when it comes to Cricket I claim innocence, however I might just have to bid on something this year and hold off payment until I have been disciplined fully and justly by Miss Doris the Dominator.  :o

Uh oh, looks like my secret's out.  May as well bring the whips, chains and stilettoes with me this year then.    ;)


Grand - that'll give me a sporting chance of recognising you, having failed initially last year, on account of the bizarre hair style and colouring.... ;)  not to mention darkness and alcohol consumption....

MG Mark

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Doris on February 06, 2008, 06:18:50 pm
Being a complete ignoramus when it comes to Cricket I claim innocence, however I might just have to bid on something this year and hold off payment until I have been disciplined fully and justly by Miss Doris the Dominator.  :o

Uh oh, looks like my secret's out.  May as well bring the whips, chains and stilettoes with me this year then.    ;)


Grand - that'll give me a sporting chance of recognising you, having failed initially last year, on account of the bizarre hair style and colouring.... ;)  not to mention darkness and alcohol consumption....

MG Mark

Just to give you a sporting chance I'll probably be going with the same bizarre hair style and colour this year.    8)


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: DelBoy on February 06, 2008, 06:36:21 pm

...........I'll probably be going with the same bizarre hair style and colour this year.    8)


...and (nearly) a very revealing T-shirt   :-*


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 06, 2008, 08:52:02 pm
Being a complete ignoramus when it comes to Cricket I claim innocence, however I might just have to bid on something this year and hold off payment until I have been disciplined fully and justly by Miss Doris the Dominator.  :o

Uh oh, looks like my secret's out.  May as well bring the whips, chains and stilettoes with me this year then.    ;)


Ooo errrr missis  8)

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: mgmark on February 07, 2008, 02:48:16 pm
Being a complete ignoramus when it comes to Cricket I claim innocence, however I might just have to bid on something this year and hold off payment until I have been disciplined fully and justly by Miss Doris the Dominator.  :o

Uh oh, looks like my secret's out.  May as well bring the whips, chains and stilettoes with me this year then.    ;)


Grand - that'll give me a sporting chance of recognising you, having failed initially last year, on account of the bizarre hair style and colouring.... ;)  not to mention darkness and alcohol consumption....

MG Mark

Just to give you a sporting chance I'll probably be going with the same bizarre hair style and colour this year.    8)


My dear girl,

That would be sooooo helpful !!!  :)

MG Mark

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Petra on February 07, 2008, 03:07:57 pm
Uh oh, looks like my secret's out.  May as well bring the whips, chains and stilettoes with me this year then.    ;)


Grand - that'll give me a sporting chance of recognising you,

Do make sure you pay attention to the stiletto's, otherwise you may end up getting your arse whipped by the Gimp in stead of Doris ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 07, 2008, 03:18:45 pm
I think you should give a definate time scale on naming and shaming, say 2 weeks and thats it, publish them. It's just not on to be a hero on the night and then bunking off, just not cricket chaps!!!!  (or chappeses) >:(

You had to mention cricket didn't you?  On the day that NZ got a good old fashionsed arse kicking off the Poms in the first 20/20 of the tour.   :'(


Doris, in case you'd not heard we done em over again by 50 runs this morning!

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Doris on February 07, 2008, 05:03:48 pm

You had to mention cricket didn't you?  On the day that NZ got a good old fashionsed arse kicking off the Poms in the first 20/20 of the tour.   :'(


Doris, in case you'd not heard we done em over again by 50 runs this morning!

Thanks for the reminder Andy.  I looked this morning when I got to work and saw were getting another right royal drubbing.  Presumed what you've just confirmed.  We really are rubbish at the moment!   :(


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 08, 2008, 06:16:48 pm
I will not name and shame as:

Firstly I don't have the list
Secondly I know some people have been on holiday, and that they are now working on getting a cheque (you know who you are  ;))

That will be me then.  :(

Just so everyone has the whole scoop and Mr Brown doesn't hang me.

I had the cheque for the Picture in late Aug but never got around to giving it to JPC.   Then when the pre Xmas drinks in Wokingham came around I found I'd lost the Cheque.  (Well I've put it somewhere safe.  Too Safe)  So since then I've been trying to get things co ordinated to get a replacement Cheque.  Not easy when there are three people involved.  Chris who bought the Picture is a friend of my pal Duncan.  So I had to get Duncan to get the new cheque and pass it on to me.

It not helped by the fact that one or the other of us have been out of the country over the last couple of months on Business and/or in my case Pleasure.

I lost most of January sorting out an alternative destination as we where scheduled to go to Kenya.

I'm pleased to say it's all sorted now and as soon a Doris lets me have the Account details the money will be paid in.


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Petra on February 08, 2008, 07:32:45 pm
I had the cheque for the Picture in late Aug but never got around to giving it to JPC.   Then when the pre Xmas drinks in Wokingham came around I found I'd lost the Cheque.  (Well I've put it somewhere safe.  Too Safe)  So since then I've been trying to get things co ordinated to get a replacement Cheque.  Not easy when there are three people involved.  Chris who bought the Picture is a friend of my pal Duncan.  So I had to get Duncan to get the new cheque and pass it on to me.

Okay. Now this may come as a shock to you, so I suggest you make sure you are sitting in a comfortable chair before reading on....

A little over eight years ago, most of the world entered the 21st century  :o

Why are you Brits still handing over cheques to each other? Surely there must be electronic banking in England and such?

Now come forth and hand me that pedant-of-the-day award, I deserve it ;D  :angel:

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Robspot on February 08, 2008, 07:33:14 pm
Burn him  :police:

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 08, 2008, 08:23:15 pm

Why are you Brits still handing over cheques to each other? Surely there must be electronic banking in England and such?

Given I didn't have the details of the Account account to allow an EFT a cheque seemed a pretty good idea at the time.

With hind sight there were probably 1,000,000 better ways of doing it.

With hind  sight I should have just kept quite about this.

Still you live an lean as they say.


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Maximum on February 08, 2008, 08:24:35 pm

They don't use the Euro.

They still using the Englisch Pound out of the 18 ? century.


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Piglet on February 08, 2008, 08:54:46 pm
I think the idea of the Euro is great - you mugs sign up to it so we only need one other currency for travelling in Europe BUT we get to keep our own currency and not be tied you you lot - Good deal  ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 08, 2008, 08:56:02 pm
Max, us Brits can trace our currency back to pre Roman times hence the £ s d which we used up to about 1972? when we committed the silly error of going metric.

bring back all those very useful weights and measures, that we now have lost for good.

Don't panic Peter.  We still use the Mile and Pint.

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Perdu on February 08, 2008, 10:00:11 pm
That's funny.

I still have lots of proper money like tanners, bobs and thru'penny pieces.

Bugger of it is that I can't spend them... ::)

Anyone save half crowns?

But I do have a stash of Eyerows for when I get ashore on the other mainland. First "spend" Pont De Normandie, 5 euros.

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 08, 2008, 10:30:33 pm
Burn him  :police:
Bloody right, maybe we could have a sponsored burn, €5 a match, when he's nice and crisp we could sell Lawnmower man burgers to the unsuspecting frogs - they'll eat anything  ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Paddy_NL on February 08, 2008, 11:13:21 pm
Why are you Brits still handing over cheques to each other?

Actually, it's Holland that's going absurd with the electronic banking. Sure, modern times, but don't wipe out the rest before everybody is more or less used to it and has the ability to do all bank transfers via internet.
Every country around us still have cheques 'n stuff. And the banks in those countries don't charge a whopping €38,-  to clear a cheque!  >:(

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 09, 2008, 12:18:50 am
Burn him  :police:
Bloody right, maybe we could have a sponsored burn, €5 a match, when he's nice and crisp we could sell Lawnmower man burgers to the unsuspecting frogs - they'll eat anything  ;D

Thank you for your support!

I thought I was doing an honorable thing in owning up to the fact I have probably not done as well as I might have in getting the money for the painting in to the account.

ans all you lot want to do is Burn me.

As I as thanks a bunch.

Sorry I don't see the funny side.

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Robspot on February 09, 2008, 12:41:01 am
Aw come on Tom don't take it so personally.

Anyway when are you starting this year's order for the lanyards  ;)

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Leftie on February 09, 2008, 01:02:26 am
Anyway when are you starting this year's order for the lanyards  ;)


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Petra on February 09, 2008, 12:41:46 pm
Tom, I think you did do an honorable thing  :-* :)

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: knetter on February 09, 2008, 02:58:37 pm
Why are you Brits still handing over cheques to each other?

Actually, it's Holland that's going absurd with the electronic banking. Sure, modern times, but don't wipe out the rest before everybody is more or less used to it and has the ability to do all bank transfers via internet.
Every country around us still have cheques 'n stuff. And the banks in those countries don't charge a whopping €38,-  to clear a cheque!  >:(

Your going to the wrong bank mate, cleared a cheque from the US two months ago, only had to pay 3.5 euro!

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Perdu on February 09, 2008, 08:53:28 pm
Burn him?

No way, the man's a class hero. You leave 'm alone

Blarry hell, no fair...

yah boo sucks!

And I cant have a new lanyard 'til i wears out the old one.

And anyway, I bet he still tastes of linment after last year

 :o :P ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 09, 2008, 11:26:29 pm
Tom if your serious about not seeing the funny side please accept my appologies for the misplaced humor. I think we all know that you would be the last person to owe any sort of dosh.

PS. Can order my lanyard now please (the 2009 one)  ;D  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Robspot on February 10, 2008, 12:41:45 am
Tom if your serious about not seeing the funny side please accept my appologies for the misplaced humor. I think we all know that you would be the last person to owe any sort of dosh.

PS. Can order my lanyard now please (the 2009 one)  ;D  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ditto Tom. I'm a massive piss taker and always will be but I never mean harm by it.

And by the way Ian it's you're not your and humour in the UK has an extra u in it  ;D

We don't want that sort of illiteracy in Dorset thank you very much  ;)

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on February 10, 2008, 02:54:38 am
Tom if your serious about not seeing the funny side please accept my appologies for the misplaced humor. I think we all know that you would be the last person to owe any sort of dosh.

PS. Can order my lanyard now please (the 2009 one)  ;D  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ditto Tom. I'm a massive piss taker and always will be but I never mean harm by it.

And by the way Ian it's you're not your and humour in the UK has an extra u in it  ;D

We don't want that sort of illiteracy in Dorset thank you very much  ;)
Or in Hampshire.... even though we are only about 5 smiles apart! ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Lawnmower Man on February 10, 2008, 12:42:34 pm
Hi Guys,

Friday was not a good day for me.  Problems with my Broadband, Problems with my server,   
Given the money in question was fairly substantial £333 I was already beating myself up over the issue.
Plus I had over £200 I'd been meaning to put in  to the Server Fund from the profit on the Lanyards that I final got around to trasfering last week.
Hence the "Sense of humour failure".

I Think it's restored now.  :)


Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Doris on February 10, 2008, 07:03:25 pm
Tom - I'm glad to hear your sense of humour has been restored.  I don't think I'd enjoy a week at LM with you in a pissy mood.   ;)

All - Can I just say that I didn't start this thread to start a witch hunt.  I started it to get results, and to that end I have achieved my goal. 
A big


to those who did their bit to get the money together and in one place so it can be distributed to those charities we chose as worthy recipients last year.


PS: Andy Z, good to see the balance has been redressed and your lot got a stuffing off us this weekend.   :P :-*

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 11, 2008, 09:43:07 pm

Bloody good job too Tom, Your a top man, don’t want any of that bar humbug stuff around here!!!
Rob, my literacy knows no boundaries - even county ones, although I am sure Dorset is a few editions behind on the Oxford English Dictionary.

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Andy Zarse on February 12, 2008, 12:41:35 pm

PS: Andy Z, good to see the balance has been redressed and your lot got a stuffing off us this weekend.   :P :-*

We're sh*t and we know we are,
We're sh*t...

A ten wicket defeat for England today. I think this is the first time I've ever heard of a ten wicket defeat in ANY form of international cricket EVER. I'm so glad I'm heading out there at vast expense next month.  :( >:(

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Doris on February 12, 2008, 01:29:49 pm

We're sh*t and we know we are,
We're sh*t...

A ten wicket defeat for England today. I think this is the first time I've ever heard of a ten wicket defeat in ANY form of international cricket EVER. I'm so glad I'm heading out there at vast expense next month.  :( >:(

According to the Beeb

"It was the fourth 10-wicket defeat England had endured in ODIs... "

If you're looking for a silver might come good for the test matches and then the tables will be turned once again.

Aside from the cricket have a great time in NZ.  It truly is a great country.  Yes, I know I'm somewhat biased on that point.   ;D ::) ;D 

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Brad Zarse on February 22, 2008, 01:06:46 am

Bloody good job too Tom, Your a top man, don’t want any of that bar humbug stuff around here!!!
Rob, my literacy knows no boundaries - even county ones, although I am sure Dorset is a few editions behind on the Oxford English Dictionary.

For anyone who's wondering - he makes no sense in Berkshire either, and never has.... fortunately his illiteracy has followed him to Dorset and isn't contagious...

P.S Daddy I need to borrow some new car now has slick rear tyres, on account of the fact that everyone who travels in it wants me to show them what a doughnut is....Or maybe it was just me wanting to do them....I like rear wheel drive.... :) Anyway - It needs new tyres, and you said you'd pay...maybe, ish, sort of, not.....

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Steve Pyro on February 22, 2008, 09:42:48 am
Ian, can you lend me £100?

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 22, 2008, 10:50:44 am
Ian, can you lend me £100?

Sorry steve, cant aford to fund another child ;D

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Snoring Rhino on February 22, 2008, 10:57:28 am

Bloody good job too Tom, Your a top man, don’t want any of that bar humbug stuff around here!!!
Rob, my literacy knows no boundaries - even county ones, although I am sure Dorset is a few editions behind on the Oxford English Dictionary.

For anyone who's wondering - he makes no sense in Berkshire either, and never has.... fortunately his illiteracy has followed him to Dorset and isn't contagious...

P.S Daddy I need to borrow some new car now has slick rear tyres, on account of the fact that everyone who travels in it wants me to show them what a doughnut is....Or maybe it was just me wanting to do them....I like rear wheel drive.... :) Anyway - It needs new tyres, and you said you'd pay...maybe, ish, sort of, not.....
Thanks Son, buy your own bloody tyres..............
Tip, dont bring it down to Dorset until you have, I got pulled on the bike the other day, an unmarked Blue BMW estate with the number plate recognition gear in it. I was legal, just that the central computer hadnt been updated with my tax (from sorn) and insurance details. I saw him pull to other cars, no problem, no tax or insurance is wrong, cause there the ones who will hit you, sods law.

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Nobby Diesel on February 23, 2008, 02:01:47 am
Burn him  :police:
Bloody right, maybe we could have a sponsored burn, €5 a match, when he's nice and crisp we could sell Lawnmower man burgers to the unsuspecting frogs - they'll eat anything  ;D

Thank you for your support!

I thought I was doing an honorable thing in owning up to the fact I have probably not done as well as I might have in getting the money for the painting in to the account.

ans all you lot want to do is Burn me.

As I as thanks a bunch.

Sorry I don't see the funny side.


I thought we were going to have another FS/Fax/Moped Boy situation.

Thank goodness all is back on an even keel.

And just for the record, I loved the lanyards (that I never got).

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Brad Zarse on February 23, 2008, 03:54:19 am
new tyres tomorrow/today, dependant on how you look at it - technically today.....

how many doughnuts do Bridgestone EA050a or whatever they're called last for?

Title: Re: While We're Talking About The Friday Night Charity Party...
Post by: Lawnmower Man on March 11, 2008, 06:22:43 pm

I had the cheque for the Picture in late Aug but never got around to giving it to JPC.   Then when the pre Xmas drinks in Wokingham came around I found I'd lost the Cheque.  (Well I've put it somewhere safe.  Too Safe) 

See I knew I put it somewhere safe.  It was in a Laptop Case I'd stopped using.    Of course it's useless now since it's past it's use by date.
