Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: WhiteBaron on January 16, 2008, 10:27:55 pm

Title: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: WhiteBaron on January 16, 2008, 10:27:55 pm

What's the best way for getting around at Le Mans, being lazy i much prefer the above (not walking :P)

I'm sure you guys have your own personal favourites

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: rcutler on January 16, 2008, 10:34:48 pm
Would have to be one of these:-


Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: WhiteBaron on January 16, 2008, 10:42:25 pm
Sweet - A magic "beer" carpet

i'll just check e-bay for one.........

Great there's a bloke in Nigeria who will send me one after i give him all my bank account details :P

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Bas on January 16, 2008, 10:49:30 pm

What's the best way for getting around at Le Mans, being lazy i much prefer the above (not walking :P)

I'm sure you guys have your own personal favourites
Those are fine when you're lazy, but they'll probably get nicked or you'll be roughed up when passing our a campsite for the umpteenth time in an hour.

Get a bike and get in shape, you still have months till June  ;)

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Fran on January 16, 2008, 10:50:25 pm
My trusty ebay pushbike.  The original one cost a tenner (I paid more for the lights!) but it was nicked by pikies outside my flat - I stretched to a budget of £20 for my second one which actually has a full set of gears (apparently) and metallic paint.


Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: WhiteBaron on January 16, 2008, 11:01:23 pm
but they'll probably get nicked.

er, mine got nicked 2006 in MB due to a small locking error :(

however this year a new machine will emerge.....
 "son of moto"

pics to follow once build commences.

My personal self .. always try and avoid the repetitive laps of campsite, i don't have a goldfish memory so prefer to head further afield.

ps my pushbike worth more than ped/scooter and a pain to fit in the car

Baron Blanc

(i'll kill myself or die trying)

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 16, 2008, 11:04:29 pm
My Old "Skool" selection of BMX rides! 8)

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: WhiteBaron on January 17, 2008, 12:03:16 am
An old skool BMX is pretty sweet. :)

however i have my old one in the shed, and a mini moto

maybe a new project is born ;D

"I am the weaver!" - Bill Hicks

ps (don't worry Lord PP, not a "premium" brand only emmelle copy)

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Kev_mk3 on January 17, 2008, 10:15:08 am
am i the only one who walks all weekend ( apart from when i go to the mulsane straight at night - then i drive? )  ???

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Steve Pyro on January 17, 2008, 10:50:27 am
Definately not Kev, I walk my little legs off - try to cover as much of (any) circuit that I can.

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: nopanic - neil on January 17, 2008, 10:55:58 am
Definately not Kev, I walk my little legs off - try to cover as much of (any) circuit that I can.

Ditto -  Walked around circuit, walked back from the town (twice).

Find it helps using the line of sight system -  Walking from one bar you can see to the next!

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 17, 2008, 11:05:54 am
We have tried to take bicycles before, but they barely fitted into the 20-ton truck we're bringing :-\

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Christopher on January 17, 2008, 11:21:43 am

Always walk around the circuit and village areas.

Use the car to get out to Arnage and Mulsanne.

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Kev_mk3 on January 17, 2008, 12:37:07 pm
Definately not Kev, I walk my little legs off - try to cover as much of (any) circuit that I can.

Ditto -  Walked around circuit, walked back from the town (twice).

Find it helps using the line of sight system -  Walking from one bar you can see to the next!
thats the system i use :lol: id take 2 bikes if i had chance but i think they would be more of a hassle than anything really  ??? also im going to have issues with weigh + wheel + arches catching = a pain  :'(

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: mgmark on January 17, 2008, 12:58:35 pm
I walk the circuit and village areas and drive to Mulsanne and Arnage.  Bikes are too much hassle and I can't get one in or on the MGA anyway....

MG Mark

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: termietermite on January 17, 2008, 03:30:37 pm
Feet every time.  And being a grumpy old woman, I get very p*ssed off being run over by lazy gits who seem to have lost the use of theirs.  Ducks for cover.

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: JDS on January 17, 2008, 03:53:03 pm
Walking fro me too - I borrowed a bike some of the time last year, but TBH it wasn't much quicker as the Jean-Claudes at the KN entry gate wouldn't let them into the circuit, so had to go the long way with it every time. Gave up in the end.

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Bob U on January 17, 2008, 04:05:17 pm
Yep always walk, or stagger when heading back from DfH. I am taking a pedometer this year to check how far I walk. I reckon on about 25/30 miles over the weekend but wouldn't be suprised if it was more.

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Nordic on January 17, 2008, 05:28:40 pm
Getting around at Le Mans? there are some that would say I have not ever got a round at Le Mans, but they are liars.

I brought a round of stellas in 1998.

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: SteveB on January 17, 2008, 06:25:30 pm
How about a Cruzin Cooler .... haul your beer around at 17mph .... Has to be an american idea !!


Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: DelBoy on January 17, 2008, 07:04:31 pm

How about a Cruzin Cooler .... haul your beer around at 17mph .... Has to be an american idea !!

Obviously is from the US, but they have just been announced in the UK.  Article in the paper last weekend about them - the first (motorised) unit will be around £500, and you can add more wheeled but not motorised units to make a 'train'.  IIRC there was a choice of petrol or electrical power.

In the UK, of course, if you take it on the public highway you'll need license, tax and insurance!!


Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Robspot on January 17, 2008, 07:54:02 pm

Cheapest one starts at £189.00 for a 300 watt electric motor

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Robspot on January 17, 2008, 08:04:45 pm
I'm sure I'd be alright unless the incline was above 0%. The UK distributor is

Some excellent sales patter:

Seats are not essential, but let's be honest, you are gonna look really silly flying down the road on a drinks cooler without a seat.

When on the move, a drinks holder cut into the lid of the cooler lifts up to give easy access to your cold drink or beer, and if you are a total piss head, a non powered trailer will hook onto the back of the main cooler, and hey presto, you can pull along loads more drinks and you even get the option of dragging the missus behind you! If you haven't got a better half, well how could you fail to attract one with one of these? Available in Black, Blue, Red or White, we have given our best shot at selling you on the idea of owning an article that frankly has no use in society, but maybe the answer to your prayers at rallies.


Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: nopanic - neil on January 17, 2008, 09:17:15 pm
How about a Cruzin Cooler .... haul your beer around at 17mph .... Has to be an american idea !!


They were selling them a Sebring last year, only saw one, and not one being used.

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Martini...LB on January 17, 2008, 10:18:45 pm
Love that walking stuff I could watch all day... seriously though I have benn known to do a fair bit of walking....

Tent, car (read Cooler box or voddy & coke), chair, car, chair, car, chair, toilet, car, chair, car, chair, car, chair, car, chair, car, chair, toilet, car, chair, car, chair, car, chair, car, chair, car, chair, toilet, car, chair, car, chair, ....  THEN in the afternoon I repeat the process...

There is nothing like getting out and about in the fresh air...

I did walk to the town once, couldn't walk back


Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Perdu on January 17, 2008, 10:58:10 pm
Even given the terminal stages of knee knack over the last few years I would rather walk.

If I walk I dont forget where I left the...

What was I talking about, oh pardon me did you speak?

Oh heck I'm off where's the bus stop

anyone seen my beer

I'm sure I had one, two, some.

Title: Re: Getting around at Le Mans
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 17, 2008, 11:28:25 pm
I'm sure I'd be alright unless the incline was above 0%. The UK distributor is

Some excellent sales patter:

Seats are not essential, but let's be honest, you are gonna look really silly flying down the road on a drinks cooler without a seat.

When on the move, a drinks holder cut into the lid of the cooler lifts up to give easy access to your cold drink or beer, and if you are a total piss head, a non powered trailer will hook onto the back of the main cooler, and hey presto, you can pull along loads more drinks and you even get the option of dragging the missus behind you! If you haven't got a better half, well how could you fail to attract one with one of these? Available in Black, Blue, Red or White, we have given our best shot at selling you on the idea of owning an article that frankly has no use in society, but maybe the answer to your prayers at rallies.

Dear Boy.
I am sure we could do better!
A chest freezer mounted on a go kart chassis with rear mounted gennie and fuel tank... 2 seats up front, 2 each side facing outwards behind pilot and co pilot. Refreshment stops would mean a team dismount but then you have the interest factor... and could sell beer, ice creams or chilled toilet roll for those that took the revised Chilli challenge the night before!!!!