Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 13, 2008, 01:51:19 am

Title: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 13, 2008, 01:51:19 am
Ladies, Gentlemen & Brethren. ;D
Having watched the above on TV many times and the DVD's sent by nickliv (rudolfucker) I am tempted to try and organise a mission down under so we can show them how its done properly.

I have no idea of how the event is organised with regards to camping, drinking etc but will find out this year as I am an Usher at a wedding in Perth for my mate Brad who lost his LM virginity in 04.
He is a V8 boy and will be able to get me all the info on BH.
Even better.... Lady PP has family friends who are in the area and have money dripping from their Holdens so things could be reeeeeeeeal good.

This is not an arse about face ramble, so anyone interested please respond or Pm me so I can get things underway.


Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 13, 2008, 02:58:46 am
I know we speak Freeky Deeky Dutch, but us DfH have had the same thought for a while now! ;D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 13, 2008, 03:37:01 am
After a couple sessions with my Berlitz book and CD, I am now confident to say that I think I have learned Dutch and have typed the following: I hope my smelling and granmar are collect ;D

Juist. Een van de evenementen die bij een Endurance-fan op het "must-do-one-day" lijstje zou moeten staan.

Naar wat ik begrepen heb, heeft Pieter hier al een keer serieus naar gekeken, een en ander onderzocht, en erachter kwam dat dit toch wel iets te duur is voor een "geintje". Hoe duur? Ergens zeker €2000 voor de gehele trip. Erg duur dus. Tenzij we dit ver van tevoren plannen, vèr van tevoren. De Bathurst is pas aan het einde van het jaar (ergens oktober?), wat ons meer dan 24 maanden geeft om te sparen. Een €100 per maand dus, met hier en daar een uitzonderingsmaand waar je niets spaart.

Wat ik ondertussen begrepen heb is dat Bathurst één groot feest is, met gebeurtenissen waar wij "westerlingen" schijnbaar nogal van op zullen kijken. Pieter zal dit ongetwijfeld verder toe kunnen lichten, hij had tenslotte al wat contact met Australiërs. Hell, vanwege dit is unitedracefans geboren! (zover ik begrepen heb )

Probleem met Australië is dat het zo'n pokke-eind weg is. Bijna niemand gaat er naar toe voor een kleine week, een maand lijkt over het algemeen het minimum te zijn. Een kleine 24 uur vliegen doe je natuurlijk ook niet voor je lol, dan wil je wel wel waar voor je geld. Maar dat was vroeger eigenlijk het zelfde met de US, daar ging je niet een week naar toe, minimaal een 3 weken ofzo, anders was het "zonde van het geld". Echter zag ik diverse Engelsen "just for the weekend" naar Sebring komen de laatste keer, dus waarom zouden we niet een weekje Bathurst kunnen doen? Een beetje meer spaartijd is het enige wat we nodig hebben, en 26 maanden lijkt wat dat betreft toereikend.
Het lijkt mij wel gaaf om met iets van een tiental DfH'ers Down Under te gaan 

Iemand voor te porren?

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 13, 2008, 03:51:25 am
I know we speak Freeky Deeky Dutch, but us DfH have had the same thought for a while now! ;D
I lied in my earlier post.... obviously!! I didnt need the CD!Ik houd van meisjes met een bodem zoals een bentley mulsanne turbo en een gezicht zoals een zak van moersleutels .
So there!

Anyway... Bathurst is best discussed over a few beers.... see you soon!!

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: knetter on January 13, 2008, 02:08:52 pm
You like your girls to have a face like a bag of wrenches ??? Hope I spelled that last word correctly, but you get the point!

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: knetter on January 13, 2008, 03:22:22 pm
Those where his own words Peter, only in freeky deeky. He also states that they need a behind like a bentley mulsanne turbo ;D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 16, 2008, 09:22:43 pm
Those where his own words Peter, only in freeky deeky. He also states that they need a behind like a bentley mulsanne turbo ;D
Calm down boys... It was a moment of "over refreshed" poor humour! Sorry!!

So is anyone up for Oz next year??

Oh... Babel fish does a mean translation!!!

I must have been thinking of work in Pompey when I mentioned faces like bags of spanners and asses like a Mulsanne turbo.


Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 16, 2008, 09:36:54 pm
So is anyone up for Oz next year??

On our forum Paul, Dirk, Marc, Martijn, Pieter, Mogie and myself have reacted positively on Bathurst 2009. Of course it's a long time away, but you can bet there will be a few of us there! ;D

If the road trip from Denver to Sebring works out positively, I'd like to repeat the idea and fly to Perth and drive to Bathurst (fly out of Sydney) 8) It's also 4000 kms, just like we have planned now! :D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 16, 2008, 10:02:14 pm
So is anyone up for Oz next year??

On our forum Paul, Dirk, Marc, Martijn, Pieter, Mogie and myself have reacted positively on Bathurst 2009. Of course it's a long time away, but you can bet there will be a few of us there! ;D

If the road trip from Denver to Sebring works out positively, I'd like to repeat the idea and fly to Perth and drive to Bathurst (fly out of Sydney) 8) It's also 4000 kms, just like we have planned now! :D
Sounds like a plan. My mate Brad is in Perth (and my ex!) so there is scope for free digs for a few days and I can give a guided tour if sober. Love the place. Its cool as f**k. I can just imagine us lot goin for lunch on the Freemantle coffee Strip, followed by beers at Little Creatures brewery, sat on the ocean side..... oh yes!
I had super cheap car hire last time I was there... will find the details. Other option is the Indian Pacific railway.... saves a 4 day drive over desert with nothing to see. Party train!

This is sounding more  and more interesting!!

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 16, 2008, 10:11:35 pm
Always great to have an insider! 8)

Other option is the Indian Pacific railway.... saves a 4 day drive over desert with nothing to see.
The whole trip is only about 4000 kms. How many miles a day do they drive in Australia?

Just googled the trip and it looks great, lots of coastal driving :D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 16, 2008, 10:57:59 pm
Always great to have an insider! 8)

Other option is the Indian Pacific railway.... saves a 4 day drive over desert with nothing to see.
The whole trip is only about 4000 kms. How many miles a day do they drive in Australia?

Just googled the trip and it looks great, lots of coastal driving :D
I was going on what I had been told by my mates in WA. The coastal route would be wicked. Much more to see and drink. My one day driving record is in Canada, the year before last, 996k in a day. That was in a 5.7  V8 LWB camper van... runnin on petrol. Best memory of the drive was seing a corner... think it was most of Manitoba... but cant be sure.

Anyhoo.... lets do it....

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 17, 2008, 12:12:40 am
My one day driving record is in Canada, the year before last, 996k in a day. That was in a 5.7  V8 LWB camper van... runnin on petrol.

No competition. I used to be a YorkieMan in the early nineties, record on one tacho disc was 1350 kms with a limiter set on 90 kms (22 hours of straight driving) ;)

But the idea is great. Let's try and plan about 6 - 7 days for the trip to Bathurst, take it a little easier than the Sebring trip :D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Doris on January 17, 2008, 09:19:49 am
Count me in for the Bathurst trip guys.  If you're doing the coastal route you can pick me up enroute from my Dad's place somewhere along the Victoria coast.   ;D 

After the race I'll probably jump across the ditch and visit the rest of the family in NZ.   8)


Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: nopanic - neil on January 17, 2008, 09:33:47 am

Where is the starting point, and  which route - (roughly) to Bathurst

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 17, 2008, 10:38:06 am
Where is the starting point, and  which route - (roughly) to Bathurst

I have google-mapped it last night. Basically it's the route leading from Perth to Sydney and includes about 350 miles of coastal roads. Johan (jc_nl) knows how to copy the direct link, I don't know how that works :-\

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: jc_nl on January 17, 2008, 08:20:55 pm
I will take that as a hint Paddy :P

Here you go, this is the direct route route:

But if your smart you will take you time once your there. In that case I would recomend this one.

It includes the "great ocean road", between Adelaide and Melbourne. And also because Melbourne is a pretty nice place.

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on January 17, 2008, 08:28:43 pm
 I am still interested :D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 17, 2008, 08:55:38 pm
why drive campervans if you can stay at hostels for next to nothing?

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 17, 2008, 09:04:01 pm
how about "I'm upside down, and feeling dizzy" ;D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: nopanic - neil on January 17, 2008, 09:10:28 pm
When in 2009, is the rough date?

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on January 17, 2008, 09:55:09 pm
When in 2009, is the rough date?

Bathurst is in de second weekend of October :)

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Petra on January 17, 2008, 10:01:49 pm
That would roughly be something like the 10th and 11th of october then  8)

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 17, 2008, 11:11:39 pm
Glad to see its all positive so far. ;D

I am over in Perth in November as my mate has asked me to be an usher at his wedding (silly boy!!!) so will get as much info as i can then and also see if he and his mates are up for joining the road trip.

Just the thought of us lot doing this makes me smirk with a naughty glint in my bloodshot eyes... Could (will!) be so much fun!

No need for campervans, cheap hire car, tent or hostel. My trip up the west coast from perth to Monkey Mia used only 2 pay campsites in 2 weeks... the rest were free. All were in superb locations, had gas BBq's and some even had squat and drop facilities!

We shall discuss in depth in June... as we stand knee deep in mud and building waste on MB, dodging the passing bulldozers.... as some seem to think. :(

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: nickliv on January 17, 2008, 11:33:47 pm
I might be up for a drop of VB on the mountain. If I can get the house built in time.

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 17, 2008, 11:55:22 pm
with a bit of luck and careful planning, could be in Melbourne with relies, how about a convoy of campers, could we have slogans on the side of the vehicles?

'all Bruces are shirt lifters'

as an example
Lady PP's dad is called Bruce (Honestly), is 50, Plays Ozzie Rules Footy and is a farmer... one hard futher mucker in other words!
I am sure that the Australian male sense of humour would shine through if he was to see a convoy of 'kin poms and clogs sporting such logos.
As he is in Tasmania, he wont!! but there are many more of him out there so I suggest its best we have something suitable to appeal to the natives. We dont want a "Wolf Creek" , "Ivan Milat" (Look him up on Google)style episode now do we!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, is an FS like a wire spider.... see Roger mellies dictionary for explanation. (a joke, not an insult!)


Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 17, 2008, 11:59:16 pm
I might be up for a drop of VB on the mountain. If I can get the house built in time.
Best get building then dude!! ;D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: jpchenet on January 18, 2008, 12:43:54 am
VB, Crown Lager and Carlton Cold's were my preferred refreshment when I was out there  :D

Loved the drive through bottle shops!!!  Why don't we have those???  :(

Could be a very hard opne to swing, especially as the missus wants us to go to visit our friends in Brisbane which is in totally the wrong part of the country, but would love to join the trip and will see what I can do!

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: jpchenet on January 18, 2008, 12:46:36 am
I will take that as a hint Paddy :P

Here you go, this is the direct route route:

But if your smart you will take you time once your there. In that case I would recomend this one.

It includes the "great ocean road", between Adelaide and Melbourne. And also because Melbourne is a pretty nice place.

If you take the route near Adelaide, be sure to call in to Glenelg on the coast. Maybe stop over there, enjoy the peaceful old style town, the catch the old style tram into Adelaide for the nightlife!

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 18, 2008, 01:57:48 am
would love to join the trip and will see what I can do!

This is starting to look great. I can imagine 20 CA / DfH people (+Turn 1 Mogie) turning up at a car rental place in Perth, asking for 10 vehicles.

"So when will you guys bring these vehicles back?"
"We don't, we'll leave them all in Sydney!" (


Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 18, 2008, 02:40:47 am
would love to join the trip and will see what I can do!

This is starting to look great. I can imagine 20 CA / DfH people (+Turn 1 Mogie) turning up at a car rental place in Perth, asking for 10 vehicles.

"So when will you guys bring these vehicles back?"
"We don't, we'll leave them all in Sydney!" (

I will do my groundwork in November. By then we will know numbers so I can chat to the hire  firms and see what bulk discount is available. This trip.. as Beavis & Butthead proudly said... is gonna kick ass! ;D

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: knetter on January 18, 2008, 10:12:06 am
I'm with JPC on this one, I see what I can do! I am planning a trip to New Zealand anyway, she can fly into Sydney, spend some time there and then jump the pond to NZ, lets see if I can convince her!

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: nickliv on January 18, 2008, 11:16:23 am
I've (We've) got relatives in Sydney and the Blue Mountains, and what with a new child to show off, it looks like I need to book some holiday from work.

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 20, 2008, 11:26:15 pm
Sounding better and better! ;D
I will talk to STA travel and see what discounts they do on group bookings. They are always cheaper than anywhere else and the net so we may be able to get a good deal. Does anyone have the exact dates and how long do we wanna go for.... 3 weeks is best..!!!

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: Chris24 on January 20, 2008, 11:37:26 pm
Sort of been keeping a low profile on this one, but I would love to do Bathurst myself. But all would depends on the money though, so not jumping in just yet. Got two trips to the USA this year to pay for first, Sebring in March and Bristol in August. Ideally my plan would be to hire a motorhome in Sydney and camp at the mountain in it. But would like to be in Sydney at least a week before the race so that I could go to the NRL Grand final the weekend before Bathurst. Not sure how that would fit in with the DFH trip though, but it would be nice if we could all invade the Mountain together though wouldn't it.

Title: Re: Bathurst 09
Post by: jpchenet on January 20, 2008, 11:48:59 pm
Sort of been keeping a low profile on this one, but I would love to do Bathurst myself. But all would depends on the money though, so not jumping in just yet. Got two trips to the USA this year to pay for first, Sebring in March and Bristol in August. Ideally my plan would be to hire a motorhome in Sydney and camp at the mountain in it. But would like to be in Sydney at least a week before the race so that I could go to the NRL Grand final the weekend before Bathurst. Not sure how that would fit in with the DFH trip though, but it would be nice if we could all invade the Mountain together though wouldn't it.

Well now, if (and I do still mean IF) I can make the trip, that idea sounds more appealing than the DfH 8-days-solid-in-car-a-la-denver-to-sebring style trip.

I'd be planing to visist friends near Adelaide and Brisbane as part of the holiday so the road trip part doesn't exactly fit (or appeal)

Anyone know how easy/hard it would be to get tickets t the NRL Final??