Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: tommy84 on January 06, 2008, 09:02:30 pm

Title: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: tommy84 on January 06, 2008, 09:02:30 pm
For those of you waiting for the confirmation letter that usually came in December.

A member of called the ACO because of that and was told that the letters will be send out at the end of January/early February

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 06, 2008, 10:02:45 pm
Same as last year then. ;)
Edit : Looking back, same as the last 5 years - all dated the end of Jan.

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: DelBoy on January 07, 2008, 12:37:17 pm
Same as last year then. ;)
Edit : Looking back, same as the last 5 years - all dated the end of Jan.

Have to disagree with the inference there, Debs.  I'm not disputing the dates on your letter(s), but a quick look back in my (untidy) files gives dates as:

07 - 29 Jan
06 - 10 Jan
05 - 5 Jan
04 - Can't find it this, but I have a recollection that it was in December.
03 - 10 Oct (yes, October 2002!!)

Not that it matters - we still have to wait not only for the allocation letter, but for the tickets themselves before we know the pitch numbers.


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 07, 2008, 01:09:01 pm
Those of you which are a little impatient might be better off phoning or emailing the ticket office. Myself is quite curious how many more people besides Powermite will get MB tickets :-\

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: BigH on January 07, 2008, 01:26:54 pm
Ooooh, the suspense is killing me!
Maison Blanche, Blue Nord, Eurocamp in Toulouse, it seems anything could happen. We usually get our confirmation letter and demand for 'payment within two weeks' about three weeks before Christmas, which always goes down well. No sign of it yet though, so I've just sent off an e-mail, and am going to hide in the cupboard until I get a reply. In fact, I seem to be spending a lot of time in there these days. Sadly, it's starting to look like we'll all be scattered to the wind though. Which I suppose is better than being scattered with the wind, but that's brussell sprouts for you.
A howling wind, will the snows ever cease?....

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 07, 2008, 03:00:38 pm
It probably has more to do with when I booked in previous years, Del!  I've only been at PQ for the last 3.  Before that I booked on the Wedesday before practice.  The campsite doesn't bother me as I only really use the tent on the Friday.  Much more concerned about the grandstands as I'm an old f*rt!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: BigH on January 07, 2008, 03:45:55 pm
Blue Nord it is for us lot.
Well, let's hope there's a substantial discount offered as compensation......

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: knetter on January 07, 2008, 04:59:54 pm
Bleu nord for you as well? I think anyone with an order over 10 tickets is bumped to BN, well at least we will all be there ;D

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 07, 2008, 05:08:01 pm
Oh bugger! >:(

How many tickets did Lorry order? Dunno the amount of tickets for the Liverpool Boys either, guess they have less than 10 :-\

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: knetter on January 07, 2008, 05:54:24 pm
Liverpool boys have at least 10, considering the amount of cars I saw there last year and the year before!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: IanB on January 07, 2008, 07:07:35 pm
Liverpool boys order for MB tickets was 15

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: mike(liverpool boys) on January 07, 2008, 07:37:33 pm
Any ideas where we're gona be yet Ian???

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: RS2 Babe on January 07, 2008, 07:54:42 pm
 :-* :-* :-*

I only know the way to MB



Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on January 07, 2008, 08:08:09 pm
Any ideas where we're gona be yet Ian???
Mike, looks as if we will be on Blue Nord, it is the site across the road from the entrance to MB >:(

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: knetter on January 07, 2008, 08:49:21 pm
Liverpool boys order for MB tickets was 15

Ours was 15 as well, and we are on Bleu Nord, looks to me it will be the site to be for 2008 ;D

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on January 07, 2008, 09:30:02 pm
This is what miff's me, posted by another member in sell or swop.

 try tickets-2-u they sold me 3 camping for maison blanche today 13:00.

It looks as the ACO have binned regular punters, but made sure that the ticket agents have got thiers.

I am not having a go at the poster for buying from them, but the ACO for not looking after loyal punters.

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: tommy84 on January 07, 2008, 09:41:22 pm
Guess you're talking about my request.
I'm not ordering at tickets-2-u as their prices are 20€ above the regular prices. And one camping pass is linked with 2 enceinte general which are also 10€ above the regular price.

Anyone having experience with I can't find a FAQ there, but they are resonably priced - which makes me a little suspicious as well

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: RS2 Babe on January 07, 2008, 09:59:01 pm
Any ideas where we're gona be yet Ian???
Mike, looks as if we will be on Blue Nord, it is the site across the road from the entrance to MB >:(

 :-* :-* :-*

Oh I might find it then Brian  ;D

hee hee


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: knetter on January 07, 2008, 10:24:04 pm
Guess you're talking about my request.
I'm not ordering at tickets-2-u as their prices are 20€ above the regular prices. And one camping pass is linked with 2 enceinte general which are also 10€ above the regular price.

Anyone having experience with I can't find a FAQ there, but they are resonably priced - which makes me a little suspicious as well

I think they are OK and the price does seem almost right, 90 euro per spot. I guess the ticket agencies are moving in on MB >:(

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Lorry on January 07, 2008, 10:26:57 pm
I think Paddy's right.  Our order for MB went up from 8 to 14 this year.  We have a few more coming, and a couple spare as you need the space.  Bumped on to BN.

I haven't been asked for any money yet (brother in law does the booking) so he may still be pleading with the ACO.  He's been learning French.  He doesn't want to speak French, just argue in French

But whats happened to the poor slobs that wanted Blue Nord.  Have they been bumped onto Eurocamp Toulouse

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on January 07, 2008, 10:43:11 pm
well it will be Club Nord then

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 07, 2008, 10:46:30 pm
But whats happened to the poor slobs that wanted Blue Nord.  Have they been bumped onto Eurocamp Toulouse

Umm - dont know - I cant find my booking form or confirmation letter........not sure I actually received one.  :-\

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Rusty on January 07, 2008, 11:28:25 pm
I ordered 20 as usual. Confirmation always came though a couple of weeks prior to Christmas and demanding payment within 14 days, I always took that as being a c*ntish French joke knowing that it would always send everybody into panic as all the cards etc are full at that time of year and you wouldn't be able to sort anything out. The one thing that you do have to remember that over all the years that we have all been going is that we all have to go through the same rigmarole every year... The f**k*ng Frogs have been changing the rules as long as I have been going and that started in '91, small fry compared to some of the older die hards but it still is a fact. Maybe it is their way of getting back at the the rest of us as the only time that they had a strong country was through theat Corisican Bonaparte and they now need to flex their muscles, most recently they have been known for 'running away' from any kind of conflict, and the only way that they claimed fame to Bonaparte and Corsica is that they bought it but decided not to let it be known. Hey, how many French have declared that they were members of the resistance ? Clearly all of them, the c**ts, why didn't they show that kind of resistance when the Germans drove through the Belgians woods bybassing the Magnot line, eh.
I'll leave it there for the moment.

Rusty ;D 

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 07, 2008, 11:29:10 pm
Anyone having experience with I can't find a FAQ there, but they are resonably priced - which makes me a little suspicious as well

Thanks for the tip. I have ordered 15 MB tickets with them, see what they will say tomorrow when they ring me (it wouldn't surprise me if they are sold out too). They have been on the market for quite some years, we have ordered our BSJ tickets with them back in '04.
I think the reason why they don't make a lot of money on tickets is because they want to stay competitive. It used to be that people ordered with them before the internet came, I presume they made more money then...

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Rusty on January 07, 2008, 11:34:17 pm
I ordered 20 as usual. Confirmation always came though a couple of weeks prior to Christmas and demanding payment within 14 days, I always took that as being a c*ntish French joke knowing that it would always send everybody into panic as all the cards etc are full at that time of year and you wouldn't be able to sort anything out. The one thing that you do have to remember that over all the years that we have all been going is that we all have to go through the same rigmarole every year... The f**k*ng Frogs have been changing the rules as long as I have been going and that started in '91, small fry compared to some of the older die hards but it still is a fact. Maybe it is their way of getting back at the the rest of us as the only time that they had a strong country was through theat Corisican Bonaparte and they now need to flex their muscles, most recently they have been known for 'running away' from any kind of conflict, and the only way that they claimed fame to Bonaparte and Corsica is that they bought it but decided not to let it be known. Hey, how many French have declared that they were members of the resistance ? Clearly all of them, the c*nts, why didn't they show that kind of resistance when the Germans drove through the Belgians woods bybassing the Magnot line, eh, as I hve said before , they are all SURRENDER MONKEYS.
I'll leave it there for the moment.

Rusty ;D 

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 07, 2008, 11:51:42 pm
But whats happened to the poor slobs that wanted Blue Nord.  Have they been bumped onto Eurocamp Toulouse
Umm - dont know - I cant find my booking form or confirmation letter........not sure I actually received one.  :-\
didn't you give your booking for to Termie?

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 07, 2008, 11:54:42 pm
But whats happened to the poor slobs that wanted Blue Nord.  Have they been bumped onto Eurocamp Toulouse

That sounds a bit like Camping Eau Rouge at Spa Francorchamps, found a map of that campsite :-\


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 12:17:27 am
didn't you give your booking for to Termie?

No, I didnt bother doing that cos Bleu Nord was my first choice and its never been a problem getting my order for 1 x BN before!!!    :-\


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 08, 2008, 12:18:42 am
Well, if the booking earlier works out, we'll have 15 BN spare ;D

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 12:21:28 am
LOL - thanks - I will keep that in mind!  Might think about getting a second one if they are going to be tight on space like last year tho!!


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 08, 2008, 09:32:07 am
Anyone having experience with I can't find a FAQ there, but they are resonably priced - which makes me a little suspicious as well

Thanks for the tip. I have ordered 15 MB tickets with them, see what they will say tomorrow when they ring me (it wouldn't surprise me if they are sold out too).

No luck there either. Asked the guy how many tickets they had to start with, he told me "as many as 20". When I said I would have easily bought 70 tickets off him, he went rather silent ;D

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: knetter on January 08, 2008, 10:09:46 am
Maybe something to keep in mind for next year!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 08, 2008, 11:47:59 am
I ordered 20 as usual. Confirmation always came though a couple of weeks prior to Christmas and demanding payment within 14 days, I always took that as being a c*ntish French joke knowing that it would always send everybody into panic as all the cards etc are full at that time of year and you wouldn't be able to sort anything out. The one thing that you do have to remember that over all the years that we have all been going is that we all have to go through the same rigmarole every year... The f**k*ng Frogs have been changing the rules as long as I have been going and that started in '91, small fry compared to some of the older die hards but it still is a fact. Maybe it is their way of getting back at the the rest of us as the only time that they had a strong country was through theat Corisican Bonaparte and they now need to flex their muscles, most recently they have been known for 'running away' from any kind of conflict, and the only way that they claimed fame to Bonaparte and Corsica is that they bought it but decided not to let it be known. Hey, how many French have declared that they were members of the resistance ? Clearly all of them, the c**ts, why didn't they show that kind of resistance when the Germans drove through the Belgians woods bybassing the Magnot line, eh.
I'll leave it there for the moment.

Rusty ;D 

9/10  :D

Very good anti-french rant Rusty, I could have written it myself. You lose a mark for failing to mention their ghastly restaurants, foul toilets, poisonous drinking water and the terrible smell.

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 08, 2008, 11:50:49 am
poisonous drinking water

Hence Ricard, you won't notice the poor quality!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Bob U on January 08, 2008, 11:59:01 am
I ordered 20 as usual. Confirmation always came though a couple of weeks prior to Christmas and demanding payment within 14 days, I always took that as being a c*ntish French joke knowing that it would always send everybody into panic as all the cards etc are full at that time of year and you wouldn't be able to sort anything out. The one thing that you do have to remember that over all the years that we have all been going is that we all have to go through the same rigmarole every year... The f**k*ng Frogs have been changing the rules as long as I have been going and that started in '91, small fry compared to some of the older die hards but it still is a fact. Maybe it is their way of getting back at the the rest of us as the only time that they had a strong country was through theat Corisican Bonaparte and they now need to flex their muscles, most recently they have been known for 'running away' from any kind of conflict, and the only way that they claimed fame to Bonaparte and Corsica is that they bought it but decided not to let it be known. Hey, how many French have declared that they were members of the resistance ? Clearly all of them, the c**ts, why didn't they show that kind of resistance when the Germans drove through the Belgians woods bybassing the Magnot line, eh.
I'll leave it there for the moment.

Rusty ;D 

9/10  :D

Very good anti-french rant Rusty, I could have written it myself. You lose a mark for failing to mention their ghastly restaurants, foul toilets, poisonous drinking water and the terrible smell.

And, I think, half a point deducted for not mentioning that famous French military victory "The Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior"

I'm suprised that the bastards haven't declared the anniversary a public holiday

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 01:46:53 pm
Here is another variation on the theme received from ACO this morning:-

"We can’t tell you what is your allocation now because we haven’t started to record the bookings yet.

There is no problem with the camping, the only campsite that is reduced is Maison Blanche otherwise, nothing changed from last year.

Best regards"

(I remembered in the middle of the night that I had completed a booking form at the circuit during the race!)  :-[


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Robbo on January 08, 2008, 02:30:27 pm
Just spoke to ACO...... My form was delivered by termietermite.
Not recorded my booking yet either!
She did find the form though!
Should know by the end of Jan

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 08, 2008, 02:45:18 pm
Just spoke to ACO...... My form was delivered by termietermite.
Not recorded my booking yet either!
She did find the form though!
Should know by the end of Jan
Just so long as she put it back where she found it!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: knetter on January 08, 2008, 03:51:35 pm
Here is another variation on the theme received from ACO this morning:-

"We can’t tell you what is your allocation now because we haven’t started to record the bookings yet.

There is no problem with the camping, the only campsite that is reduced is Maison Blanche otherwise, nothing changed from last year.

Best regards"

(I remembered in the middle of the night that I had completed a booking form at the circuit during the race!)  :-[


Funny ??? So they have not recorded our bookings yet, but they are telling us we will not be on MB, how can they know that then ???

The ACO is getting more misterious by the year!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 08, 2008, 03:54:50 pm
Did they misunderstand the question, and think it was a new enquiry?

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 03:57:12 pm
Maybe they havent "recorded bookings " that didnt have MB as first choice?

But then if they are allocating people who wanted MB into BN before people who really WANTED to be in BN that doesnt seem very logical either... you might end up with two lots of people bumped into second (or third) choice campsites! 


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 03:58:09 pm
Did they misunderstand the question, and think it was a new enquiry?

I dont think so, if you see Robbo's post above they have referred to not recording bookings there as well.


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Barry on January 08, 2008, 03:58:55 pm
Maybe they havent "recorded bookings " that didnt have MB as first choice?

But then if they are allocating people who wanted MB into BN before people who really WANTED to be in BN that doesnt seem very logical either... you might end up with two lots of people bumped into second (or third) choice campsites! 


It's standard ACO logic though. ;)

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 08, 2008, 04:02:22 pm
Did they misunderstand the question, and think it was a new enquiry?

I dont think so, if you see Robbo's post above they have referred to not recording bookings there as well.

I meant Paddy's enquiry which began the discussion.  Does anybody think it is possible that the person responding to him did not realise that his booking was already in?

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: knetter on January 08, 2008, 04:08:56 pm
If I am not mistaken he referred to your booking!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 08, 2008, 04:21:36 pm
If I am not mistaken he referred to your booking!
I didn't make a booking.  All I did was hand in all our forms at the same time.  There is not now, and never has been, a booking for the whole group in my name - only my own for 3 tickets and 1 campsite place.

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 04:22:39 pm
[I meant Paddy's enquiry which began the discussion. 

Oh blimey - I cant remember THAT far back!!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 08, 2008, 04:28:00 pm
[I meant Paddy's enquiry which began the discussion. 

Oh blimey - I cant remember THAT far back!!
"I have sent the booking office an email yesterday, and this was the answer I got from them this morning:

Dear Sir,

We regret to inform you that you won't have places in Maison Blanche as there are works in this field and we lose a lot of places, you will be certainly in Bleu Nord.

Yours faithfully.

Service Réservation / Booking Office

My guess is we will not be the only ones getting reallocated to Bleu Nord. Problem is we will have to start all over again with our planning. Many questions arise. How many people from Club Arnage will also be reallocated to Bleu Nord? How many CA'ers will still be in Maison Blanche? What happens to the people who applied for Bleu Nord originally? Should we have a Friday night Party? What about security? What about the numbered pitches?

What a mess "

Was what I was referring to, Fran.  I wonder if the confusion arose because of a misunderstanding that I had made a CA collective booking, whereas, as said above, all I did - or indeed ever offered to do - was hand all the forms in (as sent to me) at 09.00 on the day the bookings were first being accepted.

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 04:31:44 pm
I wonder if the confusion arose because of a misunderstanding that I had made a CA collective booking, whereas, as said above, all I did - or indeed ever offered to do - was hand all the forms in (as sent to me) at 09.00 on the day the bookings were first being accepted.

Yep - I always thought it was just discussed as a question of getting the various forms to you for handing in as you were on the spot.  Never a "group CA booking".


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 08, 2008, 04:40:19 pm
Personally, I imagine the real explanation is the one which you and Robbo have had, Fran and that nothing has been done yet.  It may well be that as MB is so small this year, that agencies will have blanket reserved the site, but even that is not a done deal yet, as far as I can see.  I shall just wait until the letter appears.  Couldn't give a t*ss myself and am quite happy if I'm on Bleu but I'm sorry if the campsite location matters so much to others and will spoil their week for them.

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 08, 2008, 04:50:14 pm
I wonder if the confusion arose because of a misunderstanding that I had made a CA collective booking, whereas, as said above, all I did - or indeed ever offered to do - was hand all the forms in (as sent to me) at 09.00 on the day the bookings were first being accepted.

Your effort was really apreciated, Termie. It's definitely not your fault the booking didn't go as we anticipated. My struggle at the moment is to find a good spot to have both our encampment and be able to have the Friday Party without any problems.
Oh well, we live and learn...

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: termietermite on January 08, 2008, 04:58:31 pm
I wonder if the confusion arose because of a misunderstanding that I had made a CA collective booking, whereas, as said above, all I did - or indeed ever offered to do - was hand all the forms in (as sent to me) at 09.00 on the day the bookings were first being accepted.

Your effort was really apreciated, Termie. It's definitely not your fault the booking didn't go as we anticipated. My struggle at the moment is to find a good spot to have both our encampment and be able to have the Friday Party without any problems.
Oh well, we live and learn...
In the event that it turns out that some of the smaller groups and individuals end up on MB and you are shunted off to Bleu - then maybe we could do a collective swap, Paddy?  More important to have the life and soul in the right place!

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Barry on January 08, 2008, 05:03:29 pm
I wonder if the confusion arose because of a misunderstanding that I had made a CA collective booking, whereas, as said above, all I did - or indeed ever offered to do - was hand all the forms in (as sent to me) at 09.00 on the day the bookings were first being accepted.

Your effort was really apreciated, Termie. It's definitely not your fault the booking didn't go as we anticipated. My struggle at the moment is to find a good spot to have both our encampment and be able to have the Friday Party without any problems.
Oh well, we live and learn...
In the event that it turns out that some of the smaller groups and individuals end up on MB and you are shunted off to Bleu - then maybe we could do a collective swap, Paddy?  More important to have the life and soul in the right place!

I was thinking along the same lines, however numbered pitchs might scupper that idea >:(

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Piglet on January 08, 2008, 05:06:36 pm
I wonder if the confusion arose because of a misunderstanding that I had made a CA collective booking, whereas, as said above, all I did - or indeed ever offered to do - was hand all the forms in (as sent to me) at 09.00 on the day the bookings were first being accepted.

Your effort was really apreciated, Termie. It's definitely not your fault the booking didn't go as we anticipated. My struggle at the moment is to find a good spot to have both our encampment and be able to have the Friday Party without any problems.
Oh well, we live and learn...
In the event that it turns out that some of the smaller groups and individuals end up on MB and you are shunted off to Bleu - then maybe we could do a collective swap, Paddy?  More important to have the life and soul in the right place!

I was thinking along the same lines, however numbered pitchs might scupper that idea >:(

Yup, we discussed this with Rick yesterday, with numbered pitches we couldn't guarentee putting a block of pitches together  :(

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 08, 2008, 05:22:19 pm
My guess is we'd need four pitches in a row and the firelane to operate. Two pitches could be cleared, two should remain unused as we need two vehicles to get all material onto the site (truck plus one vehicle pulling the bar - yes, already thought about that ;D)

It would be really cool if it could be done like this, joined forces and fingers up to the ACO! 8)
We shall not be moved... ;D

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Bas on January 08, 2008, 06:19:13 pm
My guess is we'd need four pitches in a row and the firelane to operate. Two pitches could be cleared, two should remain unused as we need two vehicles to get all material onto the site (truck plus one vehicle pulling the bar - yes, already thought about that ;D)

It would be really cool if it could be done like this, joined forces and fingers up to the ACO! 8)
We shall not be moved... ;D
I'm all for that Paddy, we've 8 MB tickets ordered through the "Termie-route" and 4 more through another.
I would happily exchange some tickets in order for you guys to be on MB.
Will keep you posted on our allocations.

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: nickliv on January 08, 2008, 06:21:43 pm
What Bas said. I'll gladly let mine come your way (If I get them. I've ordered 6)

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 08, 2008, 10:36:25 pm
Pardon my ignorance to all this about camp site changes but I have been without a PC for a few weeks.
Does anyone have an answer to where we are all going to be??


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 10:38:43 pm
Does anyone have an answer to where we are all going to be??


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 08, 2008, 10:42:26 pm
Does anyone have an answer to where we are all going to be??

Within walking distance of the circuit (I hope :-\)

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on January 08, 2008, 11:22:50 pm
Bleu was ok back along when I camped there with my dad and his mates but that was about 10 years ago! Guess we will have to just see what happens aye... ;)

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: JDS on January 09, 2008, 09:39:10 am
Well, after being away and reading through the various camping threads running at the moment I decided to drop the ACO a mail yesterday regarding my KN tickets ...
Dear Sir,

We haven’t started to record the bookings, but you should receive your allocation letter around February.

Best regards,

Service Réservation / Booking Office
Circuit des 24 Heures
72019 Le Mans Cedex 2
Tel: (0033)(0)892 697 224 (0,34€/min)
Fax: (0033) (0)2 43 84 47 13

So looks like it's just the MB requests that are being dealt with at the moment ...

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Doris on January 09, 2008, 09:42:51 am
I ordered 20 as usual. Confirmation always came though a couple of weeks prior to Christmas and demanding payment within 14 days, I always took that as being a c*ntish French joke knowing that it would always send everybody into panic as all the cards etc are full at that time of year and you wouldn't be able to sort anything out. The one thing that you do have to remember that over all the years that we have all been going is that we all have to go through the same rigmarole every year... The f**k*ng Frogs have been changing the rules as long as I have been going and that started in '91, small fry compared to some of the older die hards but it still is a fact. Maybe it is their way of getting back at the the rest of us as the only time that they had a strong country was through theat Corisican Bonaparte and they now need to flex their muscles, most recently they have been known for 'running away' from any kind of conflict, and the only way that they claimed fame to Bonaparte and Corsica is that they bought it but decided not to let it be known. Hey, how many French have declared that they were members of the resistance ? Clearly all of them, the c**ts, why didn't they show that kind of resistance when the Germans drove through the Belgians woods bybassing the Magnot line, eh.
I'll leave it there for the moment.

Rusty ;D 

9/10  :D

Very good anti-french rant Rusty, I could have written it myself. You lose a mark for failing to mention their ghastly restaurants, foul toilets, poisonous drinking water and the terrible smell.

And, I think, half a point deducted for not mentioning that famous French military victory "The Sinking of the Rainbow Warrior"

I'm suprised that the bastards haven't declared the anniversary a public holiday

You had just had to go and piss me off by mentioning the Rainbow Warrior didn't you!  Bloody French Bastards blowing things up in New Zealand and then being 'punished' by living on an atoll in the middle of the Pacific!   >:( >:( >:(

We got our own back though.  We turned the wreck into a dive site and now we make lots of tourist dollars out if it.   8)


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 09, 2008, 10:26:27 am
We got our own back though.  We turned the wreck into a dive site and now we make lots of tourist dollars out if it.   8)

Wouldn't it be better to get French Euro$ out of that? ::)


Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: mgmark on January 09, 2008, 11:19:25 am
I wonder if the confusion arose because of a misunderstanding that I had made a CA collective booking, whereas, as said above, all I did - or indeed ever offered to do - was hand all the forms in (as sent to me) at 09.00 on the day the bookings were first being accepted.

Your effort was really apreciated, Termie. It's definitely not your fault the booking didn't go as we anticipated. My struggle at the moment is to find a good spot to have both our encampment and be able to have the Friday Party without any problems.
Oh well, we live and learn...

Shame that minefields have been outlawed, as they would provide a certain satisfying level of security against undesirables..... After our incident last year, we're planning to use a few of these or something similar:  (

As well as the normal precautions of keeping stuff locked up or on the person, when set with the alarm suitably hidden and the ripcord wired up (with something suitably invisible like fishing line) so that it pulls if doors, tent flaps or kit is moved, then a pretty instant warning is available that something is not as it should be.  Might help you in resolving the issue.

MG Mark

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Petra on January 09, 2008, 11:58:47 am
Ah, the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior.... finally something good those stupid French people did :D Let's face it: they did what most countries wanted to do but didn't have the guts for. At least give them credit for that.

I don't like Greenpeace. Without a doubt their intentions are good, but they lie and cheat to get their way AND they put other people's lives at risk. At least they do at sea. I don't like that. No matter how important you think your cause is, you DON'T have the right to put someone else at risk. My dad's been a sailor all his live (tug boats) and I've often enough heard him rant about Greenpeace. Not only about their actions, but also about the way they (mis)behave whenever they go on shore. Thinking of themselves as Truely Elite and not having the slightest respect for the people living in the harbour cities.

I totally agree with most of what they are trying to accomplish, but I just don't like them. It's way too far off topic to go any deeper into why I don't like them though.

That's my two cents ;)

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: jpchenet on January 09, 2008, 12:15:09 pm
The plot thickens. I contacted the ACO to see if they could tell me whether I might be one of the lucky ones and they told me they are losing 400 places on MB. So I asked if maybe I could request a switch to Karting Nord and they have told me that KN will be reduced in size because of works as well!

More trackside corporate hospitality perhaps?

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: JDS on January 09, 2008, 12:25:30 pm
Urgh ... Just hoping I get mine (although have a few already brought through Just Tickets just to make sure) ... I suppose it won't be long until the dreaded 35m2 pitches arrive at KN too now then ......  >:(

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Piglet on January 09, 2008, 02:16:25 pm
Other than it's a bit tricky for KK to take photo's - given the level of Motors coverage of the race last year, the idea of just taking the week off and living in the garden with a feed from the skybox is looking quite appealing  ;D

The supermarkets are discounting beer enough that it could almost be France and I'm sure I can find horsemeat steaks if I look hard  ;D

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: jpchenet on January 09, 2008, 02:20:58 pm
Other than it's a bit tricky for KK to take photo's - given the level of Motors coverage of the race last year, the idea of just taking the week off and living in the garden with a feed from the skybox is looking quite appealing  ;D

I must admit to having sent a tongue in cheek email to Paddy suggesting we all just party at his work place and watch it on TV

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Petra on January 09, 2008, 03:08:04 pm
Why 'tongue in cheek'? Sounds like a good idea to me ;D

We'd even have the right sounds with the motorway being right there. Hell, the Audi's passing by there make more sound than those competing at LM :P

Title: Re: ACO booking confirmation letters
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on January 09, 2008, 03:37:42 pm
Petra, I like it

MBLF: Maison Blanche Liberation Front    ;D ;D