Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 12:25:04 pm

Title: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 12:25:04 pm
I have sent the booking office an email yesterday, and this was the answer I got from them this morning:

Dear Sir,

We regret to inform you that you won't have places in Maison Blanche as there are works in this field and we lose a lot of places, you will be certainly in Bleu Nord.

Yours faithfully.

Service Réservation / Booking Office

My guess is we will not be the only ones getting reallocated to Bleu Nord. Problem is we will have to start all over again with our planning. Many questions arise. How many people from Club Arnage will also be reallocated to Bleu Nord? How many CA'ers will still be in Maison Blanche? What happens to the people who applied for Bleu Nord originally? Should we have a Friday night Party? What about security? What about the numbered pitches?

What a mess :-[

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: redstu on January 03, 2008, 01:19:00 pm
Putting it mildly thats very bad news.

I was expecting to be in blue nord anyway despite asking for MB first.

Security will not be good.

Numbered pitches should allow for a party though but only if they are allocated together.

Another question though , what are they building?

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: knetter on January 03, 2008, 01:23:08 pm
They are expanding the race track already at MB. They are adding tarmac and pitlanes (complete with buildings and everything), to make better use of the track. Ultimately it may be the end for camping at MB! In my opinion, blue nord lacks ambience, and I am not looking forward to staying there, but unfortunately there really is no other option, except for staying home, which really is not an option to begin with. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, dillema's

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 01:32:42 pm
In my opinion, blue nord lacks ambience, and I am not looking forward to staying there

My guess is we all create the atmosphere ourselves, so we'll be okay as for that. The only things that we'll be missing is the track and the showers. I think we can even have a great time on Beausejour if it would come to it, as long as we are all in the same place.

I have already requested a square pitch with the Booking Office. If we get a row of 15 pitches, it will be very hard to through a Friday Party :-\

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Lorry on January 03, 2008, 01:52:16 pm
Oh no not another group kicked out of MB to BN

It seems that there is a "Circuit Maison Blanche" for testing and training etc, meaning more tarmac and serious gravel traps, so we all get to go to Blue Nord.

I think its a touch quieter, and security should be worse because you're outside the circuit, but I suspect thats arguable

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: rcutler on January 03, 2008, 02:06:55 pm
This concerns me, Should we apply to the ACO for the site next to BSJ that is for large vehicles and groups? We would need fewer tickets and being that is is further from the car parks better security.

BTW did Powermite not get MB tickets allocated as earlier in the tickets thread?

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Doris on January 03, 2008, 02:10:56 pm
Fran is going to love this!   ;D 

I bet she's peeing herself laughing as we 'speak' and getting a whole batch of 'I love Camping Bleu' t-shirts made.  :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 02:20:04 pm
BTW did Powermite not get MB tickets allocated as earlier in the tickets thread?

It appears MB is getting substantially smaller as they are creating an extra circuit. So pitboxes are being built, gravel traps, more crash barriers and all stuff. Basically less space for tents, vehicles and all sorts. So yes, people will still be allocated to Maison Blanche, but something tells me that campsite will not be the same again >:(

Fran [...] getting a whole batch of 'I love Camping Bleu' t-shirts made. 

Something with planespotters springs to mind :-\

All we need now is some wisecracking remark from Catchpole formerly know as Ferrari Spider :-X

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: IanB on January 03, 2008, 02:24:05 pm
Here is the Liverpool boys reply to the question about our MB tickets

          Dear Sir,


No sorry you won’t have places in Maison Blanche, we can propose you places in Bleu Nord, how many do you want ?


Yours faithfully.


     So after 20 years we are homeless !!

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: powermite on January 03, 2008, 02:25:33 pm

I have been allocated the MB tickets and ive sent the payment off this we'll see.It does appear that I will be having them.However there was some mention about me having to share duties with "the shitehouse family"


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Bas on January 03, 2008, 02:28:03 pm
Indeed what a mess, on second thought maybe the fact that we did apply for MB tickets all together via Termie is now working against us?
What easier than to throw out a large group when space at MB is limited?

I particulary am not looking forward to staying at BN, due to it's open character the pikies can pretty much come and go when they please.
I rather opt for BSJ despite the long walk or even Technoparc because those campsites are more closed off.

We'll just have to wait and see, however I indicated Houx and HA as an alternative when ordering my MB tickets, so maybe that's where we'll end up.

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: knetter on January 03, 2008, 02:34:35 pm
Looks to me that they are bumping people with big allocations, like us and the liverpool boys! Not a good development. All the other descent sites are of course fully booked by now. Except for beausejour, which is a far stretch, but at least is has good showers and bogs.

Should i order 15 for us as an escape option?

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 02:38:40 pm
Indeed what a mess, on second thought maybe the fact that we did apply for MB tickets all together via Termie is now working against us?
What easier than to throw out a large group when space at MB is limited?

I don't believe the block booking is the struggle, as some have applied for other campsites too. Besides, it was just a stack of separate bookings, not one person booking 350 MB tickets.

As for Beausejour, that site will probably get pretty crowded too this year, and I'd like to be as far away from Verstappen-fans as possible :-\

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Fran on January 03, 2008, 03:01:15 pm
 8) - sits quietly and watches the headless chickens running around!!


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 03:18:15 pm
Sure Fran, you only have to pack a gas cooker and a kettle, while we have to start all over again! >:(


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Fran on January 03, 2008, 03:21:07 pm
getting a whole batch of 'I love Camping Bleu' t-shirts made

Nooo - my t-shirt is unique and not for mass marketing to MB refugees who dont appreciate the finer points of pitching up beside the runway.    It has to be worn with a sincere heart - not irony!    ;D


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 04:11:03 pm
Thanks for the pics, FS.
I have requested and hope to get a square allocated pitch on an edge of BN; less neighbours to worry about noise 'n crowds, and easier to control as for potential theft of pikeys.

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Fran on January 03, 2008, 04:15:42 pm
potential theft of pikeys.  

Whats all this talk of pikeys and theiving? (not just Paddy - several people have mentioned it)    ???

As far as I can recall there always seem to be more of those kind of problems on MB than we have ever had on Bleu?  

Mind you, it seems like the MB crowd have more valuables than the "back to nature" approach of Les Bleus.


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: knetter on January 03, 2008, 04:41:05 pm
There's a topic on here somewhere with lots of people talking about thieves clearing out tents and cars on bleu nord, you on the other hand are on the more quiet part of bleu, le sud ;D

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 04:57:18 pm
It ain't just the "petty little theft" we're a bit horrified about. Besides the passports, wallets, money and all "usual" stuff that people take to Le Mans, we have a numerous amount of things hired, lent and burrowed. I don't even want to think about the value we actually take to Le Mans. None of it is really insurable as it ain't ours and from experience I know some stuff ain't insurable either. If the DfH-pitch is emptied by pikeys it will be the day the DfH-hospitality will be over and done with. We'll have to pay everything back to it's rightfull owners ourselves :-X

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 04:58:21 pm
FS: thanks, but those pics look fine to me. You can if you want, my email address is in my profile.

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Lorry on January 03, 2008, 05:12:50 pm
So its barbed wire and minefields for Blue Nord is it?

Great pics FS, but how many "flypasts" can we expect?

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Lorry on January 03, 2008, 05:30:30 pm
I don't want any skid marks on the roof of the caravan!

Will the smell of jet fuel put me off my full English, will flagpole be safe, and which way should I aim the rockets?

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Christopher on January 03, 2008, 05:30:43 pm
A little off topic.......but any word on KN?

I requested KN tickets via termie, and to date have only recieved a letter acknowledging the request.

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Fran on January 03, 2008, 05:54:09 pm
you on the other hand are on the more quiet part of bleu, le sud ;D 

On the contrary - I used to be Bleu Sud, but got bumped to Bleu Nord 2 years ago!   :)

If everyone is going to be camped on Bleu Nord, I might have to buy more than a six pack of beers this year - there might be a bit more passing traffic! :-\


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 06:02:44 pm
A little off topic.......but any word on KN?

I requested KN tickets via termie, and to date have only recieved a letter acknowledging the request.

Chris, best thing to do is send them an email with all details. They take a bit of time, but DO respond.

Best of luck with that, by the looks of it you will be looking at a rather empty MB from where you'll be :-\

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: nickliv on January 03, 2008, 06:03:41 pm

29 euros a pop? We are Club Arnage after all. If you go out to Arnage over the weekend you've got to travel, so it doesn't matter if you're out there to begin with.

No showers I know, but solar showers, battery powered clarkson jobbies etc. should see us through.

My allocation hasn't come in yet, but I think 6 tickets might be a bit optimistic (1st choice MB, 2nd HA, 3rd Houx, 4th KN)  I'd be more than happy to let any spares go to the needy (If I get MB, I'd let DFH have the whole shebang, as long as I wasn't too far away)

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 03, 2008, 06:04:30 pm
I might have to buy more than a six pack of beers this year - there might be a bit more passing traffic! :-\

I know a cheap address; special plice fol you, my fliend! ;D

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: rcutler on January 03, 2008, 06:07:07 pm
This is depressing:-

Maison Blanche
Houx Annexe
Karting Nord
Blue Sud
Terte Rouge


I don't think we will be going now! Looks like the french can't be bothered! Anyone up for a weekend in Germany? Perhaps the weekend before?

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: BigH on January 03, 2008, 06:16:47 pm
Holy Sh*t! My turkey was loaded!!
Maison Blanche gone
Blue Nord green and to the west
Skid marks on caravan roofs and the Liverpool Boys evicted by the bailiffs.
Surely I'm hallucinating or suffering from the onset of some sort of unpleasant (but colourful) gastric based illness?
Before I can say 'Rumpled Foreskin', I bet you'll have to buy a new Audi and have the coupons before you can park anywhere. I'm going to have to pick a 'Harumph' from the top branch of the humbug tree, and say that the Le Mans I grew to know and love has now finally expired, and the regulations won't even allow a death rattle. No doubt confirmation of my camping spot: 40 kms SW of Copernicus crater, Mare Nubian, Kin Milesaway, is in the post somewhere.
In the spirit of 'Spot The Ball', I think I'll print the attached, stick it to a wall, and camp where my vodka guided, blinfolded dart lands. Everyone have a go, £50 to the winner.
Oh, and a HNY to everyone!

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: RS2 Babe on January 03, 2008, 10:12:54 pm
Here is the Liverpool boys reply to the question about our MB tickets

          Dear Sir,


No sorry you won’t have places in Maison Blanche, we can propose you places in Bleu Nord, how many do you want ?


Yours faithfully.


     So after 20 years we are homeless !!

 :-* :-* :-*

OMG that makes me homeless also then.

As a Liverpool Girl wherever the Liverpool Boys lay their hats then that's my home also, if thats ok with them of course. Hee hee  ;)

 :-* :-*

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on January 04, 2008, 01:34:24 am
Babe, you know that we will always have a warm sleeping bag available for you ;D
Lots of luv and hugs.

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Robbo SPS on January 04, 2008, 01:46:14 am
Thanks for the pics, FS.
I have requested and hope to get a square allocated pitch on an edge of BN; less neighbours to worry about noise 'n crowds, and easier to control as for potential theft of pikeys.
Paddy and co.

when we arrived last year on Bleu Nord, we wanted near the water pumps and so we argued with the marshalls and went where we wanted. They only seemed bothered with the space we took and how many passes. They weren't numbered last year.

We DIDnt have any thefts  .. . although i cant find the swimming pool, which is in its box . . .

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on January 04, 2008, 02:06:57 am
Robbo, so it belongs to you. ;D

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 04, 2008, 04:57:28 am
Thanks for the feedback, Robbo! (

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Barry on January 04, 2008, 10:59:22 am

If everyone is going to be camped on Bleu Nord, I might have to buy more than a six pack of beers this year - there might be a bit more passing traffic! :-\


At least you won't have so far to walk back every night Fran ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Fran on January 04, 2008, 12:16:48 pm
At least you won't have so far to walk back every night Fran ;D ;D ;D

Walk??!!!  Are you mad?  Why walk when I have my trusty pushbike   ;D  (or is that rusty pushbike?)


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Barry on January 04, 2008, 12:22:40 pm
At least you won't have so far to walk back every night Fran ;D ;D ;D

Walk??!!!  Are you mad?  Why walk when I have my trusty pushbike   ;D  (or is that rusty pushbike?)


I thought you had lost the pushbike, while over refreshed one evening last year. ;D

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Fran on January 04, 2008, 12:30:02 pm
[I thought you had lost the pushbike, while over refreshed one evening last year. ;D

Nooo - "overrefreshed" indeed!  :angel:

The first one was pinched from outside my flat in Manchester, but the second one is still going strong!


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Robspot on January 08, 2008, 04:56:28 pm
What about the triangle for a CA encampment?

Lot's of trees to piss in as well  ;D and looks like it's fenced off on two sides.

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Barry on January 08, 2008, 05:05:33 pm
What about the triangle for a CA encampment?

Lot's of trees to piss in as well  ;D and looks like it's fenced off on two sides.

Would be a good spot, Fran has camped there in the past, but it fills up very early in the week, and is a bit vunerable, the fence to the road is not very high, easy access by tea leafs.

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Piglet on January 08, 2008, 05:08:15 pm
What about the triangle for a CA encampment?

Lot's of trees to piss in as well  ;D and looks like it's fenced off on two sides.

Would be a good spot, Fran has camped there in the past, but it fills up very early in the week.

..and we presumbly won't know until the tickets arrive whether they are zoning Bleu again or even allocating pitches.   

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Andy Zarse on January 08, 2008, 05:09:45 pm
Someone should get in quick early on Monday and "reserve" the whole corner. A real golden triangle (or it will be if everyone piddles in the woods :o)

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Paddy_NL on January 08, 2008, 05:16:15 pm
This according to the Ticket Office Januari 8 2007:

Dear Sir,
Maison Blanche and Bleu will be numbered only in 2008, it is only by zone this year.
Yours faithfully.

So yes, numbered pitches >:(

Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 06:19:27 pm
What about the triangle for a CA encampment?
Lot's of trees to piss in as well  ;D and looks like it's fenced off on two sides.

A big area in the bottom left part of triangle (between the road and airport perimeter) is taken up by lots of Danish who mostly come in by coach.  Sort of a triangle shape taken out of the corner.  Their front runners arrive on Monday and cordon of the area and the people start arriving Tuesday onwards.   I was right next to them last year and they seemed ok, apart from constantly piddling in the shrubbery behind my tent!  Good job it rained a lot otherwise would have smelled like a urinal!  :(

There are gaps in the fence along the roadside anyway so people can take a pedestrian shortcut throught to the road to walk/cycle up to Arnage.


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: Fran on January 08, 2008, 10:30:51 pm
do the ACO Marshall's direct you to a space or is it possible to choose your own area

I arrived Tuesday pm and they walked me through to where they wanted me to go.  As it happens it is exactly the spot I would have chosen for myself so I didnt put up any kind of a fight.....  they came back later to make sure I had pitched within the right space. 

There was a bit of a fracas when it became obvious that if I was contained within my marked pitch (spray paint on the grass) and someone else took the next door pitch, then I would become totally locked in and unable to get my car out again. 

The two dutch guys next to me told them that they had 3 passes and that the space in front of me was their space and the ACO blokes gave up.  In fact the  Dutchies only had 2 passes and although we were able to protect the extra space till Friday, I was enclosed on Saturday but wasnt going anywhere by then. 


Title: Re: Maison Blanche mayhem (?)
Post by: redstu on January 08, 2008, 10:33:41 pm
BN in 2006. The Marshalls guided our 2 cars to an area, we pitched up and were happy with our lot.

This was about 8pm on the Thursday night. Went to pub , got back at about 2 promptly fell asleep.

Woke the following day (8 ish) to find that it would be slightly more difficult to get the cars out due to the proximity of the new arrivals. Not a big problem though, But it would have been very difficult to get a larger vehicle out such as a camper van.

Its not that easy finding your way back in the dark though as its quite featureless, just possibly alcohol may also make it more tricky.