Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bob U on December 11, 2007, 11:37:21 am

Title: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Bob U on December 11, 2007, 11:37:21 am
Last Saturday at 6:00pm (yes that early) I saw my home security light had come on. I looked out of the window and saw four oiks standing on my drive with a screwdriver and a jemmy about to have a go at my garage door. My wife was out so there was no car on the drive and my car was on our other drive. These bastards obviously thought that the house was empty despite the music I was playing quite loud

I yelled at them and they ran off, I gave chase in my car but they disapeared into the woods. I don't know why I gave chase when you read about people standing up for themselves and their proprty getting stabbed I was just so bloody angry I suppose.

Last night the twats came back and bricked my lounge window. What for for Christ's sake. Because I didn't allow them to rob my garage? Perhaps I should have offered them the key to save them damaging the door. I phoneed Thames Valley Plod, and although sympethetic could do nothing as there were no witnesses.

The outcome is that I know have a bloody great hole in a sealed unit window and the original installer has quoted me 4 to 6 weeks for replacement although I have found an independent local manufaturer who will do it in 10 days Using him willl of course make my 10 year guarentee from the original installer null an void. We are off on holiday on the 22nd and my wife is seriously thinking about cancelling as she dosn't want to leave the house empty. I doubt if I will go to Wokingham on Friday as I don't want to leave her alone.

We are both at work today but I can't concentrate as all I can think is will my home be safe?
and Will they be back tonight.

I could have my mates from the pub round in case they come back and give them a kicking if they do. What good will that do me? Nonwhatsoever. I will be in the wrong and it will only antagonise them more.

All becase this f**k*ng country will not get tough with these bastards and treat them like the scum that they are.

God I f**k*ng hate what this country has become.

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Paddy_NL on December 11, 2007, 11:43:43 am
That's really bad, Bob! >:( Especially when they come back... :-\

Have you got a house alarm system fitted?

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Bob U on December 11, 2007, 11:53:46 am
Yes, the house is alarmed but that dosen't seem to put them off even at 6pm.

The problem is, a mile from my house through the woods is an awful council estate which has a terrible reputation. Apparantly this reputation is because of 2 large families who terrorise the place and are responsible for most of the crime in the area.

On reflection it is better that I didn't get hold of any of them on Saturday and beat the crap out of them which I wanted to do. The repercussions don't bare thinking about with the amount of brothers and cousins that would become involved.

I only hope that 1 window satisfys there hurt pride at getting chased off.

I didn't sleep well last night and don't expect to for a few more yet.     Bastards

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Pieter on December 11, 2007, 12:17:10 pm
I can understand your anger, it's utterly annoying not feeling safe in your own house and knowing there isn't a damn thing you can do to keep them out. What might be a good suggestion is to install a camera to catch them in the act. It's another investment in security you wouldn't want to be necessary, but if you do catch them on camera, at least you have that scum on tape.

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: nickliv on December 11, 2007, 12:18:15 pm
Get a big dog, and a shotgun.

And a 'Tony Martin lives here' sign for your gate.

Probably apocryphal but here it is anyway:-

A householder rang the police to tell them that someone was breaking into their shed, they said 'If you come now, you'll catch them'

The police (999) operator said 'There are no police available, you will get a visit in the morning'

The householder hung up the phone, and redialled a minute or two later and said

'I rang about someone breaking into my shed, don't worry about it, I've shot them'

A moment later the street was full of blue lights, and the police caught the bloke in the shed. The OIC apprioached the householder and said 'I thought you said you'd shot them' to which the householder replied

'I thought you had no one available'

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Andy Zarse on December 11, 2007, 12:35:11 pm

Sub-human scum Bob, that's what these people are  >:(. And 4-6 weeks for the new glass  ??? That's ridiculous! Bob, I don't wish to be a doom-merchant under the circumstances, but the bastards might well come back again. In which case it may be safer if you stay home for the foreseeable future. This being the case, can I ask you to simply transfer your forthcoming skiing trip to Ischgl into the names of Steve and me. You know we'll do it justice. I think it would be for the best, don't you?  ;)

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Bob U on December 11, 2007, 12:46:16 pm
This being the case, can I ask you to simply transfer your forthcoming skiing trip to Ischgl into the names of Steve and me. You know we'll do it justice. I think it would be for the best, don't you?  ;)

Thanks Andy. I have been feeling bloody miserable and generally pissed off all day. Reading this made me laugh. I knew I could rely on my CA friends to cheer me up. If only the world was full of such people.

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: mgmark on December 11, 2007, 12:57:41 pm

Typical Zarse...always one for the opportunity...glad it has cheered you up though. 

We had a similar experience a few years ago and it was exactly as you have found it in terms of feelings and worries.  One family locally creating all of the problems.  Local police powerless to do much until they had established a pattern of timings and locations and set out to catch the scrotes.  Which, to be fair, they did, and the local crime rate plummeted as a result.

The shotgun and big dog route is not advisable, attractive though it may seem.   Our answer was to make the place less attractive to them.  Alarm - tick.  A car on the drive, even when nobody is in - tick.  CCTV camera, real or dummy, up on the eaves well out of reach - tick.  Replacement of one double glazed unit to the lounge by a local glazier with laminated unbreakable glass - well worth it.

MG Mark

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Fartmeister1 on December 11, 2007, 01:12:28 pm
Sadly as a former resident in the Thames Valley Plod area (nice village in Chilterns) although I fully empathise I am not surprised. In our tenure there, house burgled once, wife's car broken into twice, car crashed through rear fence while being pursued by T.V. Plods, two caravans stolen (one just before the annual LM pilgrimage!! - already had the picked onions packed!) and the village Spa shop where both our children worked at the time had two armed robberies. We have now (4 years ago) moved to France and although they do have problems here too, the area we live in has the second lowest crime rate in France and the kids are polite and the locals friendly and speak to you - not just walk around looking at the pavememt and avoiding eye contact. We wouldn't move back although we do miss certain things about Blighty - Greene King IPA for one!

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Nobby Diesel on December 11, 2007, 01:53:54 pm
This being the case, can I ask you to simply transfer your forthcoming skiing trip to Ischgl into the names of Steve and me. You know we'll do it justice. I think it would be for the best, don't you?  ;)

Thanks Andy. I have been feeling bloody miserable and generally pissed off all day. Reading this made me laugh. I knew I could rely on my CA friends to cheer me up. If only the world was full of such people.


truly, a right royal PITA.

I would be tempted to take Andy Zarse up on his offer. With the huge amounts of snow that the Alps have been getting, a ski trip would probably be too much for an older gentleman, such as yourself. Leave it to the young 'uns.

I had some local scum take a hammer to the windscreen of my car a couple of weeks ago, whilst parked on the drive at home.
Oh, how I wish me and Mr Happy (baseball bat) had caught them.

Hope all is safe and secure for the future.

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: knetter on December 11, 2007, 02:10:28 pm
Sorry to hear this bob!

CCTV does sound like an option, at least to get the scumbags redhanded! It will be hard for the plods to not take action with such evidence. As for the vacation trip, ask someone you trust to babysit the house.

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Lorry on December 11, 2007, 02:23:33 pm
....... I knew I could rely on my CA friends to cheer me up. If only the world was full of such people.
Too much information.  Now I know you're out, I could ring up my friends in the area, and they'll pop round.  They'll probably write "Emergency Glazier" of the side of the van too, so the neighbours won't be suspicious.

W*****y always was full of Pikeys, but it must be spreading.  And 24 stone pie eaters.  I only go there to look slim.  

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on December 11, 2007, 04:02:35 pm
A nail across the fusebox and wire the garage door handle.
The twats might make good christmas lights.  ;D

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Pieter on December 11, 2007, 04:21:15 pm
A nail across the fusebox and wire the garage door handle.
The twats might make good christmas lights.  ;D

Sounds like fun!  ;D

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: nickliv on December 11, 2007, 05:08:44 pm
A nail across the fusebox and wire the garage door handle.
The twats might make good christmas lights.  ;D

A mate of mine padlocks his motorbike to the mains cable where it comes into the bottom of the fusebox, and leaves a junior hacksaw on the bike seat.  They'll only try to steal it once.

the thing is, if one of these little cnuts bites the dust in your house, you can bet your bottom dollar that you'll be presented by a 28 stone scratter with a council house facelift screaming about how you are the criminal.

Further to my earlier post, I never said that the shotgun had to be loaded. I've let the labrador out on a couple of occasions, and by gum, 'e does make 'em run a bit ;D A camera flash out of the window makes them think twice as well.

CCTV sounds like a fine plan. Anti vandal paint on the top of all your fences (Or, if you take the dog option, recycled dog food in all vulnerable areas of the garden)

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on December 11, 2007, 09:42:59 pm
Sorry to hear of your visits by The Arseholes of Humanity.

The garage door idea is a beauty, as is the Gun.... and the dog. The only one that wont make you the criminal is the dog though....

Being a Shotgun and Firearms license holder, with a cabinet full of guns, it would be nice to have the same rules as the yanks under such circumstances.... but we will be the one inside after the incident and the scrote will probably get a holiday to the Maldives and a new Porsche to help him get over his trauma.

I think all the solutions offered by everyone are the best way... you can get those PIR operated video camera units for under £100 (seen them in my local gun shop) for times when no one is at home and they are easily hidden so the scum wont see them.

Finally... an old Forest chap, sadly deceased, had a wonderful idea for stopping people tampering with the Pheasant pens he looked after.
Sharpened 4" Nails hammered through planks, sharp end up and hidden under leaves.
Certainly caught the two blokes who were doing it, but caused him a whole world of aggro from Plod and the courts.

Get a house sitter for your hols and have a good one.


Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on December 12, 2007, 12:34:40 am
The 4" nails is a good one, don't forget to cover the nails in excrement, good for the wound, mighty painful and with luck the limb will drop off.
Knowing what he was like there would have been said matter.. or even worse on the nails. He was known as having a stash of Cymag powder... evil dust!! but the two affected by the nails are still alive so....... one limps a bit... as you would if you had a nail enter your heel on landing from hopping over a 6' fence.
Makes my eyes water thinking about it... ouch!  The FURQers deserved it though! ;D

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Robbo SPS on December 12, 2007, 12:44:25 am
Sorry bob.

The big dog thing is great, as are big piles of the stuff. My idea's aren't very proffesional, but has worked once !!

I live in hope the government and those turds with too much to speak about will one day be victims of crime and then change the penal system . .

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Boorish Grobian on December 12, 2007, 01:47:40 am
I don't for a second advocate the use of firearms on other people, and without a doubt the cult of guns over here can be more than a little terrifying at times.  But it does make some slimy SOB think twice about breaking into a house when he realizes he could be staring into the business end of a 12 guage, knowing the bloke behind it can & will use it.

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Lord Pig-Pen on December 12, 2007, 03:04:19 am
I don't for a second advocate the use of firearms on other people, and without a doubt the cult of guns over here can be more than a little terrifying at times.  But it does make some slimy SOB think twice about breaking into a house when he realizes he could be staring into the business end of a 12 guage, knowing the bloke behind it can & will use it.
I was not saying in any way that i would use the guns I have on someone.... We responsible owners would never do so, or even suggest that we would,  that would be enough to have our licences revoked. Even a mere jest in "this" text form could be enough, if reported, to have such an action put upon us.


Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Brian(Liverpool boys) on December 12, 2007, 10:56:25 am
Bob, I know what you are going through and it makes life hell, seven and a half years ago I was going through it with a gang of drugged up low life, the fact that I stood up to them made the suituation even worse. I like LPP am a firearms and shotgun certificate holder and  the fact that I did not want to have these revolked  stopped me and my nephews from baseball batting the lot of them. At one point I even thought of paying some one to work it to them, but the thought of losing my hobby stopped me.

It got so bad that in the end we sold up and moved and we have had seven and a half years of peace and quite where we now live.

I have to say that Merseyside police were totally usless in helping or protecting my family and property during the months that we endurred hell on earth, we installed a monitored alarm systems and cctv cameras, put instead of watching tv of an evening we used to sit looking and listening at what was happening outside the house.

I hope this does not get you down to much and wish you well in sorting it out, but would deffo look at a house sitter while you are away.

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Bob U on December 12, 2007, 02:06:58 pm
Thanks for all the ideas guys. I think the dog idea is great, I have always wanted to get another dog since we lost 2 in tragic circumstances a few years ago. I said I wouldn't get another one as we both work and it wouldn't be fair to shut a dog in all day. With recent events though, I am prepared to rethink this and do what's best to protect my home and family.

 It was all quiet last night but then they waited until Monday after I disturbed them on Saturday. At one point a car was parked outside for about 15 minutes with the engine running and it wasn't until this morning that we found out it was visiting our neighbours. It's quite frightening when you start to imagine things that could happen.

Last night my son came up with a broken window revenge plan. He says that the 2 families that were probibly responsible are notorious and it wont be hard to find out were they live. Given the nature of my job I have access to some pretty nasty chemicals, not in a dangerous sense, but, these are so concentrated and  smelly that you wouldn't believe. His idea was to make up a cocktail of these and go to their houses early one morning and pump a couple of hundred mils through the airbricks. Given the high odour and the longivity of these chemicals it would render the house uninhabitable for at least 6 months.

A good idea but does this make me as bad as them?

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: knetter on December 12, 2007, 02:26:30 pm
Just don't let them catch ya ;D

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: nickliv on December 12, 2007, 04:39:14 pm
What you've done there bob, unfortunately, is you've committed the cardinal sin of writing down your plan.

Sounds like a blinder though.

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Robspot on December 12, 2007, 05:42:13 pm
Aaaah 666!!!!!

nickliv is the devil  :o

Title: Re: What the f*** is happening to this country
Post by: Barry on December 12, 2007, 05:45:12 pm
Aaaah 666!!!!!

nickliv is the devil  :o

Recent research suggests that the number of the beast is actually 616.