Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: dryhen on June 26, 2003, 06:36:02 pm

Title: Driver's Parade Friday night
Post by: dryhen on June 26, 2003, 06:36:02 pm
Having been to LM many times without seeing the Parade in LM centre ville on Friday night, we thought we would take a look this year. Were we right in thinking the awful bus ride, commentary totally in French (Yes, Yes - I know all about 'When in Rome ....) and the taxi ride back to Tertre Rouge at warp speed wasn't worth it? We left well before the end (did it ever end?) to get a seat in a restaurant - La Renaissance near the rail station, which we really can recommend !

Title: Re:Driver's Parade Friday night
Post by: Russ on June 27, 2003, 10:51:31 am
Sounds like you missed out on shed loads of fun dryhen... we cycled into town from Houx Annex, several pints and and some grub mid afternoon, made a bit of a 'day' of it, took a gander at the cars at the starting point, then wondered through the parade route to find a bar.. .

We found one with tables outside next to the road and set up camp for the rest of the day. The crowd grew and we were joined by other Brits and Danes all getting completely sh*t faced, by the time the parade started the atmosphere was fantastic!

After the parade, we stayed to shout at passing cars who stopped at the traffic lights to spin their wheels... some very impressive performances even from some of the locals!!

Got a bit lost on the way back but followed the fireworks to camp.

I think the rule here is that the more beer, the more fun you have.


Title: Re:Driver's Parade Friday night
Post by: dryhen on June 27, 2003, 06:25:53 pm
A ha..... is that where we went wrong, Russ.........!

Perhaps we'll try again next year - but does a few Stella's help to understand (the) French? (Gilles excepted of course! ;))

Title: Re:Driver's Parade Friday night
Post by: Russ on June 27, 2003, 06:47:07 pm

I recon if you find a bar on the route, make it an 'all-dayer' session, you can't fail to enjoy! ;D

Give it another go next time, I'd hate to hink there was all that fun to have and people missed it 'cos of a bad experience.

Unless your name refers to 'dry' as in you don't drink, then just ignore me!!!  :(

Title: Re:Driver's Parade Friday night
Post by: Gilles on June 28, 2003, 10:42:44 pm
We were 13 to have a good time after the parade...

... the Flambadou was absolutely perfect to end the afternoon and begin the night...

... just come with us in 2004 !!!

Title: Re:Driver's Parade Friday night
Post by: pp on June 30, 2003, 08:51:35 pm
Also went to the parade Friday as always. usually we drive in but then one cant drink so this year we took the bus. Great for getting into town BUT whos idea was it to put only two buses cominback after the parade!!!!!  :( Surley even the French now that 10 buses into town does not equal 2 buses back  even if 75% of the in crowd find there own way home that still leaves more than two busses. That said the taxi back was and experence and not that expensive considering it was race weekend and the taxi drive had a que  hundreds stong fighting for his trade.

Think next year we will go back to driving as where else can you see real drivers that close up