Club Arnage

Club Arnage => Help => Topic started by: Zippy on June 24, 2003, 05:05:51 pm

Title: How do you book for next year?
Post by: Zippy on June 24, 2003, 05:05:51 pm
I've sent an e-mail to the ACO asking if bookings are accepted for next year (camping permits). They have replied to say yes but prices haven't yet been released. Those of you who have already booked, how did you do it and what have you paid?

PS Has there been any further development in the block booking of tickets by CA members?

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Chrisgr31 on June 24, 2003, 05:18:55 pm
PS Has there been any further development in the block booking of tickets by CA members?

Just what I was about to ask!

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: jpchenet on June 24, 2003, 05:59:27 pm
All you do is email/write/fax to the ACO and say how many camping permits for which site you would like for next year.

Then, when pricing and dates are confirmed, they will contact you and tell you whether you have been allocated what you have asked for (or not as the case may be)  Once they write to you, you have two weeks to confirm if you would like to take the option or not. If yes, simply send them the return form with yoru payment details. If not, do nothing, and they will remove you from their list and pass the option on to someone on the waiting list.

Good Luck!!

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Liszt on June 24, 2003, 06:17:56 pm
Or they might just not tell you anything and not answer your calls.  You then have to purchase tickets elsewhere next May.  Then the friday before you go the ACO will call to ask if you want your tickets couriered over.

Cynical, me?  With my reputation?

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: smokie on June 24, 2003, 06:42:13 pm
I contacted the ACO regarding a block booking and was told to apply like everyone else. So based on the poll response I ordered 300 campsite tickets.

I'm not holding my breath, but the second I hear anything I will post.

The problem will be that they will send a letter requesting payment in two weeks. Much as I love you all, I'm not about to sub all of CA, so unless there is a mailing facility we can use, it will dependent on you happening to read this forum at the appropriate time.

Chris, any ideas on how this could work?

We have a tentative offer of some help with the admin via the old Club Arnage travel service (, who can also help with ferry and hotel requirements.

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: mgmark on June 24, 2003, 09:45:52 pm
Hi Smokie,

               Glad that you like us all.   300 x campsite tickets at 30-odd euros apiece would definitely be asking too much for an individual to stand, particualry without definitely confirmed numbers.   Just an idea, but presumably, you (as a venerated moderator) have access to member's e-mail addresses, including those hidden from general view in the normal course of things.   If so, that is the means to contact, beyond a simple post on the forum.   A post as well (soon) requesting people to confirm orders and numbers would probably not be a bad idea now that everyone is coming down off the pre-Le Mans high, when all sorts of good ideas are bandied around.    As far as payment goes, then probably the easiest method is via a paypal account - quick, easy and electronic.   Set up an account via an independent somebody if people need a confidence factor that they are not contributing to your personal pension fund/debt relief as appropriate!   Hope this helps, all the best


Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: wishy on June 25, 2003, 09:49:24 pm
Hi mgmark.

I disagree withn you regarding payment by paypal.

Twice I have tried to register with paypal and I have now given up ,due to the fact that I cannot get it to work.

I would suggest that as,we are a very trusting bunch of guys and gals,perhaps an account of some type is opened for pre deposits so as not to worry bankrupt Smokie!!.......(god forbid) 8) ;D

Obviously I realise there is the organisational side of setting up such an account and the number of authorised signatures required,may be a problem :)

Has anybody got any 0ther suggestions???

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Stu on June 25, 2003, 10:54:07 pm
I think the up front account would be the best way. There are a few people on this board who I would consider trustworthy for this. As soon as the ticket prices are released just send the person a cheque. The only problem is that the exchange rate would have to worked out correctly and also to allow for currency fluctuations. 5p per €1 out x 50 (MB camping permit cost non ACO) x 300 =£750 shortfall. Therefore I suggest paying say £10 over the odds per ticket with the change minus postage costs etc to be refunded with the tickets.

Gets more complicated by the minute. Any other ideas.


Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: smokie on June 26, 2003, 01:05:28 am
Maybe the Club Arnage Travel Service could help here, with some sort of escrow account (is that the word I mean?). I trust anyone, me, and I'm trustworthy enough, but I don't want the responsibility (that is, hassle) of holding and managing a shedload of money. And having to do refunds cos people change their mind. (Although the obvious answer to that is, I suppose, give them the tickets and it's their problem to get rid if them if they no longer need them).

Even if we got a ticket allocation, it probably wouldn't fulfill our collective requirements so although cash up front would show intent on the part of purchasers, we'd need to devise a fair way of distributing the tickets in the event of a shortfall.

It'd be useless for some people to only get 3 out of 5 requested, as their other two are then at the mercy of the ACO and could be on a different site.

However at the moment no-one should depend on getting any tickets through Club Arnage.

I am going to give it another few weeks then contact them again to see if I can determine the likelihood of a ticket allocation. In the meantime do not let the possibility of CA obtaining tickets prevent you from making your usual arrangements.

I'd like to think that if the ACO came up with a confirmed allocation, then I could tell them that CA members would cancel their own ticket allocation as a result.

However, there may be problems here: for instance, what if for some reason CA should not be able to offer the service for 2005 - those of us with "special status" (automatic repeat order) with ACO will no longer have our allocation, if we have cancelled them for 2004.

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: MIT on June 26, 2003, 03:13:19 pm

With the amount of interest generated by your proposed block booking; would it not be possible to find an enterprising farmer who would rent out a field for the race period and a local supplier of porta loos.

Looking at the breakdown of costs by some of the hospitality firms: it would appear they are charging over £350 for the camping element of their Le Mans package.

We book approx 10 to 15 cars each year and always use a hospitality booking to ensure an allocated camping area. But feel that the overall price is extremely steep when you break it out into camping and ferry crossing.

It must be possible to capture 'Le Manner's' like ourselves if you were to offer the same service at a discount. All we ask is a bit of green and a place to s**t and shower.....

Judging by the enthusiasm and entrepreneurial flair of the members of the forum such a task may not be such a difficult one.

A C.A. run camping package; run by memebers for the members ??  ;D

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: keefie on June 27, 2003, 04:00:15 pm
How much would this field cost and how far away from the action would it be?

This year I managed to get 3 cars / 6 people over there for about £86 per person including series A entrance and camping and a good deal on the ferry. Having that as a benchmark I cant see my friends being too happy paying out much more, especially as I have always managed to come good with last minute camping tickets.

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Zippy on June 27, 2003, 05:03:13 pm
Such a camping package was offered some 10 years ago by an enterprising kiwi named John Deller who lived in the house that I was informed is THE maison Blanche. The house is now completely derelict but he and his 2 sons used to hire the field to west of the Porsche curves enclosure, by the crossroads (not far from Beausejour) and erect showers and bogs and do a BBQ in his garden everyday which backed onto the circuit. I believe he may have bought a racing outfit some time ago and he was well known in the Le Mans area. What ever happened to him? I always suspected that the local authorities may have forced him out of business so as to direct all camping  business through the official sites. It was always top value for money though while it lasted.

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Gilles on June 28, 2003, 10:54:08 pm

if you need some financial help, I can pay for maybe 10 MB pass. And people can buy me after this tenth...

... however did you notice that only 340 MB passes are issed each year ??

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: smokie on June 29, 2003, 02:03:59 am
Only 340? And we need 300 of them...

Should I go for all 340 I wonder?

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Canada Phil on June 30, 2003, 03:58:28 am
HI Smokie, would that make us Club Maison Blanche???
and The Fist INN would be our local ::)
Canada Phil

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Bobblehat on June 30, 2003, 05:56:49 pm
The block booking is starting to look like one of those goodideas at the time things. I will more than likly book mine through the ACO - they came through in the end, and I booked late - but I will keep my options open. But any good ferry tunnel (private plane!) price offers that come by, please tell all.

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: GeeBee on July 11, 2003, 11:53:32 am
Anyone know the ACO e-mail address offhand? i think I'll follow Smokie's advice and try through the ACO. I've no regular user status to lose as I've never gone direct before. So, if Smokie gets the tickets I can cancel the ACO, no problems!

I Smokie wants money up front, give a shout.



Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Gilles on July 11, 2003, 12:04:53 pm
If the idea of having a simple bank account is the best way to fit everyone, there's one solution to solve currency rate problems...

... just have a bank account in Euro !!! i'm the only CA member to have one but it could help you, I can be your man.

Concerning preventing payment, maybe some of us, the most reliable of course, can pay by advance for a quantity of tickets and a general organiser can sell them back face value one per one to other people...

... it never gonna be a problem to find someone wanting to buy MB tickets at face value.

I check my bank account and I'm able to pay for maybe 50 tickets if money is required asap... that's a part of the solution !!!!

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: jpchenet on July 11, 2003, 03:23:50 pm
If we are fortunate enough to get the allocation, I'll pay up front for all 300 on my credit card if that helps, on the understanding that everyone will pay me for them within the month so I don't get any interest charges.

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Liszt on July 11, 2003, 04:12:09 pm
er, are you sure, cos I make that roughly, allowing for wind, etc 8 bags.

And do you really expect this lot <pointing at shady Motley Crue> to all pay up in a month.

Hope fully We will be ok this year.  Got this emai from our group leader
"They opened the book on this years tickets on 1st May. My order went in
00:30 CET on 1st May (the advantages of working on Australia Time) for
7 Expo tickets."

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Russ on July 11, 2003, 04:19:10 pm
Anyone know the ACO e-mail address offhand?



is one I've used before when making enquiries about ACO membership etc.

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: smokie on July 11, 2003, 04:59:59 pm
That's a fair few Air Miles JP...

Thanks fot the offer.

One of my cars is at the garage today (OK, my daughter's Fiesta) , and Dougie just called me with progress. Happened to mention FoS then Le Mans, he reckons he knows someone who has just bought some land at Le Mans for camping.

I will find out more and report back, although it probably won't be trackside...but we could probably offer him a sell out in one go!

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: jpchenet on July 11, 2003, 05:01:19 pm
er, are you sure, cos I make that roughly, allowing for wind, etc 8 bags.

And do you really expect this lot <pointing at shady Motley Crue> to all pay up in a month.

8 Bags??? Um, Err, Hmm. OK, you've got me???

Assuming people want the tickets, I would hope that they would all pay up within the month, otherwise we would have to look to sell them on elsewhere. The way the ACO work is that they send you a letter with your "option" on it. You then have two weeks to send payment confirming your requirements. So, that gives us two weeks to confirm who wants how many tickets before taking our full allocation from the ACO if people pull out.

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Liszt on July 11, 2003, 05:10:17 pm
bags of sand = grand

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: jpchenet on July 11, 2003, 05:17:44 pm
Doh!!!  And me being a true cockney as well (born at Guy's Hospital which I am told is within the sound of the Bow Bells.)

Unfortunately my sums make it even more than that (50 Euros per ticket for MB plus crap exchange rate at present) but yes, I would be willing to do it if it helps!!

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Liszt on July 11, 2003, 06:02:04 pm
Ah I was working on the 35 Euro value.  

Wind mst have been in wrong direction

or might just be wind full stop

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: jpchenet on July 11, 2003, 06:07:38 pm
That's a fair few Air Miles JP...

Thanks fot the offer.

One of my cars is at the garage today (OK, my daughter's Fiesta) , and Dougie just called me with progress. Happened to mention FoS then Le Mans, he reckons he knows someone who has just bought some land at Le Mans for camping.

I will find out more and report back, although it probably won't be trackside...but we could probably offer him a sell out in one go!

Sounds promising Smokie!! Even if it isn't trackside we coudl always look into a minibus service to/from the track. I'm sure we know a local entrepeneur who could arrange something  :)

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: pretzel on July 11, 2003, 10:30:42 pm
Anyone know the ACO e-mail address offhandCheers


Just to add to Russ's posting above you could also try for reservations etc..

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Gilles on July 12, 2003, 10:26:24 am

I'm sure we know a local entrepeneur who could arrange something  :)

I already know that guy !!!!

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Andy Zarse on July 12, 2003, 12:07:49 pm
Who, Gilles? Who is this fine fellow?

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Gilles on July 12, 2003, 10:14:12 pm
 ;) really easy to guess who !  ;)

And easy to do, just rent a monospace like a renault espace or a 806 which is quite more comfortable than a minibus, and hire 2 Le Mans-native English-speaking drivers...

... or maybe a Commer could be a good shuttle too !!!!

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Rhino on July 14, 2003, 12:44:21 pm
Problem being He'd make you buy a magazine just to get on ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Liszt on July 14, 2003, 02:01:59 pm
Very useful if you roll it tightly in a cone shape for catching the vomit due to a bad alcohol / badly driven car interface

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Gilles on July 14, 2003, 07:13:46 pm
Why such a weird idea to vomite into a magazine  ???

We're not talking about airplane company !!!  :P

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: GeeBee on July 15, 2003, 04:16:46 pm
Sorry for the delay in posting, but thanks to pretzel and Russ for the mail addresses.

If jp does pay for the tickets, I'll certainly pay in the required time!!


Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Gilles on July 15, 2003, 05:11:02 pm
I gonna pay for mine AND the the ice-making trailer !!!

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Robbo on July 15, 2003, 06:51:49 pm

[attachment deleted by admin]

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: smokie on July 15, 2003, 09:00:11 pm
Nice green, but I gave up trying to read it after line 1...

Wonder what's making me go blind?

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: Rhino on July 15, 2003, 11:46:32 pm
Hanging round those toilets..

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: smokie on July 16, 2003, 12:26:34 am
I'm missing them...

Title: Re:How do you book for next year?
Post by: gab on July 16, 2003, 06:28:49 am to Smokie, missing Boglady and the Shithouse Family also.