Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Bob U on August 29, 2007, 10:12:01 am

Title: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Bob U on August 29, 2007, 10:12:01 am
Thanks to all your pledges to buy, the CA calender is now a goer. What we need now is your input. This is the chance to see your photos helping to secure the future of Club Arnage.

Rick Cutler has kindly offered to host the photos for us to decide which to use.

As stated in the initial thread, the calender will consist of 12 monthly pages + a front cover. Each page will have a main picture + 2/3 smaller inserts, so, we will need about 50  usable photos.

Rather than only pictures of track action we also need your photos of the whole Le Mans and Club Arnage experience, whatever you feel that is.

For example. March could be Sebring based, July - the classic, November could have pics of the DfH end of season party and June, well that should be obvious.

It is your calender so send us anything you want to see in it, campsite action, CA members acting like children (should be plenty of them ;D) cars, Poo Bar, driver pics etc.

If there are any subject that you would like to see included but don't have, put a shout out below and someone may submit one.

Personally I would like to see a photo of Big H arriving on Maison Blanche and the fireworks behind the band at the DfH party included if someone has them.

Please send High Resolution photos to the e-mail address below. Could you restrict it to no more than 3 entries per person at the moment to cut down on the amount of space and time needed.

Rick has set up a 20MB buffer to accomodate them until he can transfer them. He has asked that you only send one at a time to give him a chance not to exceed the buffer.

We are offering a free copy of the calender to the person that enters the photo that becomes the main picture for June. Why June? Well that is the most important month of the year.

Thanks guys. Lets make this a calender to proud of.


Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Bob U on August 29, 2007, 12:23:03 pm
We have an order for 6 copies (so far) from The Flying Baguettes. Has anyone a pic of them on stage?

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: termietermite on August 29, 2007, 12:50:41 pm
Bob, the three pics in the newletter;topic=7502.0;attach=3767
include one of BigH's arrival on MB, which I stole from Langtall!!!

There's also one from the Cavalcade and the 'Poo Bar meet.  I have bigger files if they're of interest.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 29, 2007, 12:54:04 pm
Does anyone have a high res pic of the Gimp in his mankini, as worn for this year's arrival of the Commer?

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: LangTall on August 29, 2007, 04:12:22 pm
@Andy: Yep!

@Bob: Yep! from last year there are plenty.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Werner on August 29, 2007, 04:28:22 pm
I suggest to place also 1 or 2 historic pics - e.g. Delboy had pics from 1967 which were published in the guide

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: rcutler on September 06, 2007, 12:13:25 am
Come on people where are your photo's, I have less then 10 pics so far! We need at least 12!!!

If you are having trouble with the email account please try, removed, this account gets lots of SPAM so please make sure you enter Club Arnage in the title so it can easily be found.

Please send in what ever pics you have, we are not always after car shots, pictures of people and the year round atmosphere that Le Mans brings.

Keep Snapping.


Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Nobby Diesel on September 06, 2007, 12:41:36 am
Come on guys.........

Already, a lot of work has gone into this project to get it to this stage. Do Bob U (and the CA server fund) a favour and get your pictures over to Rick.

There must be 1000's of pictures out there. I don't think Bob is necessarily looking for masterpieces. It may be the case that the more "amatuer" shots may give the calendar the real feel of Le Mans, from the CA point of view. Please corrct me if I'm wrong.

"Roll up, roll up.............."

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Christopher on September 06, 2007, 08:35:43 am

As a bit of a novelty I am busy at work, not got the time to sort through and send some in, but I will before Monday next week.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: sbull9 on September 06, 2007, 04:02:31 pm
I have sent in 3 pics hope they are of some use...

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 07, 2007, 12:29:37 am
Personally I would like to see a photo of [...] the fireworks behind the band at the DfH party included if someone has them.

Has anyone a pic of The Flying Baguettes on stage?

for the rest of our pics, have a peek on ;)

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: JDS on September 07, 2007, 01:50:56 pm
I think that you should also include DfH's "Drinking is Dangerous" sign somewhere too

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Christopher on September 07, 2007, 08:57:49 pm

Can I send more than 3?


Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Gordonwr on September 07, 2007, 10:20:20 pm
Sent some pics from the Friday parade to Ricks E mail address.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Dirk3D_NL on September 08, 2007, 09:18:33 am
I sent some pics

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: termietermite on September 08, 2007, 10:09:59 am
It's only now that I realise I've taken around 12,000 motor racing pics this year! ::)

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: rcutler on September 10, 2007, 12:18:30 am
Well thanks to those of you that have sent in pictures so far, I think some of these are definate candidates! Don't worry about Quality, we are after atmosphere as well as cars!

Will set up the pictures so the judge can choose some of these shortly.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: termietermite on September 10, 2007, 10:14:01 am
Rick, as said above, I also have the two pics from the newsletter - the whole group at the 'Poo bar, and the Cavalcade, if needed.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Paddy_NL on September 10, 2007, 10:43:30 am
PooBar-pic would be logic as a cover me thinks...

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: termietermite on September 10, 2007, 10:54:50 am
I don't know if the quality would stand up.  Besides, Mr T would then get the free calendar! (Can't have that....)

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Bob U on September 10, 2007, 01:02:25 pm
I don't know if the quality would stand up.  Besides, Mr T would then get the free calendar! (Can't have that....)

Oh no he wouldn't. The free copy is for the main pic for June.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: termietermite on September 10, 2007, 01:03:50 pm
Oops, thought it was the cover.  But then I'm only chair of the bl**din' fundraising committee so why should I have known this?  Duh. ::)

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: JDS on September 10, 2007, 01:49:15 pm
Oops, thought it was the cover.  But then I'm only chair of the bl**din' fundraising committee so why should I have known this?  Duh. ::)


Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: sbull9 on September 10, 2007, 01:52:20 pm
When will a decision be made about which photos are going to be used?

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: termietermite on September 10, 2007, 02:08:02 pm
Closing date for submissions is the end of the month.   Final selection needs to be at the printer's by mid-October, so somewhere between the two, sbull9.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: rcutler on September 24, 2007, 11:02:03 pm
I am uploading the pictures now, so that they can be judged. Finally closing date is for pictures is the end of the month.

I have pictures from these people so far:-

SBull  x3
Andy Zarse x1
Bob U x2
Badgered1 x1
Chris Hulme x14
Champion Audi x5
Dave Connet x5
TermieTermite x6
Delboy x1
Dirk x5
Gordon Whitworth x4
BigH x1
Ian Dudley x4
Jason Dumbkowski x3
John Stevens x3
Lawrie Cooper x3
Malcolm Scopes x1
MG Mark x4
Muzorewa x1
Dobbo x1
Rupert and Mandy x2
Steve Blewitt x3

Desicions will be made early next month and I then will ask for any images that are low res to be replaced with full res if possible.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Steve Pyro on September 24, 2007, 11:08:49 pm
I'll send you some pics soon Rick

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: rcutler on September 24, 2007, 11:12:55 pm
A couple more recieved tonight but these will be uploaded with the last lot next week.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Piglet on September 25, 2007, 01:05:56 pm
I've seen some of the pics submitted so far and they are looking good. 

There are lots of good inset shots but less shots suitable for main pictures often because of their composition or the quality of the image.

Soooo.....if you've still got pics to sort out, especially if you have a decent camera (unlike my efforts with my camera phone!) get them sorted out this weekend at the latest and across to Rick. 

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Bob U on September 25, 2007, 01:43:23 pm
I've seen some of the pics submitted so far and they are looking good. 

There are lots of good inset shots but less shots suitable for main pictures often because of their composition or the quality of the image.


I must say I agree totally with this. We see some real good photos put up on the forum just after LM, Sebring and the LMS races. Come on guys get them submitted.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: goodduck on September 25, 2007, 06:58:51 pm
i just sent in my three entries. thanks termeitermite for reminding me.

ps someone might want to update the original calendar topic because it says "i will be asking for submissions shortly"

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Steve Pyro on September 26, 2007, 12:04:17 am
Mail box is full Rick.

Reporting-MTA: dns;
X-Postfix-Queue-ID: A555A678016
X-Postfix-Sender: rfc822;
Arrival-Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2007 22:00:31 +0000 (GMT)

Final-Recipient: rfc822;
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: X-Postfix; maildir delivery failed: Mailbox disk space quota
    exceeded, please try again later.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: rcutler on September 26, 2007, 09:24:12 am
Steve, use Removed  ;)


I was in Brussels yesterday so was not able to download them. Today I am online, so should not be a problem. Steve did you want to resend the mail? When I am online it automatically downloads them. Removed has a 2gb limit, so should not be a problem if sent there.

If I do not see them by the weekend then I will retrieve them from webshots.


Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Steve Pyro on September 26, 2007, 06:37:32 pm
Thanks Rick - all should now be in your in box.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: rcutler on September 27, 2007, 02:56:07 pm
I do hope we are not talking about Cricket! :o

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: termietermite on September 29, 2007, 01:21:34 pm
Just to bump this up again.  Please spend the weekend (or some of it!) looking through your pics and get submitting.  Time has nearly run out.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Leftie on September 30, 2007, 01:13:06 am
Heres one I posted earlier just after LN for consideration.


and has it happens, here is another one I found from this year, a real 'atmospheric' one!!!!


Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: rcutler on September 30, 2007, 11:40:50 pm
OK, the closing date has reached however as I will be at work tomorrow and will not be uploading the images until the evening.

Therefore I will extend the deadline until 1800 tomorrow (1st of October)

I have recieved lots of images from people however I will not be searching through web based albums. Anyone that has posted more then 5 images will be allocated a Letter signifying they are from the same person. This is to prevent anyone having more then 5 images in the calender. If you have posted images in this thread then I will download them and add them. I have recieved two emails with links to individual photos on web based photos, these will be included but no more please.

Thanks for your efforts with photography and please remind all your mates and colleagues that they need a CA Calender next year.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: rcutler on October 01, 2007, 11:16:46 pm
OK, I have recieved over 170 images in total, some very good images there. It is now onto Piglet and KeithK to judge these and then I will contact those that have had images selected for higher resolution images if required.

Many Thanks for all the pictures and start snapping for next years!


Note: Steve could you delete my email address out of any threads it has been posted. SPAM has gong silly again!

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: nickliv on October 02, 2007, 07:22:48 pm

Nexttime you need to post your email address, stick the word NOSPAM in it somewhere. That way most spammers won't be able to make the address work, and those of us who do want to get in touch with you will just take the NOSPAM out of the address.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: keithk on October 04, 2007, 08:34:15 am
OK, I have recieved over 170 images in total, some very good images there. It is now onto Piglet and KeithK to judge these and then I will contact those that have had images selected for higher resolution images if required.

Many Thanks for all the pictures and start snapping for next years!


The general quality of images submitted has been really good, however, some of them were just not suitable for the calendar because of the way they were composed & framed.  So before you head off to take pictures for next year's calendar here are some tips. 

Some do's and don'ts

1. Don't crop images very tight leave plenty of space and use the 2/3rds rule, many of this years images were good but were not suitable because either the subject was not complete or the subject was so close to the edges of the frame we could not fit an insert in any corner.

2. Don't send  images that are out of focus, do be your own hardest critic

3. Don't send images that have text on them or you have adjusted the colour profile we or the printers can tweek and sharpen them if required.

4. Don't over use effects

5. Do ensure the images are your copyright.

6. Do remember for a calendar Main shots normally are in landscape, inserts can be either landscape or portrait.

7. and finally enjoy your photography be creative look for something different or think "would I want to look at that image for a month on my wall?"

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: matt172 on October 04, 2007, 11:11:28 am
 :'( bum, I've been busy with wedding stuff and only just noticed this, hope you do one next year too so I can send some pics in  ;D

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Bob U on October 04, 2007, 03:48:44 pm
:'( bum, I've been busy with wedding stuff and only just noticed this, hope you do one next year too so I can send some pics in  ;D

Does that mean you are volenteering to help produce it?

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: sh4rpsh00ter on October 04, 2007, 10:13:58 pm
Possibly for next year, if the calender sells well, we get a commissioned artwork for the front cover??

This guy does for Octane and Classic Car & sports (i think), might do one at a reduced rate for the club???? Worth asking even if it goes no further.

Have a look, some great artwork on either way. The 917's are fab.

Title: Re: Calender. We need your photos
Post by: Piglet on October 04, 2007, 10:24:11 pm
The cynic in me wonders if that post was just to plug someone's website  ???

To give the benefit of the doubt, given that our only need to raise money is to provide enough dosh to run the site and to donate to charity I can't see why we'd want to spend money on commissioning artwork?  Especially as the front of a calendar is the one page that you don't' look at for a month! 

If the artist would like to donate something for the summer charity auction I'm sure it will be gratefully received!