Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Piglet on August 22, 2007, 11:47:27 am

Title: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 22, 2007, 11:47:27 am
I have no objection to pictures of naked females but I'd rather not find them by accident on my work PC!

For reasons I don't entirely understand the Morgan Aero8 thread in "Help" has a particuarly large picture of a female on it that I didn't really appreciate flashing up on my screen at work. 

I doubt I'm the only person working in an office where others can see their screen so marking threads is helpful.

Rant over! 

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Bob U on August 22, 2007, 12:07:17 pm
That's a good idea Anita. I have been caught out a couple of times. I think a bit of self moderation would be in order. May I suggest that any "risque" pics be confined to the Girls Girls Girls and Picture association threads. That way everyone will know to be wary of where they are opened.

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Catchpole on August 22, 2007, 12:11:17 pm
another complaint

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 22, 2007, 12:13:12 pm
another complaint

You appear to have lost the rest of your sentence Mr Catchpole?  ???

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Catchpole on August 22, 2007, 12:13:47 pm

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 22, 2007, 12:30:40 pm

OK whatever...  ::)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: keithk on August 22, 2007, 12:38:41 pm
I have no objection to pictures of naked females but I'd rather not find them by accident on my work PC!

For reasons I don't entirely understand the Morgan Aero8 thread in "Help" has a particuarly large picture of a female on it that I didn't really appreciate flashing up on my screen at work. 

I doubt I'm the only person working in an office where others can see their screen so marking threads is helpful.

Rant over! 

You had better stay out of my office at home then!

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: knetter on August 22, 2007, 01:34:51 pm

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Bob U on August 22, 2007, 01:42:03 pm
I have no objection to pictures of naked females but I'd rather not find them by accident on my work PC!

For reasons I don't entirely understand the Morgan Aero8 thread in "Help" has a particuarly large picture of a female on it that I didn't really appreciate flashing up on my screen at work. 

I doubt I'm the only person working in an office where others can see their screen so marking threads is helpful.

Rant over! 

You had better stay out of my office at home then!

This from a newly married man? ;D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 22, 2007, 02:18:37 pm
I have no objection to pictures of naked females but I'd rather not find them by accident on my work PC!

For reasons I don't entirely understand the Morgan Aero8 thread in "Help" has a particuarly large picture of a female on it that I didn't really appreciate flashing up on my screen at work. 

I doubt I'm the only person working in an office where others can see their screen so marking threads is helpful.

Rant over! 

You had better stay out of my office at home then!

This from a newly married man? ;D

Have some more Keith, best ROFFLE all week!
 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: vqdave on August 22, 2007, 04:01:35 pm
ha ha i bet thats boosted the reads of that thread, i for one have had to have a look for scientific reasons and yes, i am shocked there is no need for that sort of posting, if i were left handed then i would have been terribly upset, but as i am not i am just shocked.....................that it took so long for me get there

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: smokie on August 22, 2007, 05:27:26 pm
I have no objection to pictures of naked females but I'd rather not find them by accident on my work PC!

For reasons I don't entirely understand the Morgan Aero8 thread in "Help" has a particuarly large picture of a female on it that I didn't really appreciate flashing up on my screen at work. 

I doubt I'm the only person working in an office where others can see their screen so marking threads is helpful.

Rant over! 

You might have provided a link to the offending thread for those of us who don't get here much...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 22, 2007, 07:24:15 pm
You might have provided a link to the offending thread for those of us who don't get here out much...  ::) ::)


Bloody t'internet has been down at work all day so only just got back!

As I said, I have no object to the material in the right place - I live with Keith after all who believes that he'd be failing as a photographer if he didn't maintain a keen interest in shots of that nature.

My employer along with most others has a pretty tough "inappropriate material" policy and I don't want to scare the new young trainee more who sits near me any more than I do already  ;D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: RS2 Babe on August 22, 2007, 08:17:33 pm
 :-* :-* :-*

Gosh (good sense of humour?), I would not even have realised what NSFW meant anyway – so …………..hmmm perhaps acronyms need to be registered with the moderators’ lol.

I expect that most places of work would not accept such Internet usage in any case – ‘Club Arnage’ makes most petroleum non-heads see a ‘porn’ reference anyway.

LMAO and all that – threads are threads – are we going to start the Nanny State on CA?

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Bob U on August 22, 2007, 09:25:58 pm
I have no objection to pictures of naked females but I'd rather not find them by accident on my work PC!

For reasons I don't entirely understand the Morgan Aero8 thread in "Help" has a particuarly large picture of a female on it that I didn't really appreciate flashing up on my screen at work. 

I doubt I'm the only person working in an office where others can see their screen so marking threads is helpful.

Rant over! 

You had better stay out of my office at home then!

This from a newly married man? ;D

Have some more Keith, best ROFFLE all week!
 ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

What in heavens name is a ROFFLE?

Edit. As SB says "Google is your friend" I now know what a Roffle is.

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: rcutler on August 22, 2007, 10:12:37 pm
I have to agree with Piglet here as my boss does not mind me reading CA during work time, however if he were to see NSFW images I fear that I will no longer have access to it at work.
My bosses office is right behind me so he can usually see what is on my screen even if i did not intend the image to be there in the first place.

I have avoided youtube threads and picture association for these reasons.

It is not a "Nanny State" IMHO it is mearly making people aware. Or do we need to send off proof of age to obtain membership? ;D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: LangTall on August 22, 2007, 10:28:49 pm
Am I glad I've got a better office, with a blind wall behind me, and the dooropening in the wall I'm facing. ;)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: RS2 Babe on August 22, 2007, 11:08:48 pm
 :-* :-* :-*

dont know why I am responding to this, never the less I am because I abhor such posts.

I do not care who can and who cannot view this website at work ,or in any other environment, either clandestine or in full view of their respective employer.

I do not expect any member to dictate what is posted or what is not. That is the 'job' of the moderators. They will duly advise or otherwise (delete/edit etc) if applicable.

If you work for a company or organisation (and using your contract employers equipment and so on and so forth), you can probably be sacked on the spot for surfing the internet in any case - unless it is specifically in relation to your supposed gainful employment.

Anyhoooo - I dont think we need telling what to do on this forum.

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: termietermite on August 23, 2007, 09:52:06 am
I'm in the happy position of being able to surf at home but I take Piglet's point.  Lisa, I don't think anybody suggested for a moment that the offending (if such it was) pic' be deleted - simply that it be flagged up in some way.  It doesn't seem all that unreasonable to me.  Maybe we could have an NSFW icon to put alongside posts which may offend some?  Clearly surfing the internet at work is not the issue for Piglet, Rick et al, just the content.  I can see that if a client/boss walked by when the pic' was displayed it could be embarassing at the least.  It's hardly censorship which is being requested, after all, just a heads-up.  If the mods get involved then they would have to delete the pic' as this would be their only option in the circs - more draconian than is necessary.  Surely flagging these things up is the compromise route?

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 23, 2007, 10:05:48 am
I do not expect any member to dictate what is posted or what is not. That is the 'job' of the moderators. They will duly advise or otherwise (delete/edit etc) if applicable.
....Anyhoooo - I dont think we need telling what to do on this forum.

I don't think you've read my post?   

It's not about the imagines, it's about having a warning on threads that contain what might be described as "inappropriate" so that those of us who work surf and perhaps those with kids around them know to read these at an appropriate time.

We always used to mark threads NSFW and it would be handy if that could happen again.

My employer, like many, has a pretty relaxed attitude to employees websurfing but not employees web surfing porn and if my boss walks past and theres a nude female on my screen my web usage is going to get looked at.

I love the way things like this always turn into accusing those who mention it of being anti-porn and pro-censorship  ;D    You can accuse me of that if you like but you'd be very very wrong  ;)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Catchpole on August 23, 2007, 10:25:36 am
i really don't understand all this Mrs Mop stuff that is being written on here.  Couple of quick points, Piglet appears to be objecting to a photograph of a naked female, beautifully shot, but is not offended to have a semi naked person dressed in what can only be described as a sexual deviant cuddling her in public and have these shots on this web site and seemingly no objections raised.

This seems to be a bit hypocritical to me.

with regard to photos of naked women, I'll offer this observation that some of the more extreme porn photos have been put on this forum by the moderators, in one case an offending shot was removed by one moderator only to have a request from the other for a copy of the shot for his personal collection.

At this rate we'll have to have a whole code book of symbols to alert individual members about the subject matter, just in case it may offend someone at sometime.

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: termietermite on August 23, 2007, 10:31:48 am
I've looked back and can't see that Piglet ever objected to the picture at all, per se.  I probably missed something...

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Catchpole on August 23, 2007, 10:39:10 am
Debs, don't be tiresome, the objection is about about a photograph and can the forum put a comment on so Piglet knows not to open it at work.  I'm not even going along the route of surfing the web at work.

"For reasons I don't entirely understand the Morgan Aero8 thread in "Help" has a particularly large picture of a female on it that I didn't really appreciate flashing up on my screen at work". Quote from Piglet, that seems to be a direct objection to a specific image.

Never known to happen on here before, which is something else that Piglet may or may not have written.

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: termietermite on August 23, 2007, 10:46:04 am
I'm not even going along the route of surfing the web at work.

If it were universally stopped, the posting rate on here would drop, that's for sure!

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 23, 2007, 10:51:53 am
As I said, I love the way it always becomes pro or anti porn  ;D  So stereotypical  ;D

Catchpole, for your information, although it's too much detail really, I like porn, and given that I'm married to a dyslexic photographer the majority of what I see is photographic (cue raid by the obscene publications folk  ::))  ;D   We could play "who's got the biggest porn collection" but I'm not sure that's helpful?  

As I said in my first post, I don't object to the images, I just don't want to come across them whilst I'm at work on threads where there is no warning and I don't think that's an unreasonable request and I don't understand what is so difficult about it?  

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Catchpole on August 23, 2007, 10:56:23 am
As I said, I love the way it always becomes pro or anti porn  ;D  So stereotypical  ;D

Only because you have chosen to make it such, why is it the forum didn't get this request when the shots of you and the gimp were screened?  Surely the appropriate time was then?

Catchpole, for your information, although it's too much detail really, I like porn, and given that I'm married to a dyslexic photographer the majority of what I see is photographic (cue raid by the obscene publications folk  ::))  ;D   We could play "who's got the biggest porn collection" but I'm not sure that's helpful? 

As I said in my first post, I don't object to the images, I just don't want to come across them whilst I'm at work on threads where there is no warning and I don't think that's an unreasonable request and I don't understand what is so difficult about it? 

Simple answer, don't look at work

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 23, 2007, 11:00:08 am
On the subject of web surfing, most employers allow a reasonable amount of and trust their employees to do their job.  Given that I have a role that requires me to log chargeable time, I have daily targets to meet and I stay here until I have met them!  

Many of us work long hours and surf in short bursts in gaps without causing harm to our employers!

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please! NSFW
Post by: termietermite on August 23, 2007, 11:06:00 am
All "who said what and when and to whom" discussions aside, if one changes the title of a thread mid-way, how does it come up on the board anyway?  What I mean is, if M. Catchpole had added NSFW when he replied, would it have shown up or would the o/p have to have changed it?

I'll experiment...

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 23, 2007, 11:06:59 am
As I said, I love the way it always becomes pro or anti porn  ;D  So stereotypical  ;D

Only because you have chosen to make it such, why is it the forum didn't get this request when the shots of you and the gimp were screened?  Surely the appropriate time was then?

Catchpole, for your information, although it's too much detail really, I like porn, and given that I'm married to a dyslexic photographer the majority of what I see is photographic (cue raid by the obscene publications folk  ::))  ;D   We could play "who's got the biggest porn collection" but I'm not sure that's helpful? 

As I said in my first post, I don't object to the images, I just don't want to come across them whilst I'm at work on threads where there is no warning and I don't think that's an unreasonable request and I don't understand what is so difficult about it? 

Simple answer, don't look at work

I can't see any point in continuing this if you're going to get personal.   Shame really, I can't see that it's necessary and why the subject can't be debated in a mature manner  ::)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: termietermite on August 23, 2007, 11:07:36 am
No.  Clearly the warning bells wouldn't have sounded until you opened the thread anyway so the whole discussion is moot, unless it's the first poster who posts any possibly "offensive" material.

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Catchpole on August 23, 2007, 11:11:49 am
there was me thinking you were getting personal and me keeping it on a mature adult level 8)  life's funny isn't ;D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: vqdave on August 23, 2007, 11:13:02 am
  We could play "who's got the biggest porn collection"

Cool, you show me yours................ ;D ;D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 23, 2007, 11:14:44 am
  We could play "who's got the biggest porn collection"

Cool, you show me yours................ ;D ;D

I'd have to bring KK as well  ;D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: fagey on August 23, 2007, 11:21:18 am
just to add my tuppence.. i saw the original thread, and on my computer the pics dont show up automatically.. I have to open them.. so i noticed the different name of the JPEG and put 2 and 2 together.. and opened when no one was looking 8)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: vqdave on August 23, 2007, 11:23:46 am
  We could play "who's got the biggest porn collection"

Cool, you show me yours................ ;D ;D

I'd have to bring KK as well  ;D

Not ideal I must be honest but hey i'm an open sort of guy, we could repair to the library to compare while KK has a cup of tea in the pantry?  :o

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 23, 2007, 12:21:17 pm
there was me thinking you were getting personal and me keeping it on a mature adult level 8)  life's funny isn't ;D

 ;D  ;D Peter, did you ever pass your English comprehension exams at school? If there was ever a prize for getting the wrong end of the stick...!   :o :D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Catchpole on August 23, 2007, 12:24:43 pm
you'll have to spell it out for me, I've absolutely no idea again what you are on about. 

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 23, 2007, 12:34:38 pm
Obviously I do.

Piglet said:

Catchpole, for your information, although it's too much detail really, I like porn, and given that I'm married to a dyslexic photographer the majority of what I see is photographic (cue raid by the obscene publications folk  ::))  ;D   We could play "who's got the biggest porn collection" but I'm not sure that's helpful?  

As I said in my first post, I don't object to the images, I just don't want to come across them whilst I'm at work on threads where there is no warning and I don't think that's an unreasonable request and I don't understand what is so difficult about it?  

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 23, 2007, 12:37:54 pm
Catchpole said previously:

Piglet appears to be objecting to a photograph of a naked female, beautifully shot, but is not offended to have a semi naked person dressed in what can only be described as a sexual deviant cuddling her in public and have these shots on this web site and seemingly no objections raised.

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 23, 2007, 12:39:52 pm
Catchpole said:

Debs, don't be tiresome,

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Andy Zarse on August 23, 2007, 12:40:38 pm
Catchpole then had the neck to say  ;D :

there was me thinking you were getting personal and me keeping it on a mature adult level 8)  life's funny isn't ;D

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: fagey on August 23, 2007, 12:52:55 pm
this thread is getting a bit tedious dontcha think?? :police:

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: termietermite on August 23, 2007, 01:57:52 pm
this thread is getting a bit tedious dontcha think?? :police:
Seconded.  Head and brick wall spring to mind...  But then, I'm tiresome.

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 23, 2007, 02:00:07 pm
this thread is getting a bit tedious dontcha think?? :police:
Seconded.  Head and brick wall spring to mind...  But then, I'm tiresome.

thirded ...but then, I'm a workshy, employer exploiting prude...

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: termietermite on August 23, 2007, 02:22:48 pm
this thread is getting a bit tedious dontcha think?? :police:
Seconded.  Head and brick wall spring to mind...  But then, I'm tiresome.

thirded ...but then, I'm a workshy, employer exploiting prude...
So you are.  Describes you to a tee, I'd have said.... ;)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 23, 2007, 02:25:50 pm
this thread is getting a bit tedious dontcha think?? :police:
Seconded.  Head and brick wall spring to mind...  But then, I'm tiresome.

thirded ...but then, I'm a workshy, employer exploiting prude...
So you are.  Describes you to a tee, I'd have said.... ;)


Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: smokie on August 23, 2007, 04:11:28 pm
I've now found them them it and I agree with Piglet - warning should be attached.  :police:

We don't want people getting sacked due to CA do we...

In fact, having now added NSFW I think if I'd been around in time I'd have removed the pic. It has polluted a thread where someone was asking for help, such that maybe not everyone will see it. (I understood the humour btw...)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Snoring Rhino on August 23, 2007, 10:54:22 pm
Very nice tits though.  ;)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 24, 2007, 08:29:25 am
Very nice tits though.  ;)

Thanks  ;D ;)

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: keithk on August 24, 2007, 10:31:42 am
Very nice tits though.  ;)

Thanks  ;D ;)

Would you care to explain how Ian knows what they look like?  >:(

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: Piglet on August 24, 2007, 10:45:17 am
Very nice tits though.  ;)

Thanks  ;D ;)

Would you care to explain how Ian knows what they look like?  >:(

 ;D ;D :angel:

Title: Re: Can we remember to mark threads NSFW please!
Post by: BigH on August 24, 2007, 01:35:01 pm
What in heavens name is a ROFFLE

I once sh*t myself while going down to the newsagent for a copy of the Guardian, but SMWGDTTNAFACOTG doesn't really convey the whole grisly reality of it...