Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: Lee Self on August 04, 2007, 01:35:37 am

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Lee Self on August 04, 2007, 01:35:37 am
Pieter is a SUPERSTAR!    8)


<Topic split off from the 'Sebring' S Word topic to ruminate on Pieter's aura  ;) - Steve>

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Catchpole on August 04, 2007, 09:36:27 am
And he got an upgrade on the way home whilst wearing a baseball cap ???

the letters are SFU, suitable for upgrade.  Simple really, same difference as MB HA ;D

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Bob U on August 04, 2007, 11:37:15 am
I might have known you would have to stick your feckin oar in. It's got bugger all to do with MB & HA.IIRC you seemed to enjoy yourself this year. Would you like to remind the readers which campsite you were on? The fact is, if I had paid for a business class ticket and ended up sitting next to an oik wearing a baseball cap who hadn't washed for 2 days I would be straight on the phone to Branson  demanding a refund.

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Catchpole on August 04, 2007, 08:10:03 pm
I might have known you would have to stick your feckin oar in. It's got bugger all to do with MB & HA.IIRC you seemed to enjoy yourself this year. Would you like to remind the readers which campsite you were on? The fact is, if I had paid for a business class ticket and ended up sitting next to an oik wearing a baseball cap who hadn't washed for 2 days I would be straight on the phone to Branson  demanding a refund.

Oi "U".  Wind your neck in, who's rattled your cage.  I've only been to LM once and camped on HA, you must be thinking of someone else, mutter...mutter ;D

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Bob U on August 04, 2007, 10:06:16 pm
Yeh right ::)

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Paddy_NL on August 04, 2007, 10:59:00 pm
I've only been to LM once [...]

Since the last time you have changed your nick name, yes ::)

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Lee Self on August 05, 2007, 12:03:08 am
Boys, Boys, lets remember that this is a Sebring thread, take your discussion outside please. back to Pieter, the SUPERSTAR.

 8)  -Lee


Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Leftie on August 05, 2007, 02:00:38 am
an oik wearing a baseball cap who hadn't washed for 2 days .

WOW there BOB U, thats 99% of the attendees to LM. Some smell, some don't.  4 days and the story is different! and if it's 7 days then I might agree with you.

But lets face it. I ain't gonna queue up for an hour behind a load of 'unsavouries' to end up as though I just walked out of the best whore house in town. I'm camping at a race circuit FCS.

Hygiene is important, and weather plays an important part. And I am 'clean'.  I also wear a race cap (I don't play baseball

Conversely, having said that and, to a certain extent and on a marginal note I somewhat agree with the content of your comments. However, you do not need a classic race with camping involved  to experience it. Just walk into any shop etc in any town/city europe wide and it is there in front of you.

I think you have to make a certain amount of allowances for those that are camping and are there on a 'common cause'.

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Chris24 on August 05, 2007, 02:02:37 am
Robbing bastard's have put the price of parking up from $10 to $25 ! Hope Mr Panoz is going to invest the money in some proper doors on the shitters at Road Atlanta ! (ones you don't have to sit there with an outstretched leg holding the door to, with your foot !)

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Pieter on August 05, 2007, 02:07:22 am
Boys, Boys, lets remember that this is a Sebring thread, take your discussion outside please. back to Pieter, the SUPERSTAR.

 8)  -Lee

I think I was riding a bull here. ;D

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Leftie on August 05, 2007, 02:34:57 am
Boys, Boys, lets remember that this is a Sebring thread, take your discussion outside please. back to Pieter, the SUPERSTAR.

 8)  -Lee

I think I was riding a bull here. ;D

Was that a bull, or a 'load of bull'?

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Catchpole on August 05, 2007, 08:46:55 am
I've only been to LM once [...]

Since the last time you have changed your nick name, yes ::)

Clearly you have me mistaken for someone else ::) Normally found between the dusty covers of a book :o

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Pieter on August 05, 2007, 11:34:28 am
Was that a bull, or a 'load of bull'?
I'm sure the latter is more accurate.

Title: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Paddy_NL on August 05, 2007, 12:38:47 pm
I've only been to LM once [...]
Since the last time you have changed your nick name, yes ::)
Clearly you have me mistaken for someone else ::)

As sure as my name is Jack :-\

Title: Re: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: Pieter on August 05, 2007, 07:14:41 pm
This is getting embarrassing guys.

Title: Re: Pieter is a SUPERSTAR
Post by: knetter on August 06, 2007, 10:32:58 am
I've only been to LM once [...]
Since the last time you have changed your nick name, yes ::)
Clearly you have me mistaken for someone else ::)

As sure as my name is Jack :-\

Jack??? The necrofeliac???