Club Arnage

Club Arnage => General Discussion => Topic started by: vqdave on July 31, 2007, 12:03:05 pm

Title: lefties
Post by: vqdave on July 31, 2007, 12:03:05 pm
Anyone out there left handed? Just reading on the bbc web site that the gene that makes you left handed has beendiscovered ( Lots of interesting conclusions are in there including the fact that left handed types may be more prone to schizophrenia amongst other things, all a bit startling really but French Acdemics its says and I quote have also found that:

"And French researchers concluded that being left-handed could be an advantage in hand-to-hand combat."

Ha ha bloody brilliant, so next time the pikeys come rifling through your tent at night be sure to have a left handed mate with you to deal out some punishment.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Bob U on July 31, 2007, 12:11:20 pm

"And French researchers concluded that being left-handed could be an advantage in hand-to-hand combat."

Maybe they should draft some lefties into their army.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Andy Zarse on July 31, 2007, 12:23:07 pm
It's a well known medical fact that most left handed people are gay.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: vqdave on July 31, 2007, 12:46:10 pm
It's a well known medical fact that most left handed people are gay.

i think that is something to do with left handers finding the 'reach around' easier to facilitate.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Robbo on July 31, 2007, 01:14:13 pm
How very rude!!!
All it means is our golf clubs are harder to find!!

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: vqdave on July 31, 2007, 01:16:40 pm
How very rude!!!
All it means is our golf clubs are harder to find!!

if you leave them in your stick bag, which you then leave in say your garage then you will no longer have the trouble finding them....

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: DelBoy on July 31, 2007, 01:27:45 pm
How very rude!!!
All it means is our golf clubs are harder to find!!

I thought it was the balls that were lost - not the clubs   :D :D


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Big G on July 31, 2007, 01:34:31 pm

I thought it was the balls that were lost - not the clubs   :D :D


Them aswell...don't you know they even have special balls that slice in the oposite direction!!  ;D

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: MIKE C (Liverpool Boys) on July 31, 2007, 02:31:55 pm
Don't talk about golf, some little bas---d smashed the back window of my motor last night and robbed mine. I watched them drive off with them in the back of ther car. If i had been 20secs earlier then there may have been a different story.

A very pissed off, Mike C

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on July 31, 2007, 05:41:30 pm
It's a well known medical fact that most left handed people are gay.

It's also a fact that 'lefties' become great leaders and are generally brainier! A skip through history and you'll know.

I was forced to be a lefty because I can't be a righty.  Work it out for yourselves.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: monkey on July 31, 2007, 06:54:53 pm
It's a well known medical fact that most left handed people are gay.

So as someone that is left handed that puts me in the minority I guess.  ;D

And yes we are better at hand to hand combat  ;D

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: nickliv on July 31, 2007, 07:00:11 pm
I was beaten until I could write with my right hand.

My handwriting is appalling.

Go figure

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: monkey on July 31, 2007, 07:08:51 pm
Anyone out there left handed? Just reading on the bbc web site that the gene that makes you left handed has beendiscovered ( Lots of interesting conclusions are in there including the fact that left handed types may be more prone to schizophrenia amongst other things

The voice in my head told me categorically that this is not true.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: amazing 1 on July 31, 2007, 08:01:46 pm

"And French researchers concluded that being left-handed could be an advantage in hand-to-hand combat."

Maybe they should draft some lefties into their army.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: amazing 1 on July 31, 2007, 08:05:17 pm
It's a well known medical fact that most left handed people are gay.

i think that is something to do with left handers finding the 'reach around' easier to facilitate.
Both of these traits could benefit the French Army it seems.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on August 01, 2007, 11:13:03 pm

"And French researchers concluded that being left-handed could be an advantage in hand-to-hand combat."

Maybe they should draft some lefties into their army.

Whats the difference between the french army and a slice of toast?

You can make soldiers out of a slice of toast.........

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on August 01, 2007, 11:16:17 pm
I was beaten until I could write with my right hand.

My handwriting is appalling.

Go figure

I was treated the same.

And in '76 when I had an accident which made me a leftie I was trucked.

Do you reckon I could sue the barstewards?

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 02, 2007, 12:04:12 am
Oi noooooooo.  I'm left handed.

Do I have to lock, delete or moderate this topic?  :P

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Nobby Diesel on August 02, 2007, 12:10:57 am
As I say to the current Mrs Diesel, who is left handed.......

"Left handed = disabled".

End of.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on August 02, 2007, 12:38:10 am
Oi noooooooo.  I'm left handed.

Do I have to lock, delete or moderate this topic?  :P

After Nobby's comment, I'd say lock because it could get a 'bit outa hand'. Being Registered Disabled and an enforced 'leftie'.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: LangTall on August 02, 2007, 09:51:19 am
As I say to the current Mrs Diesel, who is left handed.......

"Left handed = disabled".

End of.

I'm al lefty all the way!

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: mgmark on August 02, 2007, 09:55:20 am
Seems like lots people posting on this thread, oneself included, are left-handed ....maybe that's a clue to the source of the main contributors to the forum....  ;)

MG Mark

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Bob U on August 02, 2007, 10:13:29 am
sh*t, I hope Andy Zarse is wrong, I've shared tents with some of you people :o

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: vqdave on August 02, 2007, 11:02:11 am
looks like the background colour of this forum should be changed from blue to pink judging by the number of self outed lefties on here, i'm off to find a butt plug for protection, i'm a married man you know.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Fran on August 02, 2007, 12:32:53 pm
i'm off to find a butt plug for protection, i'm a married man you know

Dont flatter yerself Dave!!!  8)


P.S.  Another leftie here too by the way - no dungarees & comfortable shoes in my wardrobe tho..... ;)

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: enzo on August 02, 2007, 12:47:43 pm
Hey don't forget us lefties also make some pretty mean guitar players:
Jimmi Hendrix
Tony Iommi
Kurt Cobain
Paul McCartney

not mention who play right handed but are lefty's
Billy Corgan
Chris Rea
Mark Knopfler
David bowie
Noel Gallagher

and Michelangelo who i hear wasn't bad on the aul banjo.  ;)

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on August 02, 2007, 03:58:12 pm
Seems like lots people posting on this thread, oneself included, are left-handed ....maybe that's a clue to the source of the main contributors to the forum....  ;)

MG Mark

I don't know if anyone is forming a register of lefties on the forum, but it seems the majority of contributers are lefties. So I gues that either makes us 'Sad' people or we lefties make up the majority of the brainier interlectual type people within society and we are able to converse openly knowing that we are 'superior'.

Any views on this?


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Nobby Diesel on August 02, 2007, 11:00:01 pm
As I say to the current Mrs Diesel, who is left handed.......

"Left handed = disabled".

End of.

I'm al lefty all the way!


Left handed and soooooo tall.

Double diasbled!


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on August 02, 2007, 11:39:53 pm
As I say to the current Mrs Diesel, who is left handed.......

"Left handed = disabled".

End of.


Are you prepared to let Mrs D have a say? Or is this just a macho thingymagig?

I don't think we ought to bring our 'overalfs' into to the discussion. However mine is a rightie, brianier than me and a lot more visually esthetic than me. But thats beside the point. I live in the real world and she is on the outskirts somewhere.

Lets hear from Mrs. D.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Doris on August 03, 2007, 01:23:41 am

Taller, more prone to Schizophrenia, more intelligent, and gay....

Lefties also have a shorter life expectancy (allegedly).


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: LangTall on August 03, 2007, 09:47:50 am

Taller, yip more prone to Schizophrenia Orly??, more intelligent absolutly, and gay... Nope

Lefties also have a shorter life expectancy (allegedly). Ah well.... I'll live ;)



Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Nobby Diesel on August 03, 2007, 10:15:47 am
As I say to the current Mrs Diesel, who is left handed.......

"Left handed = disabled".

End of.


Are you prepared to let Mrs D have a say? Or is this just a macho thingymagig?

I don't think we ought to bring our 'overalfs' into to the discussion. However mine is a rightie, brianier than me and a lot more visually esthetic than me. But thats beside the point. I live in the real world and she is on the outskirts somewhere.

Lets hear from Mrs. D.

The current Mrs Diesel is certainly all those things too.

There's no way in the world I could get her to contribute to CA! She didn't even believe that the people on here really existed, until she had the pleasure of meeting Bob U and JPC......

She is certainly the more intelligent, wiser and better looking than me. She is still however, a leftie.

Oh well, can't have it all.


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: enzo on August 03, 2007, 11:56:40 am
Maybe we should have a poll to see what percentages of lefties v righties there is regurlarly posting on the forum? As it does appear we have a larger percentage than normal.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 03, 2007, 01:03:16 pm
Maybe we should have a poll to see what percentages of lefties v righties there is regurlarly posting on the forum? As it does appear we have a larger percentage than normal.

I've now added a simple poll.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Catchpole on August 03, 2007, 01:06:33 pm
Mr Brown can you clarify what you mean by MORE and NORMAL, on what basis are you drawing these comparisons from/with.  ???

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Steve Pyro on August 03, 2007, 01:21:42 pm
Mr Brown can you clarify what you mean by MORE and NORMAL, on what basis are you drawing these comparisons from/with.  ???


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on August 06, 2007, 11:42:40 pm
Mr Brown can you clarify what you mean by MORE and NORMAL, on what basis are you drawing these comparisons from/with.  ???


Ce, I no understand. I'm from Barcelona.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: redstu on August 07, 2007, 11:52:21 pm
Must admit I had to guide my son to use his right hand early in his development, had a great worry that he may never write properly! Its just not natural to push a quill!

however how many people write now anyway?

I'm sure that there is  no difference with a keyboard!

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Fran on August 08, 2007, 12:08:15 am
I'm sure that there is  no difference with a keyboard!

Au contraire Pere Du!

Number pad is on the right, return key is on the right, delete key on the right, arrow keys on the right, page up/page down/home/end.... right, right, right, right!   ::)


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Paddy_NL on August 08, 2007, 01:03:57 pm
ah, right!


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: amazing 1 on August 08, 2007, 03:07:13 pm
I'm sure that there is  no difference with a keyboard!

Au contraire Pere Du!

Number pad is on the right, return key is on the right, delete key on the right, arrow keys on the right, page up/page down/home/end.... right, right, right, right!   ::)

What difference does it make anyway?
If they move the keys from right to left,I will still not be able to find them.
If they wanted you to find them,they would start by putting them in order. ::)

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on August 08, 2007, 04:45:43 pm
I'm sure that there is  no difference with a keyboard!

Au contraire Pere Du!

Number pad is on the right, return key is on the right, delete key on the right, arrow keys on the right, page up/page down/home/end.... right, right, right, right!   ::)


I disagree, my computer have the numbers at the top or using function keys in the centre.  And the most important KEYS ARE ON THE LEFT.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: nickliv on August 08, 2007, 05:02:27 pm
I'm sure that there is  no difference with a keyboard!

Au contraire Pere Du!

Number pad is on the right, return key is on the right, delete key on the right, arrow keys on the right, page up/page down/home/end.... right, right, right, right!   ::)


I disagree, my computer have the numbers at the top or using function keys in the centre.  And the most important KEYS ARE ON THE LEFT.

I can see what you've done there, your keyboard is upside down  ;)

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: redstu on August 09, 2007, 08:16:01 am
aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh , I may be a secret leftie,  I was doing some welding last night with my left had as I physically couldn't reach with my right hand, and it was better than when using my right hand.
Think I need a higher ramp!

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: vqdave on August 09, 2007, 10:28:45 am
aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh , I may be a secret leftie,  I was doing some welding last night with my left had as I physically couldn't reach with my right hand, and it was better than when using my right hand.
Think I am rather camp!

Sorry to hear about that 'PINK'stu

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Martini...LB on August 10, 2007, 02:51:51 pm
Ambidextrous is the answer... I can shoot with both hands, rifles and pistols that is, paint, write, smoke, drink, drive left and right hand drive cars, fondle breasts, pinch arses... oops sorry, hammer nails etc.

But what else would you expect...


Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Leftie on August 10, 2007, 10:11:42 pm
A natural 'lefty' should besides writing the normal way be able to almost perfectly write backwards from right to left.

This cant be said of 'righties' and therefore they by comparison must be defficient in some way.

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: nopanic - neil on August 10, 2007, 10:17:09 pm
In days of old, when Knights were bold......

were not left handed people considered close to the devil?

And that is why when you spill salt, you throw salt over your left sholder!

But worries more, is can you get a left handed camera?

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: vqdave on August 11, 2007, 01:01:55 am
In days of old, when Knights were bold......

were not left handed people considered close to the devil?

And that is why when you spill salt, you throw salt over your left sholder!

But worries more, is can you get a left handed camera?

hmm funny you say that, look Mr Martini is extolling the virtues of both hands, and at the time look at his number of posts.....................

Title: Re: lefties
Post by: Nobby Diesel on August 11, 2007, 01:23:20 am
Ambidextrous is the answer... I can shoot with both hands, rifles and pistols that is, paint, write, smoke, drink, drive left and right hand drive cars, fondle breasts, pinch arses... oops sorry, hammer nails etc.

But what else would you expect...



I take back everything I said about being disabled, if you are left handed!

Being ambidextrous is obviously the stuff off fantasy.

Being able to do any or all of those things with both hands is marvelous!

Hats off.